Rules of the SWURPC

{Basic Rules} {Battle Rules} {Commerce Rules} {DAC Rules} {Force Rules} {Movement Rules} {Submissions Rules}

Please keep in mind that this is a game, not a business and not a governmental body. Our goal is to have fun. The following rules are for keeping things within the same universe and preventing people from using god-like techniques to accomplish deeds/events. Our fun is founded upon advice, suggestions, common sense, individual cooperation, group cooperation and consenus. If players cannot have fun with the foundations of this game, then we do not suggest they join us.


If you have taken part in roleplaying games before, you probably know what it means to be "in character" and "out of character" and the differences between the two. If you don't, the concept can be easily summed up as: Players are not characters.

You, the human being that is reading this page, are the Player. The Star Wars identities you will assume in this game are the Characters. The key to being a good Player is knowing the difference between the two and making sure they remain separate. Here are some basic guidelines:

1. Don't let what your Character does in the game effect how you treat or interact with Players outside the game. Don't take anything that happens between characters personally. This works the other way around as well.

2. Try not to express any personal feelings or bias you may have as a Player through your Characters. If you want to model your Characters after yourself, that's fine. Just make sure you recognize the fact that your Character is a completely different persona.

3. Information you might have outside the game cannot be used inside the game. If you have access to another group's pages/plans/strategies, for example, your Character can't use any info you get from their discussion unless he or she's done something inside the game to get a hold of that information. That would be considered God-moding and therefore bring that Character in danger of being asked to leave the game.

Power Levels

Power levels are not extremely important, although coming into the game and owning a number of major businesses or controlling large fleets is a major no-no. If a character has a reasonable storyline to explain how that character came to own those businesses or command those fleets, then upon approval by the Game Masters they would be incorporated into the game.


Absolutely no God-moding. This term is used for people who try to create unstandardized circumstances that go against the rules of the game.

For example, Character A throws a TD (thermal detonator) into the room of a building and the whole building explodes. Then, Character A, the soul survivor, runs out of the remains of the building and into the alley. If the building explodes, all characters including the dope that threw the TD, would die.

Also, the Force does not make one a god.

For example, a Jedi standing on Coruscant cannot see, hear, or talk to someone on Dathomir.


We'd like to have events and situations have some continuity. The Game Masters understand that those within the SWURPC roleplay in other places (such as chatrooms setup as areas of real-time Role Play--such as the Yahoo! rooms created for this group)as well as private e-mailing between Characters. The use of these can very well bring a character's storyline to a new place within the overall storyline or change it completely. All that we ask is for those who are doing such, present a summary to the SWURPC onelist of all the events that occurred in play elsewhere on the Net if they are events that effect other organizations within the group.

For example, the New Empire submits summaries that impact the Republic. This is because the only interaction between those two groups occur on the main onelist.

If summaries are not posted to the whole group, then those events are not considered part of the SWURPC continuity and therefore invalid.


The major sources are the Star Wars Trilogy movies. This is because most everyone has seen the movies and it will be easier for others to know what exactly is being played out as they have seen it or something similar to it previously in the movies. If other players have sourcebooks out there to prove a certain point in the play, that is fine, however we ask that they privately let the Game Masters know what source they are getting it from. Name of the sourcebook, section and page--if one can provide it--would be greatly appreciated.


**IMPORTANT** You MUST be subscribed to the SWURPC onelist to be considered a member of the SWURPC. Those interested in joining can contact the Game Masters for more information.

Also, offshoot lists (i.e.,, etc.) may not allow non-members to join their lists unless they wish to break off from the SWURPC entirely.


"Termination with extreme prejudice."

This phrase means, if someone is not following the rules, advice, and warnings to promote a pleasant gaming atmosphere for all concerned, they will be removed from the onelist and therefore from the SWURPC. Each e-mail address will be given three opportunities to become positive contributors to the SWURPC. After the Game Masters sent that e-mail address a strike three times, without the player at that e-mail address learning to fit in, the e-mail address will be unsubscribed from the list.

Instances such as godmoding, trying to apply rules of other SIMs onto the SWURPC, rampant OOC posting to the main onelist, undue harassment to a player in an OOC manner, and constant negative feedback will result in termination from the SWURPC.

Problem Solving

All OOC e-mails requesting information, accusing another person or group of unfair advantage, expressing the need for help, giving input on our current rules, etc. should go directly to the Game Masters and the persons the e-mails are directed to.

There is a specific list for OOC comments, information sharing related to the game, and seeking or giving advice to better the SWURPC. That list is the list. If you are found not using this list, but the main list, for this activity, you will be given a strike toward your termination as there is a list provided to do this that won't interfere with the posting for the game.


To maintain the Independence of the SWURPC--to allow the SWURPC to stand on its own--we ask that each Player's pages reflect this. In other words, please do not have other SIM groups linked to your SWURPC pages.

Disclaimer: The Game Masters reserve the right to present to any of the players whether a play may be considered illegal by the game's standards. In that event, the Game Masters will bring this to the player's attention privately with suggestions on how to make the play a legal one.

  • Sansweet, Steven, Star Wars Encyclopedia, The Ballantine Publishing Group, New York, July 1998.
  • Wallace, Daniel, Star Wars The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, The Ballantine Publishing Group, New York, August 1998.
  • Smith, Bill, Star Wars The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, Ballantine Books, New York, March 1996.
  • Smith, Bill, Star Wars The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, The Ballantine Publishing Group, New York, November 1997.
  • Mangels, Andy, Star Wars The Essential Guide to Characters, Ballantine Books, New York, November 1995.

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