Faerie Meadow
Poemette by William Butler Yeats

As you already may know I have dedicated my site to the mysterious,
magical faeries. I have searched far and wide to bring people the best,
most accurate information about the little ones. On this page you will
find my faerie art page, the faerie kin page, and the faerie flora page.
If you find anything that is inaccurate or offensive please let me know.

Faerie Art
When I first started my site I didn't want my page to be only faerie art.
I soon found out though, that the faerie art has sucked me in and it has
become one of my largest sections. I love the way people can depict the
fae in so many different ways, and yet all the pictures are so beautiful and
enchanting. I hope to build one of the largest faerie galleries around, so if
anyone one has any art they would like to contribute please feel free to send
it on over. Right now the Faerie Art Gallery contains over 50 faerie
pictures. So please make yourself comfortable and take your time. Most of
the images are copyrigted and are used only with the permission of the artist
so please refrain from copying them. If you find a picture that is not credited
properly please let me know and I will either give the proper credit or take
it down as requested.

Faerie Kin
There are several different types of faeries, each with different looks and
character traits. On my faerie kin page I will try to describe the physical
image and charateristics of the many different faerie kin. I wrote each of
the summaries myself, using several different books as sources. Eventually
I will make this a complete list with extensive descriptions.

Faerie Flora
Most faeries live in sync with nature. They will care for and live in certain
flowers and/or trees. On this page I will give a list of faerie flora and what
they stand for and how a faerie cares for them in nature. Most of of the text
on this page comes from the book "The Book of Faeries: Nature Spirits
From Around the World
" along with other various sources around the web.


This site was created by Bluepixie,
Copyright © 1997, 1998
Established August 16, 1997

The title graphic was created by Bluepixie,
Title faeries come from Fairytale The Movie
Subtitle graphics also created by Bluepixie
Song- "Boadicea" by Enya
Right click the note above to stop the music
Crescendo, the best way to hear music on the Web!

Graphics and text on these pages are copyrighted.
Do not reproduce without permission.