****Update in My Life****(9/14/02)

Summer is passing by quickly. Looking back the last few months, Kenji went to Hawaii (boy scout), Ireland, two backpack trips to the Sierra (including the encounter with the bear in the middle of the night in Yosemite), another boy scout trip to Catalina, and a week with Larry's family in Mammoth. Now, he is back to the school for his 8th grade. In December, he will take a SSAT test to apply for the boarding school.

After the trip to Spain and meeting my old friends in Bilbao, I am now involved in the start-up company as a COO, spending a majority of my time. After the time in the mountain like a hermit (so I would call now) for three years, this is quite a change. While I am not so close to the sound of bird nor notice the subtle changing color of the mountain, I simply work with the people in this company to offer the service. Although there are many hurdles yet to be overcome, I find positive signs. As I noticed before, the major hurdles for progress is found in our mind itself.

In the last few months, I was interviewed by few radios for the book, Results from the Heart. Wisdom radio was the most recent one after E*trade. On the topic of the Heart, I am still uncertain if most of us may realize the connection between spirituality and business (if not everything else). There are abundant examples of how IT is revealed, yet we are often forgetful or unaware of what is there/ who we are. The sense of core of our being (that I realized in the mountain) stays with me while I work at this small firm ・at least for now ・so far as me not lost in the rat race.

Our cats and rabbits are doing fine. Although some plants suffered the heat recently, the watering system I put seems to be functioning well. Oblivious to the ups and downs of the human world, plans and animals teach me the lesson.

Fall is around the corner. Wishing all the best!


****Update in My Life****(5/17/02)

What is interesting is to see and experience the dynamics of life. Good, bad, emotional ups and downs, they add various tastes in life. When I am with the heart (what else can I say?), the scenery/experience is but amazing. Occasional sounds of wind chime and songs of birds brings me to that state instantly. Also, the words of Daisetz or Picasso brings the spark to cause the resonating wave pass through my mind and body. It is the sense of deep awareness to realize that all of my body cells (and everything else) are at the cutting edge of creation to express who they are. Immersed in such a state yet thrown off the course on occasion, I feel as if I am a skipper of a sailing boat in my life's journey to find the course in the conflicts of dualism. Since there are so many dimensions to look at life, finding the course in the varieties of dualistic viewpoints creates endless unfolding of scenery.

There are shipwrecks and various degrees of damages caused by the submerged rocks. Weather change is quite common, and few crossing ships may even shoot canon balls here and there. Yet, cruising through the life's ocean is what we are meant to do. When there is a calm weather, perhaps with red clouds spreading over the western sky, it may tell us in silence the reason why we are sailing on this ocean of life. When distilled to the core, there is nothing to be found if we use our searching mind. Yet, when our mind wakes up from the dream to yet another dream, our life may be seen as an expression of compassion and wisdom.

Well, such is a sense to reflect on from one angle. From another angle, few recent events that come up in my mind are:

  1. Trip to the East Coast for Kenji's interview for boarding schools: We are happily confirmed that the idea for Kenji to go to the boarding school is a good one.
  2. Few business trips to my Midwest client: It is interesting that I start to spend time to talk on the subject of "heart." Business wise, they are gaining momentum with good results popping up here and there.
  3. Preparation to the trip to Spain: A note on "The heart of management" is written for the seminar. Because of the nature of the topic, presentation format remains an issue.
  4. With no advertising, "Results from the Heart," seems to be selling little by little. Receiving a few comments to 3), and going through more contemplation, I may start to work on clarifying this idea of "Heart," possibly into a book form. (Obviously, congruency in what I write, and how I live is a test of its own.)
  5. Our rabbit had a baby, Hola, a black flap-eared one. She is happily running around the kitchen floor these days. Unfortunately, two other babies could not survive. We buried them in the ground next to the mom's cage.

Summer is almost here. Wishing the best!

****Update in My Life****(3/8/02)

Recently, I received two e-mails informing me of death of my Zen "friends." American Zen priest, Martin Hughes, a.k.a. Edgarhell, who lived in Japan passed away in January in his 40s by the disease he got in Philippines. My long time teacher and close friend of Zen, Human Brain Computer (HBC) model, and mechanism of insight, Mr. Masakazu Nakayama, also passed away in his late 80s. FYI, here is the excerpt of my post about Edgar at the Universe of Zen (#3903);

"Death of a Monk
Birds sing and squirrels run
This quiet morning

・He was quite vocal on the net or over the phone, but when we met, I recall he had the quiet atmosphere around him. On one occasion when we talked, I recall his answer to my question, "What would Buddha say in such an occasion?" He told me "Be nice." might be his answer. I do not recall what occasion that was. But, his answer stayed with me for a long time. ・He was often on the Japanese national TV, and was about to write a book on his life. Without finishing it, few things left with me are his essay and our correspondence ・What I remember about his temple is the constant stream running next to it. The temple was a small one at the hillside, overlooking the Osaka bay. It had a nice garden he maintained to the minute detail. I still remember the occasional sound of crows at his garden, and I am sure these sounds are still there."

