1965 cont.


The Early Inhabitants of the Canary Islands, By Alf Bajocco, Part II cont.


"An evidence which might prove that the ancients had good knowledge of the Canary Islands and their inhabitants is contained in the manuscript Saudades da Terra by the Portuguese Historian Gasper Frutuoso, who lived in the 16th Century.

In the Chapter Do que se diz das linguagens de todas estas Ilhas Canaries of his manuscript, the author reports that the Canary Islands were not inhabited by man and that they were peopled by Carthaginean prisoners who had been conveyed to these islands by the Romans after having their tongue cut for punishment. Owing to this fact, their descendants who could not learn any speech whatever from their mute fathers, developed new languages which grew independently throughout the islands as there was no communication among them. This story might be considered to be a figment of Frutuoso’s mind, but actually it isn’t as some basic statements he reports are quite correct. However, when we turn to Frutuoso’s assertion that the Canaries were not inhabited by man in ancient times, we find that such a statement lies beyond the scientific knowledge of his times. Who told him that the Canary Islands were not peopled by man? This fact has only been ascertained by the geologists and archaeologists of our times. Frutuoso also reports that a man, who was a native of Gran Canaria, named Anton Delgado, having been questioned about the origin of his people, replied that the early inhabitants of the islands had come from Morocco at the times of the Moors. Apart from the statement of the period of the immigration given by Anton Delgado was based on actual facts. Actually, the inhabitants of Gran Canaria were for the most part Mediterraneans who had come from Morocco in very old times before the discovery of metal working. It is our opinion that the account given by Gasper Frutuoso comes from an old Phoenician story dealing with a voyage beyond the Pillars of Hercules erron eously ascribed to the Romans at a later time. However, Gasper Frutuoso insists on the Roman origin of the story and expresses his personal conviction that the Canary islands had been discovered by the Roman Emperor Trajan (A.D. 97-117), who was born in Spanish port of Cadiz, and who was a reputed mathematician and philosopher. Such an attitude of mind, which is typical of Frutousos’s times, only proves that the original source of the story had been forgotten. It had been ascribed to the Romans in the same way as all the inventions of the past were believed to be Chinese. Actually, there is no trace whatever of a Roman settlement in the Canary Islands, while we know that the Romans used to leave durable evidence of their conquests everywhere they set. As far as the absence of any knowledge of shipping throughout the islands is concerned, we think it interesting to report that the natives of Gran Canaria could swim while those of Tenerife couldn’t. Gasper Frutuoso, in reporting Anton Delgado’s words affirms that the ancient inhabitants of the Canary Islands spoke a different language and that they could not understand each other. Actually, there were different dialects being offshoots from a common background of Berber extraction. We give the hereunder some of the original Canarian words as they have been reconstructed by the scholars of rpesent days. Even though some influences of Arabian dialects connot be denied, it must be pointed out that the original language was Berber:


Ahemon "Water" in Lanzarote and Hierro (cf. Berber "Aman")

Ataman "The Sky" in Tenerife (cf. Wolof "Asaman" and Arabic "Sama")

Chamato "Woman" in Tenerife (cf. Taureg "Tamet")

Faican "High Priest" in Gran Canaria (cf. Wolof "Fayda" meaning "much esteemed")

Tagoror "Meeting" in Tenerife (cf. Tuareg "Tahrut" meaning "Society") webmasters note -‘Oro’ in word as singular ‘people of’ a Egyptian god?

Tibicena "Dog" "Evil Spirit" in Gran Canaria (probably from the old African linguistic background)

Zeloy "The Sun" in Palma (cf. Berber "Azil")


We also give a Canarian original sentence as reported by Spanish Historians:

"Ajeliles Juxaques Aventamares" meaning "Run away! They are coming to take you."

(Tomas Arias Marin y Cubas, Historia de las Siete Isles Canarias, origen, descubrimiento y conquista, an original manuscript-A.D. 1694.)


These words belonging to the dialect spoken by the native Gomera are a proof that the language was of Berber extraction. In the reconstruction made by Mr. G. Marcy, a well known expert in Berber languages, the above mentioned sentence would be: "Ahel I-bes, huhak sa aben tamara-s", with the same meaning. From the evidence which we possess, we know that the cardinal numbers of the early inhabitants of the Canary Islands were the following:


Ben = One (webmaster comment- of the Egyptian-Celtic ‘Ben-Ben stone’)

Lini =Two (webmaster note- Remi was probably the original twin Egyptian Goddesses)

Amiet= Three (compare with Egyptian HMT= Phallus, three lines, earth and sky symbol hieroglyphs and meaning three in Ancient Egyptian)

Arba= Four (also Acodetti) webmasters note-‘Splendorous four trees?’ or cardinal points?

Cansa = Five (webmaster note- a kind of ‘Thoth’?)

Sumus = Six (webmaster note- ‘Priests’)

Sat = Seven (webmaster note- ‘Set’)

Tamatti= Eight (webmaster note- Lybian-Egyptian ‘Mother Goddess’)

Acot = Nine (also Alda Morana, meaning "One less than ten") Webmaster note ‘Splendor –(Fire (Sun-Priest)) Beloved of Osiris’?

Marago = Ten (Webmaster note- Muluga, Moroca, Malaka i.e Milky like Milky Way completed circle due to the less than expression of the above nine.)


