Bulletin (January 11, 2009)

Anyone who watches local news or reads the newspapers knows that we had a wonderful event here on Monday evening. About a 150 fire fighters and community leaders gathered in our parish hall for the Memorial Dinner and Benefit in honor of Walter Kilgore, Greg Shoemaker, James Brown and Randy Terlicker. The Memorial Dinner marked the fourteenth anniversary of their death in the Pang Warehouse fire. As you know, Randy was a 1974 graduate of Holy Family Parish School, and in his honor we have established the Randy Terlicker Endowment Fund. Randy’s mom, Colleen Terlicker, gave a moving testimonial. At the close of the benefit dinner, Principal Frank Cantwell and Assistant Principal Anca Wilson explained the importance of this Endowment Fund to the future of our school. I am confident that fire fighters will support this Fund in honor of their fallen brother. Also, members of the broader community have expressed their interest in and support for this effort.

Seattle Fire Chief Gregory Dean, Assistant Principal Anca Wilson, Colleen Terlicker, Mayor Greg Nickels

Among the community leaders were Mayor Greg Nickels and Seattle Fire Chief Gregory Dean. They graciously posed for a photo with me. I sent the picture to members of my family, joking that I had acquired new bodyguards. Besides city officials, the benefit dinner featured the Seattle Fire Fighters Pipes and Drums. It was thrilling to see those men enter our hall, playing their bagpipes and drums.

With Spencer Nelson (left), director of the Seattle Firefighters Pipe and Drum

The Randy Terlicker Endowment Fund is part of an overall effort to get our school and parish on a more solid financial footing. I appreciate all the ways you support Holy Family with your time, energy, abilities and financial resources. Every contribution is a vote for our future. I want to mention a smaller, but very effective effort. Many of you have enjoyed the delicious and nutritional Hearth Breads baked by Roger Thibodeau. In the past six months, the sale of Hearth Breads has netted $4,824.07 for our parish. Thank you, Roger, and all who purchased these baked goods.

Next weekend we will dedicate the new St. Michael’s Chapel. On that Sunday we begin a nine-day novena of prayer in honor of St. Michael the Archangel. After the Communion Prayer (and announcements), I will invite you to join in saying the prayer to St. Michael. We are in a spiritual battle and we need the help of the good angels. The renovated St. Michael’s Chapel will be a wonderful place to bring those prayers. The rebate from your donations to the 2007 Annual Catholic Appeal made possible this renovation. Thank you for your generosity.

I want to thank all those who participated in my twelve-year pastoral review. Your comments gave me great encouragement – as well as material for prayer as I consider how I can serve you better. It was an extensive review: homilies, administration of sacraments, consultative bodies, supervision of school and religious education, staff and finances, integration of Hispanic community into overall parish, etc. Those who participated in the review included new parishioners as well as those who have been part of Holy Family for a long time. Of those who participated, the median number of years in the parish was 14.5 years.

One of the beautiful things about Holy Family Parish is the joy and energy of our children. Those who attended the Christmas Concert had a lovely experience of their talent (see pictures below). I want to thank Mrs. Anca Wilson and Frances McKamey – and all who worked with them – to put together this lovely performance.

Speaking of beautiful music, you might want to see Mozart’s “Le Nozze di Figaro” produced by our own wonderful soloist, Craig Nim, and his wife Pamela. Another local cultural event is the University of Washington History Lecture Series on the “The Vatican in the 20th Century.” I understand that Professor James Ramon Felak is an excellent lecturer. The first lecture, on January 20, treats the pontificates of Benedict XV and Pius XI. You can find the full schedule of lectures on our bulletin board, along with the flier on “Le Nozze de Figaro.”

Finally, a prayer for the eternal rest of Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, who died on January 8. You have heard me refer to him on various occasions. Space permitting, I hope to write more about him next week.

Con la celebracion del Bautismo del Señor, empezamos un nuevo momento liturgico. Hasta este domingo hemos tenido el Nacimiento en el santuario para conmemorar la Navidad de Jesus y su Epifania a los Reyes Magos. Que el Niño Jesus se quede en nuestros corazones mientras empezamos los misterios de su vida publica.

Seguro que ustedes han visto por las noticias el evento que tuvo lugar aquí: el Aniversario y Beneficio en honor a los bomberos que dieron su vida el 5 de enero de 1995. Hemos establecido una Beca Conmemorativa en honor a Randy Terlicker. Invitamos su participacion con una donacion o un compromiso para este fondo. Todavia hay sobres el las bancas. Hoy es el dia final de la oracion en honor a Randy.

El proximo domingo habrá la Dedicacion del la Capilla de San Miguel. Al final de la misa rezaremos la oracion a San Miguel Arcangel. Todo el mundo sabe que estamos en una batalla espiritual y necesitamos la ayuda de San Miguel y los angeles buenos. Sus donaciones a la Peticion Catolica Anual de 2007 hicieron posible la renovacion de la Capilla de San Miguel.

Gracias a todos que participaron en la evaluacion de mis doce años como parroco. Sus palabras de aliento me dan animo para los años que vienen y las sugerencias serán parte de mis oraciones para poder servirles mejor. He escrito mas en la parte en ingles. Finalmente quiero expresar una palabra de agradecimiento para nuestros niños que presentaron el bello Concierto de Navidad el martes pasado. Abajo hay una foto de ellos.