While the encounter with Edgar had left me a long-lasting impression, I also have a fond memory of the time I spent with Mr. Nakayama. I recall him never stopping to inquire the mechanism of insight/enlightenment. We had endless discussion on this topic and Zen. He wrote many books, with my favorite one being on Dogen (Dogen san no Anraku seppo, not available in English), which I read countless times. Although his model of consciousness, using the imaginary and real number with vector composition to describe insight process was not widely received, his approach was always intriguing and refreshing to me. One of his remarks he made toward the end of his life was, "I understood that I cannot understand." In any case, as if a misty rain eventually penetrates through the cloth, I feel I acquired something very important from this humble scientist. After all, life is insight and insight is life, is it not?

Having lost these two people, I feel even more strongly about working on my "white" book, and perhaps another book on business and spirituality. We were born on this planet by some mysterious causes and having inherited everything from those, who lived before us. If so, to make their teaching alive and contribute what we can to help the people of the future generation is our obligation - whatever the subject we may engage ourselves in. It is also a "wholesome act" of benefiting us and others at the same time. (H-max.) Although our life may be seen like a bubble or ripple of ocean, something very fundamental and undeniable makes us to live our life as it is meant. So, listen to the heart and live with the mission. Let the light of wisdom and compassion shine!

As for my recent activity, I went to Zew Zealand for the fifth consecutive year for fly fishing and camping. My reflection of the trip is posted on my home page. During this trip, I caught as many as 11 large trout with the average of 4 fish a day, ranging from 3 to 6-7 pounds. These are my records. I met few people again and had a pleasant time including the author of many fishing books, Les Hills, as well as Dave, and Ian. Dave shot the eel with his 22 caliber and smoked it for us as appetizer. Ian took me to pan the gold in the gorge. Also, I met Kevin in the remote mountain who spends time in fishing out of his old motor home. Being retired, he stays in a hidden valley during the summer months while his wife visits there occasionally. He said catching fish is a bonus being in such a beautiful nature. I feel living life like that may be a bonus, too.

As for the news of my family, my son turned into a teenager in January. He is interested in going to a boarding school next fall. So, we are preparing to fly out to the East coast in early April for interviews. Speaking of interview, I had one radio interview on "Results from the heart." The book seems to be out in major bookstores. There are few more radio interviews coming up. Another news is that on March 20, we finally sold the house we have been leasing out for few years. We lived in this house for 13-14 years up until 1999. Good memories, but the life goes on. One thing I am glad is that I need not to take care of miscellaneous claims of the tenant any more. I hear that the new owner will tear down this house to build a new one. In Japan, my brother is rebuilding a house, also tearing down the house we were born and raised. So, many changes・ Yet, if I pause a moment, I see the river running and birds singing in eternity in my quiet mind.

Take care!

****Update in My Life**** (12/28/01)
I attended the Vipassana meditation 10-day retreat from Nov. 28 to Dec. 9. The summary of my experience and leaning is posted in the file Attending Vipassana Meditation (2) on this home page. In the nutshell: "Sensing mind and body being one and staying in equanimity, there is ultimately nothing to be known, or to be sought after. Yet, there is total awareness of harmony and peace as it is." While such statement may sound obscure, I find it is about understanding and living with the principle way (of nature). Touching the source of wisdom and compassion should be even tied with good management principles.

Few days ago, I received my book, Results from the Heart, from the publisher. It looks great on appearance, and with foreword from Dalai Lama and endorsements by many. It will be on the bookshelf soon. In this book, I tried to convey the point of "Use the brain, listen to the heart, and live with the mission." However, the boundary between heart and brain may be seen as still hard to crack. My challenge was to deliver the message with the idea of mini-company, and with pragmatic principle way of running business. Hope the meaning of mini-company is conveyed and this idea brings the benefit to many.