-The Webmaster admits speculation but with my years of research I know I am fairly right on 80 percent of the above speculations along with Alf’s thoughts. That a Semetic People left strong linguistic traces upon the Canary Islands far more then Carthage or Romans did. This brings up the point that there may have been some lingustic affinities between the Canary Natives back to Ancient Berber which in turn did influence some of the later Egyptian words, more so than say to the Basques. Basque words exist in the Canaries but must be cautioned to any association to the Cro-Magnon linguistic patterns. They would be difficult and hard to divide even for a scholar on this subject such as myself. The clue would only be found in some prehistoric idioms that had some freakish local dialect still pounding on the pavements of those islands and its peoples or their barter contacts via folklore like expressions. Especially if unaccounted for in known Semetic, Roman, Etruscan, or other Spanish latent cultures. I predict it will turn out that an extremely ancient language would lie underneath with a very close connection to some ancient Cro-Magnon Sahara expressions. The expressions might be simple and probably extremely rare and a little more interesting then just ‘ugh’.

The whistle language given to sailor prisoners without tongues is an interesting problem because within the whistle would be a meter that like in poetry would possible mimick the native language of the Gaunche song’s or story’s. This as a plausible substitute to deal with natives feeling sorry for the Carthage prisoners who needed to communicate in another way. We could say the bird language from the Bushman Hottentot clicks, to the western african whistle language would not be out of place born out of hunting the creatures with their own whistles, nor found on the early Canaries? Did the Romans humiliate Carthage prisoners by substituting forcibly their language to what they considered barbarians i.e click talkers, and whistlers, for it was a very harsh punishment that involved towards Carthage personal humiliation.

One would think Carthage prisoners would welcome the Guanche and as a beautiful peaceful people even more civil then the Romans not treasure there wives stories, for they could not speak the same? -


"Our knowledge on Canarian numbers is mainly based on Spanish and Portuguese accounts. We wish to mention a manuscript by Antonia de Cedeno, Breve Resumen o Historia muy verdadera de la conquista de Canaria, as it seems that this well known historian could avail himself of first hand information including some transcription of the cardinal numbers. Acodetti (Four) and Alda Morana (Nine) come from a manuscript in Latin giving the account of a Portuguese expedition made in 1341 under the direction of Angiolino del Tegghia of Florence, Itlay. We wish to point out that the author of this manuscript was not Giovanni Boccaccio (the famous Italian writer and poet), as it has erroneously been reported by some scholars. The evidence given by the number three, which sounded almost in the same way both Egyptian (HMT., where "H" is like "Ch" in Scoth Loch) and in Canarain (Amiet) proves that there was a common background from which many languages and dialects of North Africa derived. It is interesting to say that some scholars believe that the Egyptian names of Cardinal Numbers from one to five were of African extraction while the following numbers show a Semetic influence. Other Canarian Cardinal Numbers, such as Ben (one) etc., have their counterpart in the dialect spoken by the native tribes of the Western Coast of Africa (Wolof, Zenaga, Silha, etc.) We give hereunder some Canarian words of Berber extraction:"


Achich =’Son’

Adarg =’ Shoulder’

Ahemon = Water

Ara, Axa = ‘Goat’

Cuna = ‘Dog’

Taharenemen = ‘Dry Figs’ webmaster note- Medi-Terranean

Almogaren = ‘Temple’

Ataman= ‘The Sky’

Falcan ‘High Priest’

Arba ‘Four’

Cansa= ‘Five’ webmaster note-same as Cuna or Dog but Egyptian Thoth extended.


All notes by webmaster date from June 25th-26th afternoon 2002 as first revealed.


"The appellative "Guanche", which became widely used in the Nineteenth-Century to indicate all the early inhabitants of the Canaries, comes from an original word of the native speech of Tenerife. Its actual meaning was nothing but, ‘Son of’ and the ‘Native of ‘ as it is proven by its Arabic counterpart ‘Ben’ meaning the same thing, which was employed in the first names as a translation of Guanche. Ex.: "Guanche-Tinerf" and "Ben-Tinerf", both meaning "Native of Tenerife".

Webmaster note-it can only be speculated that the ‘Native’ had a doublet terminology i.e. there was a dualistic meaning to ‘Son of’ and ‘Native of’ for it would not have been necessary to 'Ben' it or 'Guanche' it

with distinction from one another when it originally meant 'Son, or Native of' both. It would seem that 'soul or way of a clan' was first then 'Son of' after for give 'directional implications' of 'way' as a kind of taboo of life giving and sense of place. In this sense both Guanche and Ben mean the same thing in Life and pillars of Life. Canary Islands were a life beyond the pillars!!! But before the pillars was the Ova that formed a internal pillar in its on making symbology wise and creating a town city by its Ova outline.

Tinerf name gives a clue to why Guanche as well?

Almost a 'Land or Islands of Life' would thus be its original likened name not 'Fortunate' for finding as secondary.

 The antiquity of some of the words (in some cases) are pre-4,000 B.C. in its use or beginnings and which can make scholars conclude from this no doubt 6,000 B.C. with this date at least that the beginning of Canary Island inhabitants migration and possibly older as being very plausible. For Guanche is actually older by name then Ben. Ben is well known at least 3,400 B.C. in Egyptian description, or language. We know there was a great migration of Azilians a Cro-Magnon descendant at around 10,000-8,000 B.C. which ironically the word 'Azil' was a Canary word? Could they be the one and the same?

The Early Inhabitants of the Canary Islands, By Alf Bajocco, Part III or Hmt




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