This page is just a plethora of not-so-well-known facts about me. You'll have a weird (er) view of me after you're done reading and clicking. This is just stuff I like..or am obsessed a quiet way..soo..enjoy...benvento mia inferno...

I work with this guy!!! ;)

I'll get into it later, but the Beatles are SO awesome, right up there under Elvis

Onward Christian SoldiersThis song makes me cry....

"The Monster at the End of This Book"...READ IT. Grover rocks :)

Antonio Banderas*melts* it hot in here or is it just him??

Madonna..the ultimate crazy, sexy, cool.....

"Newsies" best disney movie ever made. Click here for my overview of the included....oh come on..don't be a!!..try might like it...

49ers all the way baby!!

New Kids on the Block..yea..that's right..I said New Kids on the Block..I told ya' you'd think I'm weird. These guys were my lust objects when I was like 13. I still think they're sexy. I have their "Hangin' Tough" CD, the "Hangin' Tough" video, and "Funky Funky Christmas" (that I'm listening to right now) :) I swear I'm 21..I swear...(you should see them now!!)...Donnie got a little uglier..but you should see Jordan and Joe!..ok ok..what the heck..I'll find the pics and put 'em here..hold on...*surfs the net*'s a collage of Jordan..yummy...Jordan....ok..lemme look for Joe...*surfs*...*still looking*.....OOOOO...ok..*S* we go...Joe wow...If I'da known Joe and Jordan woulda turned out like this I would've stalked them instead of Donnie :)

Speaking of Donnie....we all know who his famous brother is right?...*grinz* you go ladies..Marky lookin' mean *G*....and another....Marky thinkin' ( I should probably stop calling him Marky)...and another..Mark taking inventory...ok..last one..I promise....Mark smilin' :) aaawww...ain't he cute??

Ricky Martin. Formerly a member of the 80's group "Menudo". Played Miguel on General Hospital. Now he's gone solo as..well..Ricky Martin... :) hot as hell....

The Brat Pack boys :) Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez. I love these guys. Emilio in Young Guns, (love that crazy laugh).. the performance of his life. And Charlie in...everything..*S* I used to be obsessed with each his own..don't judge....

Anne Geddes pics. They used to be all over my room. Now I'm down to just a couple. But every time I'm in Barnes and Noble, and I see one of her calendars, I stop to look at every single page and I "ooooo"...and "aaaww" a typical woman. :)

One of my favorite bedtime movies (the other is "GodFather") anyways..these guys crack me up..."I'm going for fiersome here but I just don't FEEL it!!"...."Mrs. Potato Head..Mrs. Potato Head..Mrs. Potato Head....hey..I can dream can't I??!"..."...mother bird come in mother bird..this is alpha bravo.."....."look..I'm Picaso!...uncultured swine"...."..moving buddy..if you don't have on GET ONE.."...."you're mocking me aren't you?"....I'm getting carried away :) I'll stop...

Aren't they adorable??!!..I think I'm the only 21 year old on the planet who likes Hanson :) Yea they play bubble gum music, but you can't deny they have talent. Tyler or Taylor or whatever the heck his name is (the middle one) is freaken' cute and has an awesome there.. :P

Stay tuned...more to come as soon as my fingers defrost...

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