Please Read

This website is an expression of me. I have worked long and hard to create it. I have had alot of problems lately with people taking things from my website. Not only have I had graphics taken but text. Can you believe that TEXT! I think that this is absolutely ridiculous. If people have to "steal" from others to create a website then I belive they shouldn't even make one at all. A website is something original that you create on your own without stealing. If you must have something from someone please ask first. Not only will it make you feel better but in most cases the creator will be greatful that you asked first. I have asked permission to use almost everything on this site. All of my text has been researched, written, and typed by me unless noted otherwise. I would rather not have people steal it. Don't get me wrong please I am a kind person, If someone asks to use parts of my text I will most probably give them my permission. I have had a lot of instances where I have let people who were kind enough to ask use my graphics. When I don't let people use them I offer to make them their own. I hope that I haven't made anyone mad here but I just had to vent. I am really upset with the way most of the internet community is going. I really thought that I wouldn't have this problem but I suppose I was wrong. It is up to us (people with integrity and creativity) to change it.

Click here to go to a more in depth page about copyright laws and a list links to other great sites on the subject.

If your are here to steal or copy things from me please leave. I don't need your visit.
