HUMOR Digest - 24 Mar 1999 to 25 Mar 1999

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:05:01 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: The Medical Whirl

The patient shook his head gingerly as he slowly regained consciousness. "Well Doc..." he asked, "tell me was the operation a success ?"

"Sorry son." was the reply. "I'm afraid I'm not your doctor, I'm Saint Peter."

An old farmer, really tight with a dollar, stopped in to visit his doctor for the first time in many years. The doctor said, "It's a good thing you came in Abner, I've been wanting to see you."

"Why ???" asked the farmer. "Are you broke ???"

An aging Yuppette was overly concerned about her health and was always rushing to the doctor whenever she heard of a new disease. She was trying to convince the doctor that she had an incurable malady she'd just read about.

"My dear Lady." remarked the doctor. "In the first place if you did have Sericulturitis, you'd never know it. There is no pain or suffering, nor any symptoms whatever."

"Just as I feared." said the Yuppette triumphantly. "Those are my symptoms precisely !"

The Chief of Staff remarked to the Director of Nursing that there seemed to be an awful lot of expectant Nurses in their hospital. As they were walking down the hall, he was becoming concerned about a possible staff shortage and inquired of the Director when each pregnant Nurse they passed was due.

Each time the Director would respond, "Some time in late September."

Coming upon the 5th expectant Nurse, he asked yet again. The Director responded, "I have no idea Sir. Norma Jeanne wasn't at the Christmas Party."

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