In this holiday season, we are resting well at home. Kenji is happy with his new computer. He reads, plays tennis, roller blade, etc. We had a few guests but it has been very quiet and peaceful. Barbara was busy in cooking and decorating the house. After a little rest, I am to work on the white book again. Our cats, rabbit, and guinea pig are all doing fine. By the way, Kenji caught a baby snake at the school, and he is also doing fine in his container. We thought he might be a rattlesnake. But, at about 4 inches long now, he does not have a rattler. So, we think he may be a gofer snake.

Reflecting the events of this year, I feel the importance of peace and happiness. I also appreciate peace and happiness when we have it. Prosperity may be more of a function of our mind. To fully utilize we have and do things good for us and for others without delusion and not caught up by our reactionary mind, we can move forward, following the truthful way. Also, whether we feel happy or unhappy, let us be equanimous. Let us find the wisdom and compassion to do the wholesome act.

Have a good day, good life, step at a time! May all beings be happy!!!

****Update in My Life**** (10/17/01)
The green book, "Results from the Heart" is in good hands at the Free Press to be published around Feb. 5th. I received 15 or so endorsement including the foreword from the Dalai Lama, along with CEOs from Toyota, BCG, and various companies. Stephen Covey (7 Habits..), Zen priest (Edgar Hell), Taoist master also contributed. Unfortunately, CEO of Philips, GE's Welch, Senge, Goleman, Buffett, and Chopra did not. It was interesting to receive Welch's response with his signature on it in stunning 8 minute after I sent my e-mail. Here are his words: I'm sorry I've turned down many friends and have never done one. It would just be impossible. Good Luck with your book. Jack Welch Well, he is still a neutron Jack! Also, I am not his friend, just to point out. So, the next phase for this book is in marketing. The mix of spirituality and business addressed in this book makes an interesting challenge. Just yesterday, I wrote a note explaining my work to the conference organizer of "Spirit in Business" to be held in April, 2002 in New York. I will see if they may be interested in my presentation - along with Dalai Lama, Senge, Goenka, Goleman, et. al. that are planned to be there.

Just last weekend, we had the 20th(!) Reunion of the class of '81 of Stanford Business School. This is another attendance since previous 5, 10, and 15th reunions. Many came, perhaps 50-60% of the class, and we had a wonderful time. Few have retired, others are still quite busy and in the middle of various business ventures. Ballmer (Microsoft) did not show up along with others from especially overseas due to business or terrorist concern. I felt that the quality of our conversation has changed in this reunion compared to the previous ones. Some seem to be still moving forward in business venture but many seem to be more settled due to their established position and perhaps maturity. There were several comments exchanged in the conversation that were quite Zen-like. In seemingly childlike comment, and in the quiet expression in their eyes, I sensed spirituality, and this point I felt very interesting. Perhaps, mastery of any field accompanies with certain personal characteristics, which is common to all masters. While I could not meet all who attended this event, the energy in the room with the sense of wisdom and compassion was something I will remember. Good luck, hope to see you on the 25th reunion!

My son, Kenji's summer was not like any other summers due to his braking leg incident in Ireland. What is funny is that even though many adults showed him the upset feeling, he maintained the good composure, i.e., undisturbed. Throughout the summer, he read a lot and we traveled at the end of August to my friend's condo in Mammoth where my Stanford classmate, Yves and his four boys also joined from France. They also stayed at our home for a while in his one-month trip in California. After our Irish painter - not art but house painter, John Webster, and his wife visited us in April for a few weeks, Yves' visit was quite refreshing and enjoyable. Flying the plastic airplane with Mark in the house and throwing grapes to the open mouth of kids were few highlights I remember. While Kenji and I may be too goofy in the way we spend our time, i.e., oblivious to many constraints, I very much appreciate the hospitality of Larry and Kristine at Mammoth. Also, I was very much pleased to find Christopher and Kenji getting along quite well.

Now, the school is in session and Barbara is on top of Kenji's work - more or less. The goofiness has a good side and bad side - depending on how we look at it. One thing that surprised Barbara and me is that Kenji is showing a more serious attitude toward his study these days - much different than before! Perhaps tied to the cast leg, Kenji may have learned what "patience" is. He still hums and sings often as he study as if life is just a game, but I feel he is more seriously thinking about the future options for his high school. He may even be interested in the study itself. He wants to go to Cate, a boarding school, like mini-Stanford in appearance located in Santa Barbara. Because of his outgoing and independent nature, we think boarding school may be a good fit for him. However, his grades are not so good. So, he has to work a bit harder. He knows this. Some class he enjoys more than others. Just few days ago, we noticed that he boycotted to turn in the Spanish homework - although he finished the work - because he does not like the way this teacher is teaching. In a way, I support him to have an attitude of not consuming his life for just getting good grades. Yet, he may have to figure out if this attitude will limit his future potential in getting to a "good" school. We will see. Perhaps, he is teaching me a good lesson・

