If you're here about the runner contest, this is where you want to look! Like I said, I can't draw them for beans, all I can draw are dragons. If you think you can draw a good runner and/or racing runner for Sapphire Weyr, that's great! Just send your picture to me. It doesn't even have to be a graphic, a picture you drew and scanned would be just fine. If I like the runner you send me, I'll fix up the picture and make it into a wonderful, beautiful runner. You'll get ful credit for the graphics and you'll also receive two dragons of your choice color. One will be of the six dragon colors (gold, bronze, brown, green, blue, white), and the other can be any color of the rainbow! Even polkadoted if you want, maybe rainbow! I'm really desperate for runners here! Please help!

What's that you say? CONTEST? But of course, contests. I see that gleam in your eye. Some of these contests will be hard, others will be easy, you can win any of them if you really try. Look over the contests and feel free to try any of them. Good luck!

(Levels of difficulty get higher as the contest # gets higher)

Contest #1

Naming contest

I'll except upto 25 entries for this contest.

Guess what? Three more very special firelizards were born at Sapphire Weyr, and they too need a name. Also, you'll have to make up a story of why these firelizards were born and HOW they got their colors. Sound easy enough? I hope so. They're so lonly, they needs a friend!

Send this info to me at boots@csonline.net along with the name you think is perfect for it and the story of how it got it's colors.

Your name
Which firelizard are you naming?
What name you think is perfect for it and how it got it's colors
Where the firelizard will live (exact URL)
Who will own it
Male or female

Contest # 2

Hidden Link

From the imediat response to this contest, I decided to make it the first 5 or 6 people who respond, so you still have a chance!

Whoever finds the link first gets the prize (a high ranking creature of your choice)

There's a hidden link somewhere in Sapphire Weyr, but I'm not going to tell you what it looks like. Just think of what corrisponds with the name of the weyr, and you'll be just fine. But be careful, I may try to trick you ;)

Once you find it, you'll know what to do.

Contest # 3

Writing contest

I'll except 15 entries for this contest, and whoever has the best story gets the prize(one high ranking dragon of any color..and i mean ANY color at all, and one high ranking firelizard)

Alright all you short story writers out there, this is your big chance. Come up with a story about a worl of dragons, anything at all, but nothing involving Pern or weyrs or anything else related to it. This will be your own work, and it will be copywrited by me, and will never be given away. Make the story at least two screen lenghts, and remember, it's a short story, not a novel. Make it fun, interesting. Grab my attention! This is supposed to be fun. Tell ya what, whoever I think does a good job will get a high ranking firelizard, but only the winner will get both firelizard and dragon.

Send this info to me at boots@csonline.net along with the story.

Your name
Is there anything I should know about your dragon world?

Well, that's it for now, but I'm working on a few other contests. Try these out, who knows, maybe you'll win!

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