Dave Runyon's Classics

Here are all of Dave Runyon's columns! And when we say all of 'em, we mean all of 'em. Listed in alphabetical order (except for the new ones...)
NEW!Believe It, Or Not! - Readers need to harness their suspension for disbelief. March 1999

Apples and Oranges - It seems that many didn't enjoy the new Bat-flick, but apparently people are comparing Apples to Oranges.
Are You Being Served? - Dave gives a summation of his comic book store experiences: good, bad, and ugly.
Are You Talkin' To Me?!! - How has Batman's intimidation affected certain people in Gotham? Find out here.
Bad to the Bone - Do we really need to know everything about our heroes and villains to make their characterization 3D?
CH, CH, CH, CHANGES - Why must this year's superhero be better than last year's model?
Have It Your Way - Release your inhibitions, the the MULTI-VERSE has returned!
I Could've Been A Contender! - Mista Runyon thinks that the recent storyline in Robin involving the death of Young El, could have been MUCH better.
J.T. - Our good buddy Dave talks about J.T. . .what's that? You don't know who it is? Well the first initial stands for "Jason." For the rest read the article...
Parts is Parts - The point to the parts of multi-part crossovers.
Pennies From Heaven - Are entertainers getting paid too much money?
Take A Chance - Interested in reading Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, but you aren't sure about it? Dave says, "Give it a try!"
Stars of the Silver Screen - How can a 21 page comic compete with Hollywood? The answer isn't blowin' in the wind, but rather it is within each of us.
Time Is On My Side - What's the point of time travel when it's used as a crutch? Especially when more times than not, writers lose themselves in their stories' speculative idosynchrocies of time travel?
"What Ever Happened To Fay Wray?" - Why don't we discuss the storylines and characters the way readers did years ago?
What Is Your Reality? - Need to escape your problems? Dr. Dave Runyon recommends comics!
Who's On First? - Dave's view on changes in artists.

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