HUMOR Digest - 30 Apr 1998 to 1 May 1998

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 02:59:44 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: The WorkPlace

I have a question for all those work-aholics reading this.

If work is so great, how come they have to pay us to do it.

Before I retired the Maryland State Highway, I held a really responsible position in the Office of Maintenance. Basically, anything that went wrong, they said I was responsible for it.

Speaking of retiring (I was) after I left, the Administrator was asked when they were going to fill my vacancy. All he said was, "Mr. Moore didn't leave any."

I do have some advice for those youngsters just starting out in the workplace. When you apply for a job, just remember, they're looking for educated 20 year olds with 30 years of experience.

And after you get that job, remember: if you work faithfully for 8 hours a day and complete your assignments accurately & on time, some day you'll become a manager and work 16 hours a day.

You can always tell a really good Office Manager.

He's got that worried look on his assistant's face.

Have y'all seen these "cubicles" most offices use these days ?

Some of them are so small, the chairs can only swivel up and down.

Always remember -- the only man who ever got all his work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe.

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