The Mary Bloom Center is a non-profit foundation in Puno, Peru, affliated with WOOMB International. The Center gives in depth courses for doctors, midwifes, nurses and married couples in the Billing Ovulation Method and other topics related to this vision of marriage and the human person. This work owes its origins to Canadian lay missionaries, Denis and Liane Bruneau who collaborated with me during my years as a Maryknoll priest associate in Peru.

The Center is now directed by a Peruvian obstetrician/ midwife, Luz Marrón, with Father Robert Hoffmann, M.M. as spiritual advisor. Its primary purpose is education of young married couples in fertility appreciation, . This not only enables couples to space their children but to strengthen communication and mutual respect in their marriage and family life. Such education is the basis for true progress in Peru (or any country).

The Center also provides some direct material aid in the form of medicine, food, clothes, notebooks and scholarships. This work depends on contributions. Nothing is taken from any donation for fund-raising or administration. One hundred percent is sent to Peru. A check may be made to "Mission Office" with "Mary Bloom Center" in the memo and sent to:

Missions Office
910 Marion St
Seattle, WA 98104

I have received a number of inquiries from people who would like to volunteer to serve for a number of months or a year at the Mary Bloom Center. When I was there in November (1997) Denis, Liane and I put together a questionnaire for prospective volunteer(s)

If you have any comments or questions or desire further information about the Mary Bloom Center, please send me an e-mail. Also I would be glad to send a copy of last year's expenses and this year's budget.

Mission Coop Homily about the Mary Bloom Center (Sacred Heart Parish, Morton).

Work Plan for 1998 (in Spanish)

1997 Budget (Spanish)

Pictures from 1997 Visit (Oct 20-Nov 14)

Pictures of Mary Bloom.
Mary Bloom in Peru.
Pictures of Mary Bloom Center, 1995.
November 1996 Visit
Retreat with new NFP Instructors, Nov 8-9, 1996.
Pen Pals with St John's, Seattle.
Medical Exam.
Pictures of Christmas at Mary Bloom Center

Construction of new Mary Bloom Center

Site for New Center. (Inagurated June 26, 1998)

Mission, History and Current Needs of Mary Bloom Center (August, 1997)

October 1997 Newspaper Article on Mary Bloom Center

Pictures of New Mary Bloom Center (updated May 11, 1998)

Tragic News from the Mary Bloom Center (June 1, 1998)

May 19, 1998 Letter from Denis & Liane (905 kilobytes)

Inauguration of New Center (June 26, 1998)

Summer 1998 VICS Update features Denis & Liane in Peru

Pictures from June-August 1998 (by Denis Bruneau)

Breastfeeding and Other Courses

Can you help this child? (Photo by Lucrecia Perez)

Mary Bloom Staff and Volunteers with Banner (May 1999)

Obituary of Henry Lind (Died, January 30, 2001)

He Approached the Victim: "It's much more likely one of your relatives will lose his life by surgical abortion than by heart attack."

Germaine Greer on Birth Control

Pictures of Visit of Luz Marron and Melani to Holy Family (March 2002)

Foto of Luz Marrón and Melani with Cardinal Luis Cipriani (Family Planning Congress; Lima, Peru; November 2002)
