HUMOR Digest - 13 Apr 1997 to 14 Apr 1997

Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 02:11:29 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: The Dating Game

A friend of mine told me he had signed up with one of these on-line dating services. I asked him the other day if he had had any luck and he said he'd quit -- seems they'd matched him up with his wife.

After a totally frantic and hot loving making session, the guy catches his breath and sez "I'm sorry. If I would have known you were a virgin, I would have taken a lot more time."

The girl smiles and sez, "Well, to be honest, if I would have only known you had more time, I would have taken off my pantyhose."

Dating is generally defined as that period of time during which a girl decides if she can do any better or not.

Had a date one time with this Yuppette from Columbia Maryland who insisted that we attend the ballet. After we were seated for 5-10 minutes, she said "There, now, that's not so bad, is it ?"

I looked over at her and said, "Well no, not yet, but most of the time, I can never tell which side is winning."

Sometimes this dating game just ain't worth all the trouble. I mean, it's so damn many people ya gotta please. Like this one girl, she liked me, her Mother liked me, but her Father didn't.

Then there was this other girl, both her Mother and Father liked me, but she didn't.

And the most recent one, she loved me, her Parents liked me, but her husband couldn't stand me.

Girl in the Office the other day sez there's basically only two things wrong with the available men of today. Either they're so damn "slow" developing any kind of relationship at all that she wants to scream; or, they're so damn "fast", she has to !!!

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