Questions on Catholic Faith and Morality

Dear Father,

I have a LOT of questions. and I really need them answered because i dont know any other source to get it. Im planning to just trust whatever u say. Ill just trust that God will put his words into ur response. That sounded cheezy... oh well it's what im thinking right now. Ok, no more babbling and on to my many questions... sorry if there's a lot...

1. What kind of sexual things can Catholics engage in. r u allowed to "get fingered" or jack off" someone?(sorry, not a very appropiate question to start with i guess, but tis the one that's been bugging me the most.)

2. Would it be considered wrong to have oral sex before marriage? Personally I plan to only do that if id been going out with my boyfriend for a LONG time and make sure that we'd go out for along time after it, so woudl that be considered bad.

3. I read a quote from the bible about how God said that if u had sex before marriage, that ud be found out, but it's not very taboo at all to have sex before marriage, so how would that be embarassing if people found out. I mean, u hear people admit to it and even brag about it all the time.

4. When I think i was in 5th grade, my CCD teacher said that there was purgatory, but then a guy who preaches at our amll a lot said that there wasnt. Is there a purgatory?

5. Is it wrong to be a vegetarian? I dont do it because i think animals r equal to humans, because I DO think that we were created higher and more special than them, but I dont agree with how animals r treated and how they're bred just to be eaten. Shouldnt they enjoy what lives they have and still serve their purpose? (im really really sorry that i have so many questions, more keep popping in my head, please dont think im weird for having all of these...)

6. During a Latin Convention i went to last weekend, we were discussing doctor assisted suicide and people put up good arguements. Of course im against it, but against the arguement that the dotor woudl be playing God by killing the sick person, but then wouldnt we be playing God by doing alot of things like using medicines?

7. Is it possible that The Blessed Virgin Mary did have children after Jesus? There was this thing on TV about how people found a box that said James (i think that was the name) son of Joseph, brother of Jesus (im not sure if it said son of joseph, but im pretty sure it did). What do u think? Do u think it's possible that there are heirs to the family of Jesus?

8. About the apocalypse, it doesnt seem like many poeple will make it to heaven. And will there still be a purgatory. And scientists say that in billions of year the Earth will blow up with the sun. And since it seems like the new kingdom of God will be Jerusalem on Earth, does that mean that it will be destroyed? or will God like move Earth or something?

9. Does the bible address any other beings on other planets? and is God the God of them too or jsut our Galaxy?

10. I read a question that someone answered that body piercings and tatoos were ok, does that mean cosmetic surgery and lyposuction is ok?

11. Is it considered a sin to cut urself, like how people do when they're depressed and stuff? even if it's not suicidal. Personally i think that our bodies are kind of gifts from God so that we can have our experience on Earth and doign wrong to them is bad.

Im not very involved in my church at all... I dont know y, i dont htink it's because they're not involved in teh community or anything, it's jsut i never know the times for confession and stuff liek that. I know this might be asking alot... I went to CCD and all, but I want to knwo soo much more. The teachers at CCD just taught all the needed to and nothign more. I dont know the mortal sins, I didnt know that u couldnt have Eucharist if u commited a mortal sin, and I didnt even know how terrible it was to do certain things. I learned most of what i know on my own. Can u help me and i dunno, just talk with me online one night so i can find out everything and work my way onto becoming a good catholic. I really want to knwo how to do it right and spread what i know. Please help me. I want to learn everything.

I guess I should stop asking my questions for now. But i still have sooo many and it would be so nice ot just talk to u or someone u can recommend for me to talk to.

Thanks more than I can express,



Dear Christine,

Here are some answers to your questions.

1. What kind of sexual things can Catholics engage in. r u allowed to "get fingered" or jack off" someone?(sorry, not a very appropiate question to start with i guess, but tis the one that's been bugging me the most.)

While this activity is not technically sexual intercourse, it is against God's law - and can do great emotional and moral harm to those who engage in them.

2. Would it be considered wrong to have oral sex before marriage? Personally I plan to only do that if id been going out with my boyfriend for a LONG time and make sure that we'd go out for along time after it, so woudl that be considered bad.

