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FREE Seminars/Revivals/Consultation to Churches:

"Overcoming Faith: The Inner Transformation": Biblical principles that advance the Kingdom of God in ANY life, from the "down-n-outer" to the "up & coming". To advance the Lordship of Christ in the individual lives of your church membership contact: Rev. Dan Cross. Dan also offers program development consultation to churches, prison ministries, and street ministries.


Preaching overcoming faith . . . . . .Through His redeeming grace!

Not so much a "Mighty Man of God" as

a man with a MIGHTY GOD!

Free Seminars & Revivals...

Rev. Dan Cross ministers the Word powerfully, yet with a a special tenderness. It is the "Word of his testimony" so it comes with the same anointing and power that set him free. Since he has been there, walked that walk, it is encouraging - not condemning. He offers it freely for he freely received it!


Rev. Cross has developed church-based ministries, community-based ministries, hospital-based treatment programs, and is a licensed minister and Internationally Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor. He brings a wealth of experience from the various contexts of business, ministry, and counseling program development to your church, street mission, or prison ministry for only the reimbursement of his expenses.


Rev. Cross has been blessed in a tent-making profession, and is ever-so-grateful for his own deliverence and healing, that he simply asks for moderate expenses to be covered. He will stay in homes and eat from their table. His only desire is to see others set free in the same manner as he has been in his progressive spiritual walk.


Rev. Cross ministers the Word from its application to his own life experiences from the down-n-out to the up-n-coming. You get the "proven" Word as it has been demonstrated effective for situations in which ALL people can relate.

For further information about Cross of Christ Ministries call (918) 461-9582 or e-mail.


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Or a good Word in due season?
E-mail below & believe our Lord for answers!


...He came, not to condemn the world, but to save it! (John 3:17)


"Do you need to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior?" Find out more about Jesus.

If you want someone to pray with you call 714 633 5091 or 1-800-4PRAYER

Let Cross of Christ Ministries know what is on your heart!


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Last Updated Dec. 2, 1997
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