HUMOR Digest - 12 Jan 1997 to 13 Jan 1997

Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 02:52:50 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Snow Skiing (2 of 2)

It's winter ! Time to go skiing !
         Part 2 of 2

Tendency of a skier's body to resist changes in direction or speed due to the action of Newton's First Law of Motion. Goes along with these other physical laws:
     1) Two objects of different mass falling side by side will have the same rate
         of descent, but the lighter one will have larger hospital and home care bills.
     2) Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but if it drops out of a parka
         pocket, don't expect to encounter it again in our universe.
     3) When an irresistible force meets an immovable object (see "Tree")

Maneuver in which an expert skier makes a controlled jump just ahead of a bump. Beginners can execute a controlled pre-fall just before losing their balance and, if they wish, may precede it with either a pre-scream and a few pre-groans or simple profanity.

The bruised area on the front of the leg that runs from the point where the ache from the wrenched knee ends to where the soreness from the strained ankle begins.

A shout to alert people ahead that a loose ski is coming down the hill. Another warning skiers should be familiar with is "Avalanche!" (which tells everyone that a hill is coming down the hill).

One who pays an arm and a leg for the opportunity to break them.

Your knees should be flexed, but shaking slightly; your arms straight and covered with a good layer of goose flesh; your hands forward, palms clammy, knuckles white and fingers icy, your eyes a little crossed and darting in all directions. Your lips should be quivering, and you should be mumbling, "Am I nuts or what?"

The Scandinavian god of acheth and painth.

To ski across a slope at an angle; one of two quick and simple methods of reducing speed.

Alternate method of either Traverse or Stopping.

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