Extensive and Exhaustively Researched
of Completely, Totally, and Utterly
Useless Facts
Your Chances of Dying

Odds of being killed by a dog: 1 in 700,000

Odds of dying while in the bath tub: 1 in 1,000,000

Odds of being killed by space debris: 1 in 5 billion

Odds of being killed by poisoning: 1 in 86,000

Odds of being killed by freezing: 1 in 3 million

Odds of being killed by lightening: 1 in 2 million

Odds of being killed in a car crash: 1 in 5,000

Odds of being killed in a tornado: 1 in 2 million

Odds of being killed by falling out of bed: 1 in 2 million

Odds of being killed in a plane crash: 1 in 25 million

-13 people each year are killed by Vending Machine's falling on them. (If you can read this, kindly ignore it.>)>

The odds of being in a plane crash are about 700,000 to 1.

12 Facts

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