FALL 1999


If you find any other sites that you think might be useful to the class, please pass them along to me and I'll add them! -- Carolee

1. NetVet: Invertebrates
A HUGE page of links, many to collections at universities. Topics covered are: entomology (study of insects); bees; arthropods; crustaceans; and worms.

2. The Tree of Life
This is a search organ for information on living organisms. However, the scientific name must be entered for the search.

3. Insect World
A very full homepage out of the University of Exeter. Includes animals of all sorts, including dung beetles! (Site for this is here. )

4. Animal Diversity
Site from University of Michigan --- lots of info on insects here.

5. Vertebrate Animals HotList
Another monster of a link site --- animals of all sorts, from microbes to whales.

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