Atlantean Research Journal, and Atlantis from 1947-1987, or 50 years research in Brighton,Eng.

Edgerton Sykes was the Editor for most of the Articles. Dean R. Clarke has been the World Authority on the subject of Atlantis and curator of this very rare collection for over 30 years.


Journal discussions in 1950- The Hoerbiger Theory was discussed further, and the dating of ancient timbers and bones by radio carbon dating when it was fairly new. The Avalon Group discussed the similarity of the Earth Lodges of Celtic and Manden Indians with the Egypt Mastaba false pyramid idea as possibly Atlantean construction origin. Ark and the Moon Capture theory about the Ark and the Moon as symbolic of mans escape of Atlantis and the asteroid that might have been the moon as captured or a comet nearly hitting earth.

Atlantis the Paradox of History, By Continenza Angelo

"The dawn of history reveals a humanity already civilized-perhaps a civilization already old. The curtain rises on a play already begun, and shows the truth of the paradox that there was a history before history". This quotation, not from the Sybil or Delphic Oracle, but from Aldo Valori contains the kenote of our researches. Dietz considers that our present geological age started some 25,000 years ago with the end of the fourth Ice Age, while Barbagallo considers that it was during the Ice Age that humanity first appeared on the earth, at the end of the tertiary or the beginning of the quarternary, at the time according to Wendel Philips the Tethys Sea spread from the Atlantic to the Arabian Peninsular. From the above it would appear that those parts of Europe which were not coated with ice were at that time under the Tethys Sea. But if that were the case, how can one explain the remarkable cave paintings found in Central and Southern France and Spain, together with statuettes and other remains. Allowing for the fact that art is not improvised, in fact a school in which to prefect itself in line of colour and impression, one is forced to admit that "This art reached Europe in an already perfect form, having been evolved in a land of which we know nothing."

Dietz considers that the skeletons found on the Canaries were of the Cro Magnon type, the same type as those of the producers of the art referred above, which would seem to indicate that they escaped there from the deluge. Could this be the answer to our enigma.

Plato in his dialogues showed himself to be well informed as an historian and as a geographer, and without his interest nothing tangible would have survived of the story of Atlantis, of which memories must have been extant even in his day. When Homer wrote of "Odysseus languishing in the misery on an Island, in the clutches of the Nymph Calypso" that "remote Island of Ogygia" where "from four separate but adjoining springs, four crystal rivulets ran" he must have been thinking of Atlantis, while "Scherie the rich country of the Phaeaceans" must have been another aspect of this civilization, as was also the violence of the Island of the Cyclops.

Hesiod spoke of Atlantis, as did Euripides, Diodorus Siculus and Seneca; and Pliny says memories of Atlantis occur in the Labours of Hercules; Virgil comments on the Atlantean Culture in the Georgics, Herodotus mentions it frequently; Pherecydes says "The people who lived near Mount Atlas said that they were descended from those who had accompanied Hercules on his travels. Among the Modern writers, it suffices to quote Latreille, Mentelle, Tournefort, Rudbeck, Bory de St. Vincent, Russo, Humboldt, Sykes, Savorin, Bayer.

Stories of the deluge are to be found in the Sagas, the Eddas, the Puranas, in the memories of the Algonquins, the Aztecs, the Incas, the Mayas, and the Toltecs, in the same manner as the Babylonians, the Hebrews, the Egyptians, the Chinese, in fact all the peoples of antiquity who have legends of the Garden of Eden, the Terrestrial Paradise, and of Atlantis. Underlying all this is the fact that language, tradition, monuments, of all the ancient civilisations have an underlying similarity which seems to prove conclusively their origin from a single source, and in addition they all start their histories with an account of some kind of deluge, although some, such as the Vedic and the Babylonian have a pre deluge stories. In Genesis is realted the story of the Garden of Eden with four rivers which we have already encountered on Calypso's Isle and in the Hesperides. The fact that two of them: Tigras and Euphrates, are in the Fertile Crescent, may be explained by the desire of the Noachic survivors of the Deluge to recreate their lost homeland as far as possible. From the many Deluge Legends of Greece, Mauritania, india, the Americas, the Middle East, it seems that when the time of peril preceding the loss of Atlantis set in, many warned by their gods, by dreams or by animals, built their ships of refuge, and when the seas scattered their ships far and wide each one would believe that his party was the only one saved. We have shown that the legends of the various elysiums of the past can only have referred to Atlantis, and it now only remains to establish where it was situated. It would appear to have been shaped like a triangle between the azores, the cape Verde islands, and the Bermudas. This was the site of the land which formed the object of the writings of Solon so many great ones of the past, leading to the dozens of authorities today.

-above is a shortened transcript of Signor Angelo's paper from Italian-

 The Labours of Hercules, By Edgerton Sykes 1950 cont.

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