The Day of The LORD revealed

"Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." Ex.20:8

Most people today are aware that God indeed does have a day that He wants to be kept holy. But they will tell you that day is Sunday. That is what they've being taught for generations. So when light comes to them concerning the Sabbath truth, it is hard to shake them out of their routine. What would it take to convince them that The Almighty's special day is the Seventh Day of the week and not the first? This article will address this and many more issues surrounding the Sabbath of the Lord.
There are arguments that could be raised here...but you have all the evidence already, but let review:

·	God rested on the seventh-day (Gen 2:1-3) 
·	He showed through example what day was the seventh (Exodus 16) 
·	He made it the heart of the Decalogue (Exodus 20:8-11) 
·	He means it to be a memorial of Creation (Ezekiel 20:12,20) 
·	It is to be observed properly (Isaiah 58:12-14) 
·	It will be kept in heaven (Isaiah 66:23) 
·	Jesus clears up the misconceptions about the Sabbath (Mark 2:27,28) 
·	It was still kept by the early Judeo-Christians (Acts 17:2) 
·	It is the central theme of the great controversy (Hebrews 4:1-12) 
·	The final canticle of Scripture was revealed on that day (Rev.1: 9,10)

Pride versus Principle

To truly understand the issues connected with the observance of the Sabbath, we must understand that most people, who’ve been told about the Sabbath argue that they've being keeping Sunday for years, that it is the seventh day, that only the Jews are to keep Saturday, that it was nailed to the cross. No matter how many times these claims were met and refuted, a new wrinkle would be added...yet what is the central reason why the masses do not honor the Sabbath of the Lord.
It is a matter of pride versus not their pride. It goes back to the prince of darkness himself. His pride prevented him from heaven, it is that pride that has created a counterfeit day to the true Sabbath...which has been kept continuously since creation, and for every genuine Satan has a false. So intense is his rivalry against the Father, so deep his hatred for Jesus. Now it is us who've been caught in the middle...forced to choose Christ and the true Sabbath, or misguidedly accept a spurious Sabbath. Those who've "turned away" from Sunday are taking a stand...their principles intact; they’ve decided to honor the Lord of the Sabbath.
Yet those who are now keeping Sunday are not in danger at present, when the time comes for them to choose between Christ and Lucifer, it is then that they will have to choose the mark of the beast or the seal of God. Jesus tells us to rest, to observe the true Sabbath, and to follow Him will you answer him?


But those who are now keeping the true Sabbath aren't entirely safe, for the command to worship on Sunday (Rev.13: 11-18) also requires those who keep Sabbath to violate their conscience and keep this false day. They will be the targets of international persecution, for they will be the scapegoats-backlash for the plagues that occur immediately before the law. But the Word of God says that they will be shielded, for they are followers of Christ.
What will you do when faced with the decision to give up all you have or receive the mark and Scripture doesn’t sanction worship on a day you know?

There Remained A Rest

From its inception to the present, the Sabbath has been the primary element the Lord used to test the faithfulness of His people...but why is that? The answer is simple. God knows that we'd gladly do some great thing for Him...climb Mt.Everest for instance. We were fashioned to attempt great things. Remember the story of Naaman (2Kings 5:1-14). Plagued with leprosy, he went to the Prophet Elisha for healing. But Elisha didn't even meet with him. He simply gave him instructions to be washed seven times in the Jordan. Well...Old Naaman was furious.” That muddy Jordan...aren't there much better rivers in all of Syria?" Thank God for wise counsel. His chief advisor told him," if the prophet had told you to do some great thing wouldn't you have done it?"(v.13). He agreed and his faith cured him from the leprosy. Note that he was told to be washed seven times. In Scripture seven denotes completion. But back to the issue at hand. Imagine it. God has given us a small thing to do...come up and worship Him on the seventh day...the truth of the matter is that it takes much faith to believe that God holds one day over the others...that He holds a day at all...but Scripture says He does.

My Holy Day

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which head made. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. (Genesis 2:1-3)

These verses alone should convince everyone on Earth to keep the Sabbath holy. If everyone were keeping Sabbath, there would be no atheists. Yet sadly few people understand the nature of the Sabbath. Naturally it is a weekly reminder of who God is (Ezekiel 20:20). Satan knows that if the true nature of the Sabbath were exposed, many now serving him would shift their alliance to Christ.

The Sabbath day is not ours to do with as we please, but it is the sole property of Almighty God. For it was the day that would stand as a perpetual reminder of His character, the love that drove Him to create us humans. Satan has a special hatred for the Sabbath. Throughout its six thousand years, it has come under attack by him countless times. First with the Jews, he caused them to pollute it a number of times. In fact the Babylonian exile was a direct punishment of for their refusal to rest, and give the land rest. Each Sabbath they could be found,” carrying a burden" in violation of the mandate in the law not to do any work.

And today the assault continues with so called Christians who'd rather follow the dictates and traditions of man (Matt 15:7-9), than obey the Law. Strange how it is that we'd slow down when we see a police car approaching...just to be in the speed limit, but when Friday evening comes we are still engaging in our daily lives.

Sunday Laws and Order

Unlike the Sunday blue laws of emperor Constantine...those in the American colonies (some still on the books), and those as part of the European Union, the Sabbath rest law isn't forced on anyone. It is freely given to those who accept Christ as Savior, love Him and keep His law (Rev.22: 14). The Bible says that to him that knows how to do good and doesn't do him it is sin. (James 4:17). How many of you aren't observing the Sabbath because you prefer your job, how many of you are in direct violation of Isaiah 58:13,14?

When the Sunday laws will not have the ease of is either comply or die! Even now, the New World Order is set up so that those who don't comply with the Sunday blue laws, will be in danger of loosing their homes, jobs, properties...etc. Every person, Revelation 13,says, on Earth; must decide on which side they'll stand.

Those who receive the mark of the beast, know that they're sinning against God, but some distant retribution is mired in the here and now...and conscience being given over to self-preservation they will honor the god mammon over the God of heaven.

Eternal Rest For six thousand years Earth has been decimated by evil, sin has polluted the very air we breathe. But in the seventh millennium, the land will have rest. And for those thousand years the lost heritage of the Sabbath will be restored, and from one Sabbath to another we all will come up to worship Almighty God. I pray for the day when Jesus comes...Come ye apart and REST


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From Gold To Dust

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