1966 Begins


The Caribbean, By Egerton Sykes 1966 Part II (summary)


This section talks about other possible ancient explorers who ventured to the Caribbean.

He lists Dr. Mertz work on Greeks in Caribbean, Dr. Gattoni Celli, and Alf Bajocco speculations on Etruscan voyages and these may have occurred when Rome sacked Etruscan Cities forcing them to move away from them in order to not become slaves or prisoners. This time period is roughly 1,300 B.C. to 500 B.C. Sykes maintained that the main route was round the south of the Gulf Stream, reaching the West Indies or the Coast of Florida first although from time to time managed to reverse the process by going to the Azores. They go on to mention Mitchell Hedges the explorer who spent many years investigating the Caribbean and was certain of the antiquity of its cultures. "On Barbaret he found a statue of a god about four feet high cut out of rock crystal, he considered to be a work of art which had taken centuries to finish. He also found a crystal skull, of which I have a photograph, which I consider to be finer than the one in the British museum. The reason why these objects were cut out of crystal, a most difficult task, is unknown, but a correspondent once suggested that the stories of a temple with transparent Walls might be linked to the objects. There has been a certain amount of archaeological work done on Cuba, Haiti, and Bimini which is of interest, details are given below.


Although Cuba is the largest island in the West Indies it is also the one about least known archeologically. However in 1951-52 the Cuban Institute of Archaeology published a paper by Feo Garcia Juares which translated into English by Roberto Perez de Acevedo. As the text is a short one it is given below:

"In 1952 the Cuban institute of Archaeology was studying the subject of Atlantis, and their attention was drawn to a report that your editor considered that traces of this culture might be found in Cuba and Santo Domingo and other of the West Indian Islands. Of these Cuba seemed the most suitable owing to its size. The most suitable site was the Punte del Este, the Island of Pines, where flights of steps were discovered leading from the prehistoric caves to a site on the prometory where there were traces of a rudimentary observatory, which might have been used by the priests for calculation of astronomical data.

In addition there were also found here astronomical symbols and other petroglyphs, which would fit in with the assumption that the calendric system of the Mayas, the Aztecs, and the other Meso American peoples, began about 11,000 B.C.. The possibilty of Cuba having been a staging point in the migrations of the Maya to Mexico should not be overlooked. On the South Coast of Cuba, at Camaguey, there are many partially submerged mounds called "caneyes", which may have been places of refuge for primitive man. There are numerous artifacts here which have never been adequately investigated. Numerous skeleton remains found here give evidence of a sudden and violent death due to some catastrophe. The artifacts include stone balls, spherical stones, elongated stones, and rods with forked ends resembling snakes. The absence of large monuments may merely mean they have not yet been seriously looked for.


Webmasters note- in light of the recent Cuba discoveries I thought it only right that Egerton Sykes was so ahead of his time listing and pointing out what the Cuban Institute was working on in the Atlantis-Maya connection. Note that all the round spherical balls are used sometimes in star horizon plotting, and the Egyptian used forked sticks as guides to site and level stars on the horizon, they do not have to be immediately just rude ineffectual harpoons of some stupid culture???? Also in light of the West Cuba underwater find the above statements seem to indicate a origin point for the movement of a astronomical culture and no reason to rule out Haite even further east. It may be said that Pine Island, may be crucial to the connection with the new monuments found of the West of Cuba 2,00 feet below if stairs from a Pine Island area cave lead steps to a waters edge that lead to nowhere but the sea!!!! It may also be noted the petroglyphs were considered astronomical as much so as the Whale land glyph in the Bahamas is to the Constellation of Cetus. These I believe in connections I may be the first to connect between the Pine Island complex of the destruction of the sea walls to these islands and the catastrophe that hit West Cuban monuments under water 2,000 feet down!!!!! As well as the potential astronomical instruments listed as unknown in purpose by these writers in 1952 of the Cuban Institute. By Dean Clarke BLS BGSU June 29th 2002


"An Island where it has been possible to do some investigation is Haiti where Dr. V. M. Valentine has recently been working. This Island is of especial interest as Colombus records the name as having been in use when he reached there ."(i.e. native tongue Haiti)

