In morning's early light, you wander into the center of the weyr bowl. You hear voices, so you stand still and listen, trying not to make yourself evident to whomever is standing there. "Victoria.. love... We've not known each other long, but I care so much about you. And now that your beautiful Galleth is ready to fly.. I want you to be with me, not anyone else. Will you marry me?" you hear a voice say, touches of emotion barely taking over his strong, deep voice. You can tell instantly it's M'ton, the brown rider. You then hear a soft voice struggling to get something out, and then say, "Yes, M'ton. I'll marry you..."

Several days later, you wander into the weyr bowl again, as the last touches of dusk light streams over the large lake. A dozen or more firelizards zoom past you and you nearly lose your balance. "Watch out!" cries a girl's voice. You look around you to see Aura smiling at you. "Hello traveller! It looks like you've made it just in time for the ceremonies! Hurry now!" the young weyr harper tells you. She grabs your arm and starts running. What ceremonies, you think. She turns to you, as if able to hear what you thought, and says, "Why, the WeyrWoman's helper, Victoria and M'ton are getting married! Isn't it great? A brown and a white rider. That's a first!" She smiles and runs faster as two large brown dragons make a gate to a group of people. "C'mon Prasoth, let us in! If you do, I promise to scratch your eye later." She grins as the large brown waddles out of the way a bit. Once inside, you take your seat as the ceremonies begin.

After all is done, you return to the great hall with Aura. "They sure do love each other. M'ton's a nice guy too. I should have snagged him while I still could." she grins and points to the new couple sitting together at with Jewel and Clad, too happy to know of anything around them but each other.

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