Bulletin (April 8, 2007 - Easter Sunday)

On behalf of Fr. Ramon Velasco, Deacon Ted Wiese, Deacon Abel Magaña and all the parish staff, I want to wish each of you a beautiful grace-filled Easter. An ancient Easter Homily by St. Melito of Sardis expresses this desire:

Through Jesus, God became flesh; he suffered for those who were suffering, he was bound for the captive, judged for the condemned, buried for the one who was buried; he rose from the dead and cried out: ‘Who shall contend with me? Let him stand up to face me. I have freed the condemned, brought the dead to life, raised up the buried. Who will speak against me?’ ‘I am the Christ’, he says, ‘It is I who destroyed death, who triumphed over the enemy, who trampled Hades underfoot, who bound the strong one and snatched man away to the heights of heaven; I am the Christ. Come then, all you nations of men defiled by sin, receive the forgiveness of sin. For it is I who am your forgiveness, the Pasch of your salvation, the lamb slain for you; it is I who am your ransom, your life, your resurrection, your light, your salvation, your king. I am bringing you to the heights of heaven, I will show you the Father who is from all eternity, I will raise you up with my right hand.’

This past week our school children participated in Holy Week by attending Mass on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Also, they presented Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. Our parish school is committed to forming disciples of Christ. Holy Family School is now accepting registrations for the 2007-2008 school year. If you have a child who will be in any grade between Pre-K and Eighth grade, please consider Holy Family School.

In preparation for Easter, our parish Knights of Columbus organized the annual Spring Clean. Many people have commented on how beautiful the grounds look. I also want to thank the Knights for purchasing and posting the Silent No More Poster. It features actress Jennifer O’Neill (Summer of ’42) who is part of a brave group of women who have given public testimony to the consequences of a procured abortion. They do it to help prevent others from falling into a similar tragedy and also to hold out hope for healing. Easter, as the quote from St. Melito underscores, is about the forgiveness and liberation that Jesus wants to give to each one of us.

On Monday, April 9, the Knights are sponsoring a Blood Drive right here at Holy Family. Please consider giving the gift of life. Our Knights also have been instrumental in supporting Birthright – a group of trained volunteers who help those facing a crisis pregnancy. You can support our Knights of Columbus by attending their monthly breakfast – next Sunday after morning Masses.

We have now completed the second year of the Capital Campaign, which has made possible the repair and renovation of our buildings, parking lots and grounds. I thank all those who have contributed to this Campaign. Each week in the bulletin, you can see the growth of our parish Capital Campaign. We are now in the final year. Please continue your generosity – and, if you have not already done so, become a participant.

I know that many of you are making the Divine Mercy Novena, which includes reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. Ramon and I will be available for confessions next Saturday morning, April 14, from 9 to 10 a.m. – or until all are heard.

Did our Easter music touch your soul? Consider becoming a member of one of our parish choirs. It is a beautiful form of Stewardship – sharing your time and talent to bring yourself and others closer to Our Lord.

De parte del Padre Ramon, el Diacono Abel Magaña y todo el equipo parroquial, les deseo una Feliz Pascua de Resurrección. El sentido profundo de la Pascua fue expresado en una homilia antigua de San Melito de Sardis. Aquí es parte de lo que él dijo:

Toda carne, pues, cayó bajo el pecado, y todo cuerpo bajo la muerte, y toda alma era arrojada de su morada carnal, y lo que había sido tomado de la tierra se disolvía en la tierra, y lo que había sido dado por Dios era encarcelado en el Hades. La bella armonía quedaba disuelta, y el bello cuerpo, deshecho. Porque el hombre quedaba dividido bajo el poder de la muerte, una extraña desgracia y cautividad le rodeaban. Era arrastrado como prisionero por las sombras de la muerte, y la imagen del Padre yacía abandonada. Esta es la razón por la que se ha cumplido el misterio de la Pascua en el cuerpo del Señor.

Muchos de usted están participando en la Novena de la Divina Misericordia. Una parte importante de la novena es el Sacramento de Reconciliacion. El Padre Ramón y yo estaremos disponibles para confesiones el día miercoles despues de la misa de 7 p.m. y el dia sabado de 9 a 10 a.m. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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