The Faerie Glenn
Poemette by William Butler Yeats

This section of my Realm is here to show you the ways that faeries
are seen through the eyes of others. Or maybe, more accurately, the
ways that faeries have let themselves be seen. On this page you will
find the faerie encounters, faeries in the movies, and faerie poems

Real Faerie Encounters
This page has stories of real faeries encounters! This is probably one the most
unique sections in my Realm. Some of the encounters are unexpected, in some
of them the faeries show themselves to mortals in a way that you will probably
anticipate, yet one thing remains the same... all the people who have experienced
these encounters now believe in the reality of faeries. I have not seen very many
faerie encounters on the web so I had to tear apart the bookstores. Most of the
stories on this page have come from the book "Fairies: Real Encounters with
the Little People

Faeries In The Movies
Faeries have been in the media for as long as I remember. Many talented film-
makers have given us the gift of featuring the elusive faerie in their movies. In
some movies they portray faeries as a grotesque creature, like the goblins of the
labyrinth. In other movies they show the faeries as a delicate creature with
gossamer wings, like in Fern Gully and Legend. I have dedicated this page to
those wonderful films.

Faerie Poetry
A poem can touch the heart in a way that nothing else can. On this page I have
poems that feature faeries and their mysterious ways. You will find works from
people such as Shakespeare and William Butler Yeats, who is my favorite when
it comes to faerie poetry.

Faeries In The Dictionary
There are a lot of people out there who do not have any belief in faeries. They think
that they are just made up beings for children's stories. But faeries have been around
forever, children see because they are not weighed down with adult worries. Faeries
are a part of everyday life wether you believe in them or not. And to show the truth
in that statement you can look up the word faerie in any of our everyday reference books
and you will see them there in black and white. The following page is dedicated to our
dictionary and encyclopedia definitions of the fae.


This site was created by Bluepixie,
Copyright © 1997, 1998
Established August 16, 1997

The title graphic was created by Bluepixie,
Title faeries from Lady Cottington's Pressed
Fairy Book
by Brian Froud and Terry Jones.
Subtitle graphics also created by Bluepixie
Song- "Ebudae" by Enya
Right click the note above to stop the music
Crescendo, the best way to hear music on the Web!

Graphics and text on these pages are copyrighted.
Do not reproduce without permission.