Currently, my consulting work is not a major burden. I spend 90% or more of my time in writing/meditating the white book. The task is not easy. Yet, every hurdle I clear is a necessary step for me and hopefully for others to benefit from. Often, this work appears as an endless task. And, perhaps, it is meant to be so. After all, the subject is life. More I realize what it is, I am more fascinated in this magical existence called life itself! So, feel it, directly experience it, and express what we can - from the heart. Now, I hear the crow outside ・hen the wind chime. Amazing, is it not as it is?

****Update in My Life**** (7/21/01)

So, I feel that vial of blood went into the green book, "Results from the Heart." Simple, but difficult job, it was. The draft copy of the book will be sent to about 24 people, including Dalai Lama and many CEOs of various companies for endorsing comment. I wonder how many will actually send any comment back. In any case, my next major challenge is on the white book.

In the mean time, Kenji broke his leg in Ireland while playing at Brittus beach. Until then he had a marvelous time there and ready to go to a boarding school for the summer program for six weeks. Now, just returned home from Ireland with Barbara, he is laying down all the time and reading many books. While I understood he was disappointed that he could not attend the summer program in New Hampshire, he seems to be a well-mannered calm relaxed boy with one big cast on his right leg

This summer, I stayed at home while Barbara and Kenji went to Ireland. Until they returned, I was here one month by myself, feeding cats, rabbit, and guinea pig, watering plants, and doing the supermarket shopping. Book writing was a main task while I negotiated to sell the other house we own for rental property but it did not go well. The situation is still pending. I meditate about 1.5 hours everyday. 30 min. in the morning and 30 min. in the evening and few short ones here and there.

My work on the white book is going slowly. I read Eckhart, Chopra(seven spiritual laws), Kornfield (after ecstacy..) and Shunryu Suzuki. Other than referring to Daisetz and others I read before, I have not read new books until these ones. But, they gave me few good reference points to check and balance in what I am writing about. As much as the white book is a book that reflects my evolutionary path in many ways and it is about the nature's way, I cannot force it too much. I just go back and forth between books, and my life's experiences as I continue to write and clarify the message.

Many things happen in life. However, I feel that the center within myself is always very calm. The wind chime and bird's song, trees, leaves, rabbit, cats, etc. - they all sing the song of the universe. At work, man may do the same to express what we have. Simply having a connection to the heart, and keeping that as the center of our life, our energy is channeled smoothly. So, let us have that balance. Not to do too much or too little. As I said in the green book, "Use the brain, listen to the heart, and live with the mission!"

****Update in My Life**** (5/28/01)

The editing of my Green Book is finally on its way. The publisher wants to change the color of the jacket from green to something else as well as the title of the book. It will be a 5'' x 8'' size book, about 200 pages. It has taken a long time to get to this point. But, I appreciate the first editing done by Bob. In a way, the book is about bringing spirituality into business. The task is not an easy one. Yet, I know that when this book is out, there are those readers (i.e., more than one I hope・ who identify themselves with the message coming out of this book. Reflecting back, my red and blue books were much easier than this one in terms of writing and editing. Now, I am not sure how long my white book will take before it finally sees the sun - if it does. But, I am working on it, little by little - like a tree growing upward.

Recently, I found a book called Mindfulness in Plain English. This is available on the net and I plan to post on this home page the excerpts of the book with my notes, and the URL to find this book. This book gives a very concise description of vipassana (insight) meditation, what and how. Easy to read even for beginners but the contents are deep and profound. Highly recommended. Having gotten firm sense out of this book as if I got more fertilizer, I feel my study/practice of Zen, Buddhism, and Meditation are "self-organizing" inside of me. In other words, LIFE is living there. Just reflecting here briefly, my journey was long and winding. Born in Japan, interested in many things in life, and worked in various parts of the world, I am here to "clarify" what it was all about "internally" and respond to "So what?" What it distills into is a very core process of life - or life itself for that matter.

On the travel front, we went to Tahiti in April and snorkeled around. While I felt foods there very expensive, I liked the smell of flowers, trade wind, and occasional showers. Simple life on a tropical island does not require much philosophical thinking, or heavy burden to hold it in our brain. At least, such was my impression. We enjoyed fishing, swimming, and paddling the boat. Kenji liked his first try of scuba diving. While Barbara had a reason for this trip, I felt somewhat indifferent. (I think that was something to do with our anniversary. Well・ Somehow, I feel there is a lot to find in watching the ants, listening to birds, or seeing flowers and trees right here at home. Hakuin said, "Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek far away." Conducting the simple life and finding enrichment/miracles in what is there, I think such is the sense often forgotten if we are not "mindful".

