Personal Home Page of Bill & Mary Frances Wasson

Bill & Mary Frances Wasson

Needville, Texas, U.S.A.

Check with us often - New Recipes, Lady Bug Awards and other stuff as often as possible!
Updated March 4, 2000

Thought for Consideration
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused!

Bill and Mary Frances Wasson welcome you to their Home Page. Well....the New Year 1999 is upon us and 1998 was a pretty good year for our family! We reach many of the goals we set in January 1998 and had some "near misses" on others....such is life! We lost some wonderful people in our life and gained others! We hope 1998 was a good year for you and yours and wish each of you the best in 1999. :+)


Bill (look here for a picture and his page) is a Chemist with Texas Instruments and Mary Frances (look here for a picture and her page) is an Administrative Secretary with the Texas Rehabilitation Commission

Bill is interested in the Martial Arts, primarily Aikido and teaches this art. He is also into archery, golf, bowling, amateur astronomy, shooting guns, riding his tractor and working around the house. Mary Frances is into crafts and sewing .... mostly quilting and other hand work. Click here to see some of her quilts.

Both Bill and Mary Frances enjoy reading.(look here for their Book Review Page) They are Associates and can one of the best places to buy books on line has agreed to ship books and provide customer service for orders they receive through our special link. Some of Bill's favorite authors are Tom Clancy, Stephen King, Stephen Hunter and Richard Marcinko. Mary Frances loves Rex Stout, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ridley Pierson, David Lindsey, Lillian Jackson Braun and any other suave mystery writer. Both are BIG James Lee Burke fans.

New Recipes all the time.....
Check Recipes from Previous Months - December 1998 to June 1998!
Check Recipes from July 1998 to Present!

Living near Houston with its large Oriental population is an excellent opportunity if you enjoy oriental food as much as we do. I have several friends who are Oriental who have shared their recipes and cooking techniques with me. Special thanks to Trang Ngo who taught me the Vietnamese Marinate recipe. Bill and I love Vietnamese food and our two favorite Vietnamese restuaranuts in Houston are LUCKY VILLAGE on Westheimer close to Wilcrest and NAM on Fondren at Westheimer. If you ever are in the area, be sure and try them. Our August recipes are two that we have devised from some of our favorite Oriental dishes!


Slice 1/2 pound beef tenderloin across the grain into approximately 1" square slices. Place in a bowl and add 1 teaspoon white sugar, 1/2 tablespoon Soy Sauce, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 2 teaspoons cornstarch and 1 tablespoon cold water. Mix well. Then add 1 tablespoon oil and marinated for half an hour or more. The longer the better. I usually prepare this on the weekend and store in a baggie in the refrigerator for later in the week. When ready to serve, make the seasoning sauce. In a small bowl, mix 1/2 tablespoon Soy Sauce, 2 tablespoon Oyster Sauce, 1/2 tablespoon wine, 1 teaspoon white sugar, and 1 teaspoon cornstarch. Set aside. Cut 1 pound fresh Broccoli (or other vegetables such as Snow Peas, green-red-yellow peppers, mushrooms, etc.) into 1" long pieces. Remove stems and any tough parts. Plunge into boiling water for 30 seconds to 1 minutes. Remove and plunge into cold water. Drain and dry. This can be prepared ahead of time also and stored in a baggie in the refrigerator.
When ready to serve, heat a heavy skillet or wok to about 300^F. Stir fry seasoned beef in small amount of oil until just done, remove and drain beef. Add more oil to skillet/wok, if necessary, and briefly stir fry 1 cup diagonally sliced green onions and approximately 3" of ginger, peeled and cut into rings. Add broccoli or other veggies, stir fry. Add beef and Seasoning Sauce. Stir quickly over high heat until mixed. Remove and serve immediately over rice or noodles.


In a glass mixing bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups water and 1/2 cup white sugar. Mix well to dissolve the sugar and add juice and pulp from 4-5 limes. You can use lemons but limes are better. You should have a very sweet, tart limeade at this point. Add approximately 1/2 cup Fish Sauce. Fish sauce is this smelly, brown liquid made from anchovies, salt and water. It comes in bottles at most gourmet/Oriental grocery stores and is the secret to this recipe. If you can't find it, e-mail me and I'll send you a bottle - it's really cheap and goes a loooooong way. Mix the fish sauce into the limeade. Stir well and add 2 tablespoons minced garlic, 1/2 tablespoon minced ginger and 2 tablespoons finely grated carrots. Place serving size pieces of meat into a glass baking dish. Pour the marinate over the meat and seal baking dish with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until ready to cook, but at least 30 minutes. The longer you marinate the better the flavor throughout the meat. You can also marinate the meat in a big plastic baggie and store until ready to cook....less to clean up. We usually grill the meat (you can stir fry) and serve with a blend of grated carrot and green onion slices on top.

Craft Projects from Previous Months

Links to other sites on our Home Page

What's Happening in Bill's World

What's Happening in Mary Frances' World

Links to other sites on the Web

Funster - a fun Internet game
David Small's Page and link to #CrazyQuilter's Page
This is my sister, Tricia Pentecost's Home Page!
Mary Frances' Quilts
Craft Projects from Previous Months
Recipes from Previous Months
Lady Bug Awards from Previous Months
Some of Our Friends and Other People Who Need To Be Seen On the Web!
Quotes for the Day that are Interesting and Inspiring.....sometimes!
Houston Traffic is Terrible and this proves it!

Please check back often and give us your feedback, questions and/or comments.
Thanks for visiting!

© 1997

Thought for Consideration
When you try to understand everything, you will not understand anything.
The best way is to understand yourself, and then you will understand everything."
Shunryu Suzuki

"Some people will lie when the truth will do them better...wonder why that is?"

TEAMWORK: Means never having to take the blame all by yourself!

The word "stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.

"Those who don't read are no better off then those who can't read"
Mark Twain

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