"Descourtilz writing in 1799 and 1803 refers to grottos and caverns worked by man at Dubeda among the Gonaives, on the Selli Mountains, near Port au Prince not far from French Cape. He says: "The superstitious Indians worship their monstrous divinities in natural caverns, which are lit from the top to allow the first rays of the sun to enter…The interior of these natural vaults is lined with idols, encrusted and engraved in the rock, in bizarre and grotesque forms, which the caciques usually interpret in their favour…." The reference is accompanied by a drawing showing eight of the idols, including toads with heads on their feet, monstrous human bodies with cone shaped torsos and spherical knobs for heads, tortoises and other animals, including snakes. E. Nau in his "Histoire des Caciques d’ Haiti", refers to these caves and observes that the Caribs had no tradition of them. For well over a century there has been no record of these petroglyphs and I am inclined to think that the reason is simply that they have been taken over by Voodoo worshippers who have looked after them with some care but have not allowed any outsiders to penetrate. In view of the predominant part played by Voodoo in the life of Haiti it seems that archaeologists will have to establish some loose contact with its priests in order to be able to inspect the vaults. Although Voodoo is on a more elementary basis than many other cults of a similar nature, it works reasonably well and does not contain any new features but rather a proliferation of those already existing elsewhere. I have always wondered why it is that anthropologists who look into these basic religions seem to forget their archaeology in the excitement of finding out the psychological reactions inherent in them. A good example of the way to do things was shown by Thor Heyherdahl when doing his final researches on Easter Island. The extensive use of caves in the Caribbean Islands shows that they were used as refuges during some period of great disaster. The debased nature of the pictures would be the direct result of the enforced incarceration. The toads may well have been associated with this cause. Other writers include Saint Mery who tells of a stone cut with strange and unknown lettering found in the mountains of Guanaminto in 1787, and Schombrughk writing in 1854 who records a stone circle of granite rocks near San Juan de Maguana, which had a large granite rock statue in the center on which the eyes and mouth were still visible."(Webmaster note –notice the similarity to the Easter Island Aku statue explanation with eyes and mouth still visible, this I am sure I am probably the first to note that association Dean Clarke June 29th 2002)

"The circle had a circumference of 2,270 feet. Peter Martyr in 1526 refered to ancient works of art found on Haiti, all trace of which has now been lost. He also mentions the ancient gold mines found by Bartholomew Columbus."


Ponce de Leon the explorer while searching for Bimini missed his course and landed at Miami.

He had hoped to find on Bimini the Fountain OF Youth" or did he get this from some native source? "Ten years ago Horace Gouevia of Midland, Michigan, found several cut stone square pillars in the water off Bimini at a depth of 25 to 30 feet. The find reported the same year and Mr. Gouveia subsequently transferred his headquarters to Perry, Florida. However I have not been informed of any progress since then.


I tis felt that in this short paper enough evidence has been produced to justify the assumption that ther is far more historical material in the islands of the Caribbean than people are willing to credit and that now is as good a time as any to look for it. (as of 1966). No mention has been made of the Commonwealth West Indian Islands as it does not seem that any archaeological research has been done there of a nature such as to enable one to draw a satisfactory conclusion.

Webmaster Note- since 1966 many exciting things have occurred that would have really excited Egerton Sykes and I’m sure even Edgar Cayce:

  1. the Discovery of a stone circle near Miami i.e. of a potential cat cult nature.
  2. The Discovery of the West Cuba buildings 2,000 feet underwater.
  3. The various roads that seem to extend further out then Sykes knew near Bimini, and pillars.
  4. The recent find off the Coast of the Azores 250 miles southwest of circled walls and a stone topped column building.
  5. The Discovery of the other Indies i.e. the buildings off the coast of India and her northern Bays.
  6. The writings found off the West Cuba Coast as being not the same as Maya directly in Petroglyph, or other writing systems.

From the Webmaster- I have in my possession an article on the Etruscans and Pelasgians to America and I am sure on these recent discoveries some people would be very interested on this information.


Two Important Discoveries in Atlantology and Atlantis in France, By E. Sykes






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