It would. Why not wait just a little bit longer? In marriage oral sex is OK as a prelude to full sexual relations.

3. I read a quote from the bible about how God said that if u had sex before marriage, that ud be found out, but it's not very taboo at all to have sex before marriage, so how would that be embarassing if people found out. I mean, u hear people admit to it and even brag about it all the time.

I am not familiar with that quote. I have read the Bible a number of times, but I could have missed it... The Bible does insist that God knows everything we do, even our innermost thoughts.

4. When I think i was in 5th grade, my CCD teacher said tha there was purgatory, but then a guy who preaches at our amll a lot said that there wasnt. Is there a purgatory?

Yes. There is a good explanation at

5. Is it wrong to be a vegetarian? I dont do it because i think animals r equal to humans, because I DO think that we were created higher and more special than them, but I dont agree with how animals r treated and how they're bred just to be eaten. Shouldnt they enjoy what lives they have and still serve their purpose? (im really really sorry that i have so many questions, more keep popping in my head, please dont think im weird for having all of these...)

It is not wrong to be a vegetarian, although it is not required. Jesus ate lamb at the Last Supper. But you have a very real concern about how animals are treated in some parts of agro-industry. The people in Jesus day ate much less meat than we do today. Eating less and abstaining from meat at least on Friday is very good practice.

6. Durign a Latin Convention i went to last weekend, we were discussing doctor assisted suicide and people put up good arguements. Of course im against it, but against the arguement that the dotor woudl be playing God by killing the sick person, but then wouldnt we be playing God by doing alot of things like using medicines?

You are a very perceptive girl. Anytime we use creation for some purpose, you could say we are exercising powers God entrusted to us. However, doctor assisted suicide is "playing God" in a way we need to question. Once someone says they have the right to take someone's life (even their own) the consequences are enormous. A doctor who does so is overstepping his role. We look to doctors to help heal and preserve life - and to help people deal with pain - but if a doctor takes a step to directly end someone's life, he or she has become something very different. Do you see what I mean? Doctors are not "gods" who can do anything which strikes them. There are many medical practices which society regulates. For instance, if a family wanted to have their daughter "cirmcumcised," a doctor here would not be free to do it - even if he thought they might go ahead and do it anyway in unsafe conditions.

7. Is it possible that The Blessed Virgin Mary did have children after Jesus? There was this thing on TV about how people found a box that said James (i think that was the name) son of Joseph, brother of Jesus (im not sure if it said son of joseph, but im pretty sure it did). What do u think? Do u think it's possible that there are heirs to the family of Jesus?

Please see:

8. About the apocalypse, it doesnt seem like many poeple will make it to heaven. And will there still be a purgatory. And scientists say that in billions of year the Earth will blow up with the sun. And since it seems like the new kingdom of God will be Jerusalem on Earth, does that mean that it will be destroyed? or will God like move Earth or something?

This world is coming to an end. Whether it happens slowly or quickly, it will not last forever. But God will create a "new heavens and a new earth."

9. Does the bible address any other beings on other planets? and is God the God of them too or jsut our Galaxy?

The Bible teaches that other intelligent beings exist who had a different way of choosing for or against God. They are called angels. Whether there are others the Bible doesn't answer.

10. I read a question that someone answered that body piercings and tatoos were ok, does that mean cosmetic surgery and lyposuction is ok?

They are, if done for a proper motive. A proper motive could be the desire to be more beautiful for ones spouse or for people in general. However, that would have to be balanced against other things - the great cost, possibility of bodily harm and the very real danger of doing it for bad motives (to be a sex object, etc.) I am constantly amazed that girls who are so beautiful just by a smile think they have to do extraordinary things to be attractive. It's our terrible culture that twists people's minds.

11. Is it considered a sin to cut urself, liek how people do when they're depressed and stuff? even if it's not suicidal. Personally i think that our bodies are kind of gifts from God so that we can have our experience on Earth and doign wrong to them is bad.

You are correct.

God bless, Christine. My prayers for you.

Fr. Bloom


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