Having read thus far, I now recall the phrase Kenji came up and used in few occasions. He calls me as "Rich Bum". Funny, I now remember Picasso said something similar about himself. He said, "What I want is to be able to live like a poor man with plenty of money." I do not know the circumstance he uttered these words. Was it about freedom, or some may call it arrogance? Well, he also said something about freedom, "Freedom is something you have to be careful about. Whatever you do you find yourself in chains. The freedom not do something means you are absolutely bound to do something else. And there are your chains." Picasso has so much Zen in him that comes out of his pores so naturally.

I enjoy this book, "Picasso in his words". I feel nothing but LIFE jumping around without any compromise or hesitation. Many called him as arrogant and, his behavior often criticized. Still, I sense there is but so much human and bursting of the life energy in him that attracts me - or should I say, I can identify with? So, Kenji, when or if you have a chance to read this memo sometime, and perhaps find this book of Picasso somewhere, I hope you find this father's note at least amusing. And, by the way, I am planning to drive my 13 year old Honda Accord ('87 model) even with stereo that is stolen when I was out fishing several years ago. And, Kenji, I will say to you (maybe you have already heard this coming out of my pores), whatever name people may call on you, it is YOUR life and IT'S ground that is what matters.

****Update in My Life**** (3/1/01)

Back from New Zealand and a small trip to Las Vegas and Zion National Park with Kenji. I posted a trip report of Fly fishing in New Zeal on this home page. Like breathing fresh air full in my lung, I almost feel like I became transparent, dusting off the unnecessary luggage that I accumulated in life and carried along. The small trip with my son was fun and educational one (for me and for him, hopefully). As Barbara went to Ireland/U.K., my son and I did all goofing off together without the formidable "Boss" in sight.

In this trip with my son, I remember playing his simulation game called Ceaser III for many hours at the hotel. It is an simulation of how one may build a city, integrating various factors like tax, trade, food production, entertainment, healthcare, military action, dwelling of people, etc., etc. I found that this game requires a general management skill and intuitive sense to prepare or deal with various problems while building the city. Kenji may hopefully learn such skill (that I think applies to management of one's life) intuitively and apply it well in his life.

We both played a few games and gambling in casino as well. I saw in Kenji little obsession in this game called ring toss (throw wooden ring and try to land it on the neck of the coca cola bottle for a prize). He went on spending perhaps ten dollars before he finally realized that the odds are quite against him. However, in the racing game where we throw a ball to a hole for points and try to beat other players in reaching the goal, he and I won several prizes and we were quite happy with the results as well as finding some talents in us.

In Zion, we stayed one night in the lodge and one night camping in the tent. We walked around, climbed rocks, and collected fossils and rocks here and there (outside the park). Not like in the summer time, the park was with only few tourists. We did not go to the famous "Narrow," as we were not prepared for the trip to go through the stream. Kenji likes campfire and roasting mash mallows in the fire. In the evening, there were about 20 deer eating grass just tens of feet from our tent. The night was cold for me. We then found the next morning that inside of our tent was full of frost, glittering to the light from our flashlight. I also remember us having a fun time to play blackjack with the flashlight before we went to sleep. Overall, we talked a lot in this trip, get to know each other more, and had a great time. Wish you grew up well, Kenji!

As to my work front, I may visit regularly to Michigan to give my consultancy service to a few companies. They are small to medium size and I hope I can bring in that "Spirituality in Business" idea together with high business performance. It is like applying Ceaser III, or Full expression of potential (Zenki- Dogen) together with sound management principles. If I relate to Vipassana or Zen, finding ways to extract the full potential of people in the company is like all cells of mind-body being activated (Zenki-gen)/ enlightened/awakened. We may have a tendency to be goofy, take things lightly and expend minimum efforts. This is a biased view and need to be replaced by full expression of potential in life as I see it. As mentioned elsewhere, I find my red book on lean manufacturing/waste elimination and blue book on mini-company/glass wall management well tied to appreciating the potential of people.

Well, that is pretty much all for now. Let's not forget that genuine smile of child as we go through this journey! Have a good day, good life!

