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Ok, this is the part of the website where I explain what Goth is, but instead of giving a brief definition I've chose to go over different subjects that are part of the Gothic scene. This information is based on my personal experience.

Self expression is continuously displayed and admired within the community, and so originality is often praised. Many Gothics will express themselves through the way they present themselves to fellow Gothics by the way they dress, like peacocks showing off their beautiful tails. Fashion is a way of displaying interests and beliefs, and so it's a way of advertising one's self that's in search of other persons like themselves.

Many Gothics are often in search of knowledge or a higher sense of being. In search of knowledge and self awarness they often try to look beyond the obvious. In attempt to do so some may research subjects of the occult. The occult are not subjects and practices of pure evil, the occult is a variety of things that are not well understood by mankind. (the mystery of the occult is very alluring to Gothics) To understand things is one of the better way to gain both knowledge and wisdom. Such are the ways of Goth.

Gothics also hold a fascination with the fashions of Ancient Egypt, Medieval times, and the 17th and 18th centuries. And so a Gothic gentleman may wear his eyeliner like an Egyptian faro and sport the garments of an 17th century Frenchman. Females often the wear 17th century styled corsets and the belled sleeved dresses and shirts of Medieval time Gothic fashion is unisexed. This is not unusual within the Gothic community. Males and females often wear the same clothing, crossing the unwritten boundaries that society has set for male and female fashions. Both male and females wear make-up also. Make-up is seen as an artform, and so a Gothin may spend a very long time creating different ways to wear it. Heavy jewelry is often worn. Many necklaces and rings are admired, and the gaudier the better. Silver jewelry is preffered, it's viewed as beautiful and a pure metal. Very expensive cloth material is also admired, cloths such as vynal, velvet, leather, lace, silk, and satin.

Music taste varies from person to person. Generally preferred selections are: 80s retro, old school Gothic music groups, industrial, darkwave, dark metal, and symphony music. A Gothic club will usually play this large blend of these genres. (Gothics will often try to identify each other by what type of music groups that they listen to)

There are many different kinds of beliefs within the Gothic community. There are in fact religious goths, they could be Christian, Mormon, or Catholic, or belong to some other religion. But over all, most Gothics are individualists and choose to be neutral to all forms of religions and choose to form their own set of beliefs.

??Mystery Link??