Bulletin (July 16, 2006)

Below are some recent pictures from the renovation work on our school ground floor. You can probably tell that I am very happy about this project and grateful to all of you for your support. It will make a huge difference, not only to our school families, but to the entire parish. I also want to acknowledge the fine work of the Joseph S. Simmons Construction Company. They have assigned an excellent project manager, Todd Hartmann, to this project and a very competent on-site director, James Pottmann. They are working together with our Parish Administrator Gary Samaniego, Principal Glen Lutz and architect Kevin Broderick to move this project forward. And, of course, I also want to recognize the crew of workers who are doing a job which is both arduous and painstaking.

Workers preparing area for new rest rooms and kitchen:

Workers preparing ground for two new classrooms:

Jim Pottmann (on site project director), principal Glen Lutz, architect Keven Broderick and project manager Todd Hartmann:

Last week, I mentioned that C.J. Kahler, R. Ph, past president of Washington State Pharmacy Association, has outlined four Facts and Myths about the pharmaceutical practice in Washington. I am presenting these because I know young pro-life pharmacists and pharmacy students who are concerned that the state government may make it impossible for them to conscientiously practice their profession.

MYTH # 1: “There is a health crisis in Washington because patients are unable to get needed prescriptions filled if a pharmacist refuses to fill them for conscience reasons.”

FACT: Governor Christine Gregoire, Planned Parenthood and other groups have used this myth as a scare tactic. University of Washington Pharmacy Professor, C.J. Kahler, shows that it is simply not true. (See last week’s bulletin for full explanation.)

MYTH # 2: The pharmacists of Washington are placing their ethical beliefs ahead of their patients’ needs.

FACT: To the contrary, the Washington State Pharmacy Association (WSPA) supports the ability of a pharmacist to excuse him/herself from certain activities, much the same way doctors, nurses, and other health professionals excuse themselves. But in contrast to the approach taken by other healthcare professionals, the WSPA’s endorsement of the ability to 'step away' comes with an additional task - the establishment of alternative systems to ensure that the patient gets clinically safe, legally prescribed therapy. This duty is entirely in keeping with the Pharmacists’ Code of Ethics and forms the bedrock of our accountability to individual patients.

MYTH #3: Washington law makes it clear that pharmacists must dispense contraceptives.

FACT: There is NO law in Washington that requires a pharmacist to dispense contraceptives. On the contrary, Washington law clearly provides that "no individual health care provider. . .may be required by law or contract in any circumstances to participate in the provision of. . .a specific service if they object to so doing by reason of conscience or religion.” These statutes were enacted by the legislature and are found in the Revised Code of Washington at 48.43.065(2) and at RCW 70.47.160(2). Pharmacists are regarded as "health care providers" under Washington law. Like other health care providers, pharmacists have the right to exercise their conscience, and may not be required to provide services to which they have a conscientious objection. Any rule adopted by the Washington State Board of Pharmacy must be consistent with Washington statutes and must therefore recognize a pharmacist’s conscience rights.

En la parte de ingles hay fotos de la renovación del primer piso de la escuela. Estoy agradecido a todos por su apoyo que hace posible este proyecto tan importante para el futuro de nuestra parroquia. Una forma de apoyar la renovación es por medio de la Rifa y Kermes del 6 de agosto.

Un joven de nuestra parroquia hizo un calculo de que podemos hacer si trabajamos juntos. Un bebida de Starbuck cuesta un promedio de $3.15. Si mil cien individuos de nuestra parroquia sacrificaran un lujo equivalente y donaran el dinero a la parroquia, en el lapso de un año, llegaría a ser $1,261,260. Imaginense lo que pudieramos lograr con esa cantidad de dinero.