****Update in My Life**** (1/11/01)

Last year was a quiet year for me with regard to my work as I reduced my work quite a bit (as one large engagement was finished at the end of 1999). In the area of spirituality, there were interesting developments from my 'net' contact to vipassana experience. 'Net' turned out to be an interesting media to go through the check and balance. As a result of these, am I a better person? Hard to answer. I just do my best to walk my path, one step at a time.

Although I finished the green book, it will not be published for a while (until Nov. this year). I would like to work more on my white book. I see things falling into places but at the same time, more I think about it, I may want to orient the book to "Spirituality and Business". Recently, I read Ken Wilber, stimulated by an e-mail from an old friend of mine. The idea of Kegon, Holon, Mini-company, and spirituality seems to be also addressed in Wilber's way - but perhaps a bit differently.

In my business, I hope I build up (or re-build) business in this country a little more after I did work overseas for so long. I expect to integrate the spirituality in the practice even if I may not directly refer to it to my clients. Mini-company idea and JIT will be a good pragmatic process to engage people in this direction - business strategy tied with respect of humanity. Too early to tell, but I am getting good feedback so far. /

Overall, I expect my life to continue the path I have been taking - being at the state of Jizai (freedom), have peace in mind, and contribute where I can, and to whomever I can. From Jan. 24, I will go to New Zealand for fly-fishing. This is the fourth year for me to do this. Last year, I brought my green book draft and worked in the tent with flashlight. This year, I don't know what I will do except fishing and meditating. Perhaps, just be, just do, and just live・

My son and my wife seem to be fine. Kenji is goofy but perhaps in a good sense - as I see it. Of course, there is a subtle balance here. Barbara is working hard on Kenji's schoolwork and "discipline" while Kenji is often oblivious to her efforts. Well, as parents, we wish the best for the life of our son - of course. We think competitiveness in school may not be so good for this kid to genuinely enjoy life - especially at such age. He will be 12 years old this month. Let us wish all the happy life - no matter what!!!!

****Update in My Life**** (11/9/00)

Today, I posted here a report on Vipassana Meditation I attended about two weeks ago. There was an unforgettable moment on the eighth day of the course that I discussed in this report in detail. From the time I met Edgar, followed by Wilbro, Sue Dragon, Yanavira, and now expereincing Vipassana, it has been like a roaller coaster ride. I feel things are being settled now after this course experience. I need to work on the vision, integration of learning, and continued practice. I am sure I need to go through more checks and balances.

Right now, I would like to focus on getting to "The State" both from experiential and from scientific viewpoint. Unclear, but this is something to do with the meditative state, the state of awarenss and equanimity. This is Hishiryo of Yakusan, or Shikantaza of Dogen. It is also a samadhi state to connect brain-heart-body. It is the state when the insight is gained, or when the gross sensation is removed. I feel this is when conscious and unconscious start to connect in a holistic manner. Of course this is tied to Satori, liberation, or awakening. Perhaps, Ki or life energy is tied together. I just feel that description of the state and being able to create the image or even model may help us get to the state to practice and apply the idea experientially in life. All surveys related to A10 neuron, biofeedback, Ki, Life energy, etc. should be tied together.

On the separate note, meeting with odile was interesting. One thing I wonder about is being gullible and opening the channel (A10 or conscious -unconscious link) has something in common. This is tied to the "state" discussion mentioned above. As I found recently the Mozanbique people's egoless tendency has something to do with the Ki(life energy) as I reported in Vipassana report, such tendency seems to indicate a more open, holistic, and less stressful but more natural outlook in life. This is just my intuitive sense.

My green book will not be published until next November. So, I may work hard on the White Book from here. It will have above ideas integrated along with organizational and business implications, which seems to be often missing in spritulal literature.

Kenji, my son, is working hard to study these days. He started to study Spanish, and sing in music class. He likes soccer, plays chello, and goof around. In the meantime, my wife is busy giving instructions to Kenji --- and, of course, to me as usual. Cannot complain. It is autumn. Tree leaves are changing the color. Wishing all a happy life!!!

