A Week to Remember

(Homily for Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, Year A)

Today we begin a week to remember, not just in the sense that memorable things will take place - that even in a humble, low-budget parish like ours, we will experience powerful liturgies. This is a week to remember in another sense: remembering is the activity we engage in; we attempt to focus on what really counts. When all is said and done, we celebrate the one thing we must never forget. As Fr. Richard Neuhaus said, “If what Christians say about Good Friday is true, then it is, quite simply, the truth about everything.”* A poignant story will bring home this point.

It is about a man suffering from Alzheimer’s. Sometimes we joke about the disease - it is natural considering how much forgetfulness is part of our human condition. But Alzheimer's is more than forgetting birthdays and where the keys are. For the person's family it is a wrenching burden. In this case, the family watched in pain as the man lost different aspects of his memory. First, he began forgetting ordinary things like how to turn on the shower or to use a toaster. Soon he could no longer remember people who were his old friends or close work associates. Then he began to forget even who his children were and, finally, his wife. As the man’s life was drawing to an end, his family gathered around the sick bed. He knew none of them. His wife placed a small crucifix in his hand. At first he seemed puzzled, then looked intently and said, “Jesus.”

That man had forgotten everything, but he did remember the one thing which matters – the event which includes everything else. From his childhood he had closely followed the activities of Holy Week. He became convinced that it enacted the most important happening in human history. And that it was also the most important happening in his life - and yours and mine. The day Jesus took our sins away. This morning we listened to the Passion of our Lord, according to Matthew. We will hear it once again on Good Friday, according to John. May we not miss the graces God wishes to pour out upon us – that this will indeed be for us a week to remember.


*From Death on a Friday Afternoon, Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross.

Spanish Version

From Archives:

2009, Year B: God's Justice
2008, Year A: Your Will Be Done
2007, Year C: What Do We Have To Offer God?
2006, Year B: Body and Blood
2005, Year A: A Week to Remember
2004, Year C: The Passion of the Christ
2003, Year B: He Breathed His Last
2002, Year A: Human Guilt & Divine Mercy
2001, Year C: An Honest Thief
2000, Year B: Why This Waste?
1999, Year A: His Blood Be Upon Us
1998, Year C: The First Letter of God's Alphabet

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