1968 cont.

What is the Answer?

The almost complete apathy in the Western World, as opposed to Soviet Russia, on the subject of Atlantis just as much as on that of pre Columbian crossings of Atlantic, a logical sequence to the fall of Atlantis, is exceptionally worrying. In England where the educational system is rapidly vanishing in a welter of sex, drugs and anarchy, a lack of interest on the part of the young is to be anticipated, but in the New World where matters have not yet, one trusts, managed to get to the same pitch, this apathy is rather worrying. Within a year or so Atlantis sinking ship loads of hardy adventurers were breasting the Atlantic waves in search for traces of it. In the process they invariably landed up somewhere on the opposite coasts and thus was built up the beginnings of a traffic in merchant ships which lasted until the days of Columbus, and has continued in a much expanded form ever since. But this huge slab of early history with the epic voyages of these early explorers is of no interest to anybody in the West. In Western Europe, apart from myself, the only writer is Jurgen Spanuth, and although I do not agree with his thesis I am extremely grateful to him for making it known and thus keeping the flame alight. " (Webmasters Note- This exactly why when I asked Egerton to pass the 'torch of knowledge' and he did on a phone call 'pass it to me as the next scholar to keep his work alive and the responsibility to the subject of Atlantis'. ) "In Greece we have Galanoupoulos with his Santorin/Thera idea, which I feel to be a political gimmick bearing no relationship to reality. But here again I am grateful to him for putting it up and thus kindling some interest. But we three apart the whole of Western Europe has not produced a single new concept for years. In the United States, apart from a book produced this Year by the ARE of Virginia Beach, there has been nothing of import since 1960. For Africa, Asia and Australia the output is nil since the War. This leaves Soviet Russia, where apart from such writers as Zhirov, there has been a steady output of one or two books a year for the last decade. And what is more the books are well produced, well illustrated, printed in tens of thousands and at cheap prices. My wife and I have fought all our lives for Atlantis and the Atlantean tradition. With attacks we have always managed to cope but indifference is something which it is very hard to overcome. Cannot our readers, as an expression of the Christmas Spirit, endeavor to take some active measures to overcome the rot. With best seasonal wishes to one and all.

E. & K.E. Sykes

Egypt and Atlantis

Over the years we have published numerous articles Africa and Atlantis but to the best of my memory we have never done one on Egypt and Atlantis. The situation as I see it is a straightforward one. The Proto Egyptians after the fall of Atlantis sought refuge in North Africa, at that time a fertile land, with the Meropic Sea stretching inland into what is now the Sahara Desert. At some period, probably about BC 5,000 the climate changed and they were obliged to seek refuge elsewhere. Some went southwards to the Ife Country in the hinterlands of Nigeria where they established the first Benin culture, with temples inlaid with brass sheets, like the City of Brass in the desert, described by Arab historians in the 1001 Nights, memories of which are found in Pierre Benoit's: Atlantide, and in R. Gattefosse's: Portes De Bronze, both of which are related to the transition period. The largest and most powerful group crossed the desert to Egypt where after a thousand years or more fighting with local tribesmen they managed to unite Egypt, the Upper and the Lower Kingdoms, into one at the beginning of the 1st Dynasty. The great impetus which they gave to Egyptian culture gradually wore off and to those who go to Cairo Museum or to the Paris, etc., it is possible to see the gradual erosion of the finer points over the years until the low ebb of the present day. Here it should be pointed out that the possession of foreign built motor cars, aircraft, tanks, etc., does not imply the possession of a culture. A very similar story is told in the Meso America where the Maya and their cousins were rapidly falling into the pit of oblivion and would have vanished from the scene within a century had the Spaniard's not appeared on the scene. In both cases the causes were similar: disease and climate. Perhaps the climate is the more important. No nation which is situate in the semi tropical or tropical zones has ever managed to produce statesmen, simply because the intensely high temperature prevents the Brain from ever being cooled down enough for serious thinking. All philosophy comes from the temperate zones. This has nothing to do with race, people from colder climes soon descend to the local level, becoming as emotional and unstable as the local populace. Unfortunately it takes several generations for the reverse process to occur, people whose ancestors were brought up in hot climates take centuries before gaining benefit from living in colder ones, possibly because the DNA chains have been altered to enable survival to be possible. From this it may be taken that the climate of Atlantis was mild, probably because the Atlantis breezes tended to keep the temperature down to a reasonable level. What a pity it was the climate of India is so hot, as over the years all the dynamic driving force which the Aryan invaders brought with them has vanished into sloth and indolence. Whether the growing use of air conditioning in hot countries will in any way altar the situation is an open question, one can only hope that it will do so. The only structures in Egypt which may date back to days of Atlantis are the three Great Pyramids, which may well have been put up before the disaster. This we shall only be able to tell when the subterranean passages have been discovered and explored, an event which may not occur for a long time. At the time Cairo did not exist and Memphis may only have been a small colonial settlement. There may well have been some special reason for the picking on this particular site. The most likely one is that it was only a mile or so from the stone quarries, from which stones could be transported by water to within a couple of hundred yards of where they were needed. Obviously there should be other pre dynastic buildings in Egypt but at the present time it is hard to identify them. Sais the Temple that Solon visited has only been visited by two archaeologists in the last century and a half and neither of them did anything much. As for Upper Egypt, the discovery of the tomb of Tutenkhamen forty years ago seems to have put a stop to any further investigation. I attended a meeting of the Palestine Exploration Society the other day to hear the cumulative result of several years' work in what had been Jordanian Jerusalem. Frankly I was not impressed, compared with what the Israelis have done at Masada it was far too little. The reason simply is that the Arab is uninterested in any form of historical research and those who work with them tend to become infected by the same malaise. For example the various Dead Sea Scrolls fragments held by Jordanians and their European supporters had remained untranslated until the Israeli's captured them and handed them over to their own experts. The reason was simply that on the Arab side there was nobody of the academic status needed for the purpose. In Egypt the great days when foreign archaeologists ranged the land seeking for evidence of past history have long since gone. Now Archaeology is geared to political needs and to tourism, rather than to the discovery of the past. The recent demand for the funds to preserve the Temples at Philae from the waters of the Nile is to my mind absurd, underwater they are unlikely to suffer any damage and every detail about them is already well known and available in numerous works. But they form a tourist attraction, hence the demand on UN for the large sum of money needed which would be far better spent on digging up Sais.

Having lived in Egypt for several years I realize to the full the immense archaeological potentialities of the land, as also the fact that until the political atmosphere changes considerably nothing is likely to be done about it. E.S.

Webmaster Note- We are apologizing to any ethnic group that it was not Syke's intention to offend anyone, just an observation he made about apathy in Egypt and other countries about their own ancient history at the time of his writing, it is not the case presently. There is much more interest now, and yet there is still the problem of the politics of archaeology and tourism which countries fight over for money……………..sadly.

Meteorites, Hoerbiger, and Atlantis, An Odd theory about Tunguskaya, Latvian Crater Problem

A collection Summary of the Asteroid theories near time of Atlantis as of 1968 by E. Sykes

1968 cont.



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