****Update in My Life**** (9/18/00)

I have been studying more about Bodhisattva, mainly from Daisetz's writing and few sutras like prajna paramita and Kegon. Some findings from these sources are very illuminating. I feel closer to Daisetz even more than before. According to Mr. Shimura and Ms. Okamura, he conveyed a sense that he had something very firm, more like a center or core of his being, that no other people can even come close to. They seem to have felt that every act of Daisetz is connected to that center. I may be deluded to say this. But, I feel like starting to understand what that may mean. My sense is that we all have it, but every great man may have more of that centered sense than others. It may be cultivated over many years' "meditative" experiences. (Meditative: not just sitting but what went through in his brain-body-heart in practice to reveal that illuminating Buddha nature, I believe.) Some posts from Taoist club triggered me to re-study Morita therapy. There are connections that I see among Morita, biofeedback, vipassana meditation, and "Let the mind flow freely without abiding anywhere." - Diamond sutra. To come up with integrated understanding may take time. But, it is an interesting journey to me. I still keep on meeting the Taoist master every now and then. It appears that he likes to see what I am doing, e.g., writing a book on heart in management, my life style, etc. His knowledge seems deep in both Taoism and Buddhism. I just wonder what he thinks about Bodhisattva's life and how his life may be related to such life.

Club Zenhell is now gone. One of the recently appointed founders may have killed the club. What we see on the web reflects what may be happening in our human society. On one hand, I see killing a club is like throwing away or destroying certain cultural monuments, books, building, etc. On the other hand, we are not to preach something to confuse people. Reflecting my activities on the net, I hope my posts do not fall into the latter category. I just hope that earnest efforts, sincerity, and truthfulness are the basis of our action. Actually, this ties back to the point above about "the center". Mahayana sutra (Kegon) describes this Bodhicitta, desire for enlightenment rises from a great compassionate heart. (p.214 Third series, Daisetz)

My son is busy at school. He is now 6th grade and is studying next to my room where I can check him every now and then. Right at this moment, he is happily humming as he does the homework. He is busy with boy scout, soccer, play, homework, etc. Generally, he seems to be a happy person. This makes Barbara and me happy as well. So, cross the fingers and hope he will conduct a happy life.

My green book is to get into the editing phase. The progress is slow, but can I complain? Hope, things will be squared out and the book be read by many to confirm the idea of bringing heart into business.

Have a good life - even in the middle of the most difficult time!! (We can learn from our child as well!)

**** Update in My Life **** (8/17/00)

Back from Ireland and now back to my life here in California. Where I live is close to the ocean but near the mountain as well. Even if it is a little hot in the daytime these days, I try to go for a walk everyday to the nearby trail, carrying my compact chair. After a little walk, I sit under the trees, listening to cicadas, birds, or wind through the trees. With such a break as well as playing with my son's scooter (a new fad in California - no engine attached though) on the slope in our neighborhood, I pace myself toward the work on the white book. Here are few areas of development:

- Study on Emotion and Biofeedback (Sharif's book as found on this page)

- Find its connection to neuro-programming, meditation, passive observation (Re: wilbro's guide)

- Develop some understanding on Taoism, and find the link with Zen, middle way, etc.

Most of insights gained in these are posted at philosophylifemanagemement club. Tied to these, there were few activities that contributed for my learning:

- Meeting with Wilbro (fouth time): A question on the gap between Science and Spirituality is still there to be explored (at least this is my view, if not for communication purpose). Sharif's book provided a way to explore this point from a different yet interesting angle.

- Meeting Taoist master: He moved to near my house recently - at least for a month or so. He is originally from main land China. We chat lightly almost everyday for an hour or so. I found Taoism very diverse・ut seem almost identical to Zen, when I read a book like Tao te Ching.

- To better understand Taoism, I joined to Taoist club in Yahoo! While the club activity is somewhat unfocused or nebulous in my eyes, I am studying about the subject a little bit.

Overall, many people are helping me in various ways, intellectually, spiritually, and personally. Even though I live like an hermit(!) in Southern California - of all the places, I thank all for the opportunity of exchanging ideas. Even though I need to start editing my green book soon, hopefully, I can clear up my brain a bit better and put some ideas into writing the white book further.

Take care all!!! And have a good day!!!

**** Special Edition: Update in My Life**** (7/20/00)

Just a while ago, I received an E-mail from Bob at the publisher, confirming the deal to publish my "green book". I am relieved, but at the same time, I realize a significant effort to be made to edit the material with the editor. I just hope, the message in the book is communicated and benefit the people, companies, and the society.

In this book, I tried to bring the "Heart" into the business world without disengaging management principles - not an easy task when major factor of running a business is generating money for survival and prosperity. But, if that is all, I do not think the answer to my question, "So what?" in business stops at such level as "making money." If we see our life with serious eyes, I do not think we can settle with such level of answer as satisfactory. Well, I need not to repeat here what I tried to deliver in my book. It is just that my blood/heart moves when I picture the possibilities and creative potentials that exist in our organizations and to be appreciated further.

