Written By Kenneth Kinder

Today I gave my daughters hand in marriage. It was a mixed feeling that I experienced at her wedding. I was happy that she had found a mate with whom she can share her life, but it was also sad knowing that she has found another man to take my place in so many parts of her life.

I know that she will always love me but some how things will be different from now on as they should be. I will no longer be the number one man in her life and that will be hard to accept.

When Alta got married it was different somehow. I think it was due to the fact that Alta always demanded attention, and needless to say the squeaking wheel gets the oil. Tana on the other hand was less demanding, even though I knew she wanted attention as much or more than Alta. So when you are not pushed you tend to take the easy way out. The point being Tana seemed to be somewhat more independent, where with Alta I always knew that my presence would be required. Enough of my inadequate feelings and more about the wedding.

I have to confess up front that I had serious reservations as to the outcome of the wedding and reception. When John and Tana told us about the direction they were going with the services, it really sounded strange to me. I mean when they requested that the guests dress causal, i.e. jeans,shorts,tennis shoes etc.it does sound a little off the wall. I should have expected something like this from Tana as she has always marched to a different drummer. Then when they told us about the reception, volleyball, baseball, and a Cajun dance band as the source of music by which to dance. As Jack Benny would say WELL!!

The food was catered by Chris White in the form of a barbecue. Beef, chicken, salad, baked beans, french bread, iced tea and fruit drink. If they had a full beef turning on a spit I would swear we were at the Texas barbecue that Rock Hudson threw for Elizabeth Taylor in the 1956 movie The Giant when he introduced his new bride from Maryland to his Texas cronies. It was more fun than eating ice cream. On the table they had placed small water pistols. It was a funny sight to watch children and adults as old as in their eighties running around squirting each other with these toy pistols.

So all my fears were unfounded as most of the guests told us this was the most fun wedding they had ever attended, and I have to agree with them. It all started at Mc Kinley Park not far from the newlyweds home, where they exchanged their vows amongst some of the most beautiful flowers around. They were married by their pastor, and he had the whole congregation pledge their support to the continued success of this marriage.

So many of their friends and co-workers participated in the services, from organizing the chairs,tables,music, singing,photos,video,etc. without their help it could not have been the event that everone enjoyed. To me one of the most moving parts of the ceremony was when Dave Robinson one of her friends that is the music director at El Camino High School sang the song true companion, it made this old dad well up with tears. This was just the beginning, because after they exchanged their vows that they both wrote.

We had a caravan of vehicles travel to Tahoe Park where the reception was held. After everyone was fed, and the toasts were made Tana and John got up and surprised everyone by dancing the tango. They performed the complete dance and ended with a dip and Tana with a rose between her teeth. It was really lots of fun to watch everyone enjoy themselves dancing, playing ball, and visiting. During the midst of all the festivities our nephew Vern Waters put on his inline skates, grabbed his hockey stick, and then put on the ugliest red wig I have seen and skated around all the guests tables, and then he went out amongst all the people that were dancing. He cut quite a figure in his elaborate outfit, and the wig was compliments of Matt Ebersberger the grooms father who sent Vern this wig from Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

John’s parents could not make it out to the wedding due to poor health, but when they were out earlier this year to meet their son’s future in-laws, they took us all out for a nice lunch. It was at this restaurant that Vern showed up wearing this goofy hat with a crazy wig attached. It changed his appearance so dramatically that Tana didn’t recognize him. John’s father enjoyed this so much that on his return home he sent this ugly red wig to Vern to wear to the wedding. So you can see that John’s side of the family is as fun loving as ours. The one thing I forgot to mention was the fact that Vern will soon be sixty, so this just goes to show you the young don’t have a priority on foolishness.

Back to the dancing. One of the musicians played a washboard and a harmonica, and about half way through the afternoon he gave Tana the washboard to play and he along with the rest of the musicians joined in to back her and let me tell you Tana was real Cajun.

Mitchell our oldest son was the first to get out and start dancing, he loves music and can really shake a leg. After he broke the ice everyone joined in and a good time was had by all.

We took all the wedding gifts to our house, as most of the ones that had been shipped had arrived at our home. So the next day Tana, John, and some of our family came over to watch them open their gifts. Let me tell you fellers they made out like bandits, and this is just the first part because in October, John’s parents are having a reception for them in Oshkosh. This will be attended by the grooms friends and family of whom I understand is quite large. It is my hope to make it back to this reception to represent our side of the family, meet more of John’s family and transport some of the gifts back to California. This will also give me an opportunity to get reaquainted with this part of the country as it has been many years since I have been back east.

I also hope to visit two of my old army buddies and their families as it has been a long time between visits. One of them lives in North Dakota, and the other lives in Nebraska. I wrote about both of them in one of my first newsletters titled this issue is for old friends. It will sure be nice if in fact I get the chance to visit them again.

The newlyweds are now in Germany on their honeymoon and are going to spend a couple of weeks away before returning back to the rigors of every day life. They will go back to work for about three weeks before going to Wisconsin for the reception being given back there for them.

Things are starting to get back to normal around here again, and sometimes the peace and quiet gets downright disturbing. We had a wonderful visit with family members that flew in from Texas to celebrate the wedding . Jim and Raynell Glaser and their daughter Elaina Barron. Elaina is a new bride herself getting married earlier this year to Jon Barron a young man she met at college.

We had guests at the wedding arrive from many parts of the country, and we certainly appreciate the effort they made in coming to participate in this ceremony. THANK YOU THANK YOU!

So I guess now I can rejoice in the fact that Tana has found a good man with whom she can build a family, and share her dreams. I know that John loves my daughter and treats her with respect, and she does likewise. In time as John and I get better acquainted, we will feel more comfortable in each others company. So all I have left to say is CONGRATULATIONS!!

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