Queltsan Triibola

Name: Quelt'san Triibola
Race: T'sentrati
Gender: Male
Cloneday: 2 March 1996
Height: 188cm micronised/15m full-sized
Weight: 90kg micronised/9t full-sized
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Skin: Light blue
Favourite Colour: Botoru green
Favourite Food: Almond chicken
Favourite Musician/Group: Lynn-Minmei
Favourite Show: "Pinky and the Brain"
Favourite Movie: UHF
Famous Quote: "You know how I feel about space tuna, don't you?"..."Only that it's the best aphrodesiac there is." -"Send In the Clones" Chapter Three, "Dreams"
Dress: Usually casual, but more conservative and with good taste, i.e. button shirts and slacks.
Likes: Spending time with his family, learning new things, trading war stories, humans and Earth culture, secretly enjoys doing Elvis karaoke...
Dislikes: Not being good at something, sloppiness, being in situations beyond his control.
Oddities: Has a prosthetic right leg
Personality: Nice, sensitive, polite, fiercely loyal, strong sense of duty, quiet and intense, public facade is of a typical T'sentrati soldier-- very cold, unfeeling, macho, and combat-addicted, it takes a while to get past the facade and know the real Quelt'san.
History: Quelt'san was first assigned to the quiltra-queleual Nishalo as an expendable. His preferred mecha is Nousjadeul-Ger (as he says piloting a Regult is like being folded up in an egg...). He went largely unnoticed by his superiors until in 1998 when he was part of a team assigned to assassinate the Invid Regent. The plan failed miserably, and Quelt'san was the only survivor. It was on that mission that the right leg of his mecha was crushed, and his own leg inside shattered beyond repair and had to be amputated above the knee. He learned to use a prosthesis and was back in combat within a year. Quelt'san got his own Nousjadeul-Ger squad in 2002 but subsequently turned down further advancements because he felt content with where he was. He remained loyal to Khyron until the end, and was quite upset by Khyron's death. He was involved in a Malcontent group when he met Naia, a journalist reporting on the Uprisings. The two didn't exactly hit it off at first-- Naia thought he was a fanatic, he thought she was selling out-- and of course they argued constantly. It wasn't until the two seriously injured one another during one of their (quite drunken) brawls that they finally began to appreciate one another. Naia convinced him that there were ways to honour Khyron's memory without becoming one himself, and thus began the Kravshera Day celebration (held on a day chosen to approximate Khyron's clone day, as the calendars don't translate very well). Quelt'san and Naia live together but have never been married in a legal ceremony. Quelt'san began working as a translator and diplomat with T'sentrati settlements in dealings with humans. Kaeisuan's birth in 2019 was unplanned but not unwanted. They raised him to be proud of his heritage and started an organisation for other Earth-born and half-breed T'sentrati so they could be also. Quelt'san speaks adequate English and has a fascination with humans.

All character information contained herein is of my own creation, so don't steal it for your own use under any circumstance,
or you'll awaken one morning to find a fully-loaded Queadlunn-Rau standing outside your window...
Complaints? Requests? Comments? E-mail me at: naia_zifu@bellsouth.net.

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