Which Light Are You? 
by Naia Zifu

This quiz will tell you in just ten Qs, without asking your
favourite colour, flower, activity, or school subject, which Starlight
you're most like. Keep track of your answers as you go--I'm too
primitive to make self-tallying quizzes :-P .

1) You are:
a. tomboy/macho b. androgynous c. feminine/effeminate

2) Your personality is:
a. fun-loving and boisterous b. moody and introspective c.
sweet (somewhere behind that bitchy facade)

3) When you're angry or depressed, you:
a. become very loud b. bottle it up inside c. take it out on

4) Your usual style of dress is:
a. sporty b. tidy c. trendy

5) Your most important quality in a mate is:
a. inner beauty b. intelligence c. honesty

6) After work or school, it's time to:
a. play b. create c. laze around

7) You find humans in general to be:
a. pretty cool people b. intriguing, but at times frustrating
c. fakey and untrustworthy

8) You have an important school project due Monday, so you:
a. sit up late Sunday night b. had it done last Wednesday c.
might do it later. . .if you feel like it

9) Your sense of duty is most developed when:
a. your friends are around to remind you b. you're not wallowing
in self-pity c. you have to remind your friends

10) In a past life, you could have been:
a. Sir Lancelot b. Edgar Allan Poe c. Marilyn Monroe

If your answers were mostly "a," you're most like Seiya, mostly "b"s
are most like Taiki, and mostly "c" answers mean you're most like
Yaten. Answer and tally your score honestly; no fudging allowed!

And, if anyone's curious, I got one "a," seven "b"s, and two "c"s
:-) . I'm pretty pleased at that result :-) .

    Source: geocities.com/hollywood/academy/3328

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