The funny thing is that if I reflect back, I had red book done and went well, followed by blue book before this one. If I refer to a tree growth analogous to my life, the tree grew well to the point of this major challenge I faced in completing this book. The subject became more critical to reach to this "heart" issue in management, which I tried to put together in this book. On my personal side, I faced a major challenge last year when I had a problem with my investment. So, together with spending five months in writing the green book and waiting almost three months for approval, I guess it is fair to say that my mind "moved around." I searched for the principle in my life. But, it only came back to the same point, i.e. "Do what I believe in." "Do the best shot - with faith in it." The funny thing is that these are the same idea I wanted to deliver through the green book.

My life's journey continues. More challenges, more cliffs and even landslide may wait in the future. I know I will work next on the white book as time allows. Even though this post may be seen as just a mumbling note of mine, I still wish all to give the best shot and never lose hope in our life's journey.

Then, let's not forget to smell the roses alongside the road as we try to move forward. Wishing the best for all! Take care!!!

****Update in My Life**** (7/8/00)

Having gone through the major approval process recently, it sounds like my green book is "almost" approved by the publisher. (The final/final verdict is to be had in a week or so from this writing.) Compared to my other books, if I reflect back, the process has been quite different. It was more of a struggle to choose words, etc. to get the point across. The idea was about management with some sort of philosophy - or should I say subjective truth - behind. In other word, I tried to bring in "Heart" into the business world without disengaging management principles.

How people may respond, how they may digest, and apply the idea is quite unknown. It is up to them as this is like a dialectic approach one is to take in search of the passage in the business world as much as such may be the case in our life's passage. For this reason, I felt less convinced as to whether or not the publisher will actually publish it. Yet, I strongly believe in the message and I really appreciate Bob who worked hard to publish this book. (Bob covers management books at The Free Press.) Once we go into the editing phase, I am very sure that I will have to work very hard to get the book in a much readable form. (I do not mind at all.)

Since June 21, we are in Ireland. In this room, I hear the sound of wind from the chimney - like last year. Kenji, our son, is playing with friends, reading books, and having a good time - in general. Barbara likes to listen to Jerry Ryan on radio every morning - a talk show. The sea trout fishing at the River Slaney has picked up recently and Monday fishing at Patty's lake is a pleasant ritual for me. As I stopped tracking the events in the world for some time now, I am closer to the singing of birds, moving clouds, and quietly standing trees.

I have had a series of dialogue with Sue Dragon, a lady living in U.K., whom I met on the net, club zenhells. It is about zen and the life's passage, and I really appreciate the interaction we have had. (See Sue Dragon correspondence) As birds sing, clouds move, and trees grow, such dialogue feeds me a way for my own growth. Now, I hear the sound of wind again.

Wishing the best for all! Take care!!!

****Update in My Life**** (6/9/00)

My green book is still pending at the desk of my publisher for the final verdict. So, wait and see.

After meeting wilbro99 at zenhell, I personally met him three times and had a wonderful time. (We also shared views in Phil-life-mgmt club. Many posts are summarized here as wilbro correspondence.) The discussion on "the process" is very much in line with the whitebook. His insight from his expereinces is invaluable. (See wilbro's guide, the Way of Inquiry, posted on this page.) I am glad that we can communicate in process terms so that Zen and religious experiences are viewed in a different dimension to help deepening the understanding.

After Barbara, my wife, left for Ireland ahead of us, I am playing Mom's role at home. Kenji, my 11 year old son, is doing great at school, and looking forward to the summer vacation. His boyscout experience, like camping, will enrich his growth. Recently, I had to do a lot of work to address the sprinkler problem at home. One problem leads to the next. It appears that we may be good at creating problems to work on in life. I am taking it easy, observing how I am doing with the flow. (Perhaps, Barbara's absence is helping??!!)

Take care!!!

****Update in My Life**** (5/5/00)

My Green book is now finished. I am slowly going back to work on the White book. To do this, one of my major efforts will be to get to know more about Daisetz Suzuki. I will summarize my memos mainly on Ox club and Phil-Life-Mgmt club while I may reduce my presence in zenhell. Any help is appreciated for me to crystalize my thoughts on Part two: Enlightenment, and Part three: Passage, of the white book. Right now, it is a joy with lots of tears of appreciation to go through some of 32 volumes of Daisetz which I have not read yet. I talk with Mihoko Okamura, who helped Daisetz in his last 15 years, about once a month. Life is quite different compared to my consulting days around the world. More reading, cutting tree brunches, and trying to do what I can for me and for others. Take care!!!