You walk into the bright sun and into the middle of the weyrbowl, where you see the sparkling blue waters of Sapphire Lake. A great slash gets your attention and you look to the other end of the lake. Nothing is there. You shrug and turn to walk away. Before you get two steps away, another loud splash comes from behind you and a large, green dragon is hovering above your head, dripping water all over you. Hello traveller! Do you remember me? I am Rith! Jewel's green! Do you want a little challenge traveller? A voice says in your head. You look on as the great green lands before you and reaches her head out so you can see the many facets of her whirling blue green eyes. You nod, half out of curiousity and half out of nerviousness.

That is good! There is a maze below Sapphire Lake, but you need to find the secret passage way first! I won't tell you where it is. But it is somewhere on this page. Also, at the end of the maze is something very special! Hurry traveller! If you're the first one there, you will get this amazing thing!, she thinks and her eyes whirl in ammusment as you search around you for the entry way.

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