These are hate letters I've got emailed to me, and found in my guestbook.
I reply to them in parenthesis, and in bold.
Hate Mail Replies 2
I am a democrat because I want to give up my freedom and pay more taxes. (It’s Ashcroft, not the democrats taking away your civil liberties.) Bush sucks because he cares about the security of America too much. (Yep, I bet he really cared about the Americans security when ignored 9/11 warnings, now is ignoring rebuilding Afghanistan, and ignoring North Korea, and Al Queda, and Bin Laden. All the while taking out the country that poses the littlest threat to us)
Idiot #4
Idiot #5
THERE AINT SHIT WRONG WITH DRUGS,GEORGE.W.BUSH OR ANYTHING THE MAN HAS SAID HES FUCKIN MENTAL AND ITS CLASS. ITS U DAMN HIPPIES WITH UR GAY PROTESTS THAT SHOULD BE PROTESTED AGAINST.SO DO US ALL A FAVOUR AND GET A DAMN LIFE EH!OR U COULD ALWAYS COMMIT MASS SUICIDE AS A PROTEST!? (Idiot #5, now that you‘ve seen your message posted do you see what‘s wrong with it? If you said it‘s filled with spelling errors, and incoherent rambling you‘d be correct. If your going to make an attempt to insult a person, it would be nice if the person receiving it actually had a clue what you were talking about)
Idiot #6
How can you say Bush is a liar, and not recognize the fact that Clinton and Gore were the kings of bullshitting. Gore claimed he invented the internet. Gore doesn't know shit about the internet. Clinton lied DIRECTLY to the American people. All presidents say they are going to try to improve certain things, and end up not doing much about them. Bush hasn't even come close to what Sleezeball Bill Clinton and "I invented the Internet" Al Gore. (I’d like to give a lengthy explanation of exactly why your an idiot, but I’m too lazy, so please just go visit,, and ummmmmmmm.......... I hate to break to you but Bush has the upper hand in the approval rating. (Yeah, through exploiting 9/11 every chance he gets, but his approval ratting is still in the 50s no matter how many times he says “9-11”) The only people that are against bush are the liberal bias media (not Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly)and a few pathetic community college grads like yourself. (Again, I’m too lazy,, your just too stupid)
Reasons why most Liberals are wrong about the Iraq situation: -Liberals want to wait until another 3,000 Americans are killed by terrorists, before we can attack Iraq, a country that does harbor terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. (Sorry big guy, but Iraq has no link to 9-11 or Al Queda) -Many Liberals have completely forgotten and ignored the men and women who died on 9/11, and the families that lost close ones. (Where’s Bin Laden? Why are there under 10,000 troops in Afghanistan and 300,000 in Iraq? Why is the Taliban and Al Queda still a threat? Why can’t our first responders get any federal funding? No liberals are responsible for any of that) -Liberals think that Inspections work.....Hahahahahahahah. Those inspectors couldn't remove a water pistol if they tryed. Saddam still has enough chemical weapons to kill many more than 3,000. (Yea, and were starting a war that will kill 500,000. During the 1st Gulf War very few weapons were destroyed, they were destroyed in the inspections afterwards. These inspections were working till Bush got an itchy trigger finger and had to launch some missiles at Iraqi civilians) -Liberals think we should give inspectors more time, which basically gives saddam more time to give al qaeda terrorists weapons of mass destruction, and more time kill americans with those weapons. (He’s had 12 years to give his weapons to Al Queda, he’s not going to do it when he’s surrounded by spy planes and inspectors, and while the inspectors are destroying his weapons) - We cannot give terrorists time to regroup. In a war on terrorism, you always have to keep terrorists on the run, and we know Iraq has terrorist cells, and any country that harbors terrorists will not be tolerated. (So we need to declare war on Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan? Bombing the hell out of Baghdad won’t make the world safe from terrorism, if anything it will increase terrorism) -Liberals think that all republicans care about is Iraq; hmmmmm..... The liberal bias media is the one that focus on Iraq, not Republicans. Bush talked about other issues more than Iraq in his state of the union address. (Bush spent half his speech not talking about Iraq, what’s your point? It’s a state of the union not state of the military. The media is completely conservative, that’s why there all aboard for Bush’s war on Iraq, and denounce anyone who speaks out against it) - Some Liberals, not all, believe that Saddam is not a direct threat to the US.Anyone who harbors al qaeda terrorists, nuclear weapons, and gases over 500,000 people is direct threat to the US and the world order. (Well that’s great, but too bad Saddam doesn’t have nuclear weapons, and never gassed 500,000 people, and is one of many countries who harbor Al Queda terrorists)
Idiot #6 (again)
Email Idiot #5
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See Response to Republican Hate #1