1973 Begins

The Cadiz Conference of 1973, By Egerton Sykes http://atlantisresearch.com Maxine Asher present website

The Ancient Mediterranean Research Association is holding an important Congress at Cadiz, Spain, from July 9th to August 17th next, during which practically every aspect of Atlantean Research will be discussed by a team of experts led by Maxine Asher, well known to most people in the Atlantean field of research and including an old friend of your editor’s, Dr. Manson Valentine. (Who has passed away not long ago in the 1990’s)

During the last three years Egerton Sykes has been engaged on intensive research into the problem of Bimini and its underwater structures, which have received much publicity in the world’s press of late. He has now managed to produce a complete and watertight solution to all the questions which arise, such as the historical origin, the nature of the buildings, who put them up and why, and what is their relationship to the Atlantis question.

In view of the importance of the Bimini question it has been decided to defer publication until after the first week of the Congress, during the course of which Mr. Sykes will give full detail as one of the series of lectures he is giving there.

The other lecture titles envisaged at this stage are:

  1. The Cosmic Disaster that sank Atlantis.
  2. Atlantis the Atlantic Continent
  3. The Homes of the Goddesses: Ogygia, Aeaia, Tenefert, etc.
  4. Antinae the Love Queen
  5. The Santorin Hypothesis
  6. Parahyba, Colonel Fawcet, and Atlantis in South America
  7. The Trail of the Megalithic Builders
  8. Piri Reis and Columbus
  9. The Kaali Meteorite Strike, and its effects on the Lemurian Cultures.

Those interested in taking part in the Congress should write to Maxine Asher, the Ancient Mediterranean Research Assocaiton,

This conference had already occurred in 1973 so you can inquire on anything new at Mrs. Ashers website http://atlantisresearch.com, yes so far known Mrs. Asher is still alive of 2002

Twenty Five Years of Atlantis, By E. Sykes

The Atlantis Research Center at this point had celebrated 25 years of existence as a Journal from 1948-1973

"As readers know I am due to hold a series of lectures in Cadiz in July next. One of these will contain a possible solution not only to the artifacts at Bimini and Andros but also of those in the adjacent Caribbean islands."

"Mrs. Maxine Asher accompanied by her team of educational advisors and technical experts spent a couple of days in Brighton discussing the Cadiz Congress on Atlantis. Two days of work at break neck speed tidied up most of the outstanding points and it now only remains for us to have good weather and a good attendance. The dynamic energy Maxine Asher is capable of moving most obstacles so I have no fears about the ultimate outcome.

Many readers of Atlantis may not be able to attend the congress, however there is one way in which they can all help further the cause. This by writing to their local press or tv stations telling them of what is about to happen and endeavoring to obtain a full measure of media support."

"Her visit was an exhilarating experience. I am much looking forward to the Cadiz Meeting." E.S.

Cadiz and What was Discovered There, By E. Sykes

"The same problem arises with Cadiz. A talk with maps, charts, illustrations, etc. could be prepared in parallel with that on Keely, mentioned above, provided that people are interested. In actual fact this has been an important event in the history of Atlantology despite various setbacks. We should like your opinion as soon as possible, please." E.S.

Cadiz-Bimini/Andros-North Sea Cultures, By E. Sykes c. 1973

The recent meeting of AMRA in Cadiz, in which your editor took part, brought sharply into focus the fact that the discoveries made by Maxine Ashers’ divers off Cadiz were much in line with those reported on the other side of the Atlantic at Bimini and Andros, as also in the North Sea by Spanuth and others. All three are facets of the megalithic culture, which lasted until 1,500 BC and which may well have started in BC 10,000 in Atlantis. The ruins which we have been able to find are those which were on the European and American continental shelf’s which endured until 6,000 BC, the date when the Atlantic broke through in to the Mediterranean by the Straits of Gibraltar, into the North Sea by Ys and Lyonysse; and into the Caribbean and the surrounding islands of Bimini and Andros. The cause was probably the melting of glacial ice sheets in the North, the same as that which forces the Thalassic peoples to leave Central Asia. The Cadiz discoveries, made at depths of 100 feet and more, some 14 miles off shore clearly fall into this category. Those responsible were the Heraclidae/Tartessians, who flourished in Andalusia until the Phoenicians drove them out into North Africa. The story that Hercules himself opened up the Straits shows that the event occurred at the onset of his occupation of the region. Phoenicians arrived about 3,000 BC, the Romans about BC 500, and the Visgoths after the fall of Rome. Providing that the information furnished by the diving team was reasonably correct these remains are definitely pre-Phoenician. A wider evaluation will have to await further data as to the size of the find- reported as 25 acres, its orientation, etc. The Heraclidae were but one facet of the Megalithic Culture Complex, which was common, to both sides of the Atlantic. It produced a batch of highly skilled mathematicians, and astronomers who erected their stone computers from Callinish in North of Scotland, to Stonehenge and Avebury, and at Carnac, to name only a few of the main centers. Both Hawkins and Thom have fully described most of these wonders which are now officially accepted as constituting a solid part of our early history.

Bearing in mind that writing was unknown to them, they must have had remarkable brains to be able to carry all the necessary calculations in their heads. That this is still possible is shown by the young lady at the NASA control center at Houston, Texas, who at the time when one of the Apollo Missions was in considerable danger, did the necessary calculations in her head to save time needed for programming. The Egyptian cultures from before the 1st Dynasty were in contact with the Megalith builders, which of them provided the mathematical data is still uncertain, built before 9,750 BC our starting off point has receded considerably in time. These pictures so far released from Cadiz show a truncated stone column about 10 feet long; a column headstone of unusual design; a drinking mug; a stretch of pavement 25 yards long composed of stone blocks roughly fitted together, as shown on the next page. The headstone is different from anything found at Bimini and Andros or even Basilea; the pathway is similar to the American side; the drinking mug may have fallen off a passing ship. There is no evidence of Phoenician or Roman influence. What Maxine Asher accomplished was to push the threshold of Iberian history from BC 3000 and the Phoenicians to BC 6,000 and the Heraclidae/Tartessians, no mean feat. Whether we shall be able to establish our link with Atlantis only further study will show. E.S.

Webmasters Note- The Pictures-

The picture shows a busted up column in 2 feet sections but was originally 120 feet long i.e. 120-150 feet high column. The road blocks average 14 ½ yards long to 25 yards long they are as massive as the Bimini Road blocks. The strange head column looks like a representation of a deer ( red deer like, or antelope) yet geometric morphed like the ‘Keely experiments’ of a ‘convoluted hole in shape of water jug’ theory of chaos and dimensional study. This theory was discovered in light of electric or electro-magnetic studies. Red Deer was greatly hunted in the period of 6,000 BC. Which makes one think of the deer in this light as a thunder goddess????? Dean Clarke theory as of Aug. 25th 2002 c.

Another Angle of Attack, and a Extract of the Sybilline Oracle, By Egerton Sykes 1973c.go to list of years for 1975-1977

1973 cont.



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