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Lord of the Rings Fansite
This month's obsession is:
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Not sure I can quite explain why...It's just a really awesome movie, with a well-thought out plot, and perfect characters. I love all the songs, and Jack Skellington has left a mark on my life forever. XD My mom tells me I'm over-obsessing, but, I don't think so. Even if I am, I'm overly-obsessing over something I just can't get enough of. I know this sort of thing isn't healthy, but, I'm transfixed with everything about this movie. Sort of how Jack was transfixed with Christmas, although I'm not quite sure if this obsession will pass...
Just a few days ago, actually...We watched some of it in music class. We didn't get to finish it, and it had been a while since I had seen it, so I decided I'd rent it...We rented it on Sunday (12/21/03), and since then, I've been watching it over, and over and over again! I must know almost everything there is to know about this movie, and, I must admit, I'm quite glad I do! I also want a few things from Hot Topic that have to do with it...Such as a Charm Bracelet (one of the charms is Jack's head. XD), a necklace that sort of matches it (it has Jack's head on it as well), and a Jack Skellington T-shirt. I also have a bag from Hot Topic, which has Jack on it, and it is hanging in my room on the wall.
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