1957 Begins

Some Notes on Egyptian Myth and Legend, By Egerton Sykes

Egyptian myths and legends had already solidified before the 1st Dynasty of Egypt when they eventually consolidated Egypt into two or twin kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt, rather like Scotland and England combined to become the United Kingdom. It is certain that the system of names and clan insignia or totems had been in existence for a considerable period, probably several thousands of years at least, before 3,500 B.C. or so when the first Dynasty came into power. It would be of great interest to know when the actual war was fought between Set the Sun God and Osiris the Moon God and Isis the Moon Goddess, with aid of her consort who was killed, eucharistically devoured, and planted into the soil every year. That Isis was a great magician is shown by the story of how she slew both Horus and Set who had assumed the form of black bulls and were fighting. Her relations to Horus and Set appear to have been those of a neutral referee rather than those of a mother and son to be one and enemy to the other. Horus may well have been the Osiris of one kingdom, who became the son of Osiris when the two kingdoms were amalgamated. In any case it may safely be assumed that both Osiris, Horus , and Set came much later on the scene than the great mother Goddesses such as Hathor, Neith, Isis and others. Throughout the Middle East the source of everything is the primeval chaos monster whose name is Tamtu, Tiamat, or Tiawath to the Babylonians, and Tohu or Tchom to the Hebrews. It is in memory of this early mother goddess that we get such expressions as the 'womb of time' etc. One would have expected the Egyptians to have a chaos monster with a similar name but suprisingly enough he was called Nu or Nun. However, on looking further into the question one discovers a deluge monster named Atmu, who seems to have preceded Nu, and would therefore fit into the general pattern. All the deluge monsters date back to the waste of waters seen after the great deluge, which was not only that of Noah but also that of Atlantis. Many people object that there are no deluge legends in Egypt but this is not the case. The earliest tells that the God Atmu caused the waters of the great deep and drowned everybody except those who were with him in his boat, which would indicate that when he or she was deposed from the post of chaos monster he became the Egyptian Noah or Uta Napishtim. The other tells how Ra ordered Hathor (cow headed) and Sekhmet (cat headed) to destroy mankind, which they did by fire and afterwards when they were wading in human blood he told them to stop. As they would not do so he flooded the world with beer which they drank to such an extent that they became drunk and forgot about killing mankind. The beer was probably the evil smelling muddy floodwater as it subsided. Also there is the story of Thoth and the Siriadic Columns, which he set up to survive both the flood and fire being of stone and brick respectively. The story is told by Manetho and also by Josephus, the latter says they were put up by Set or Seth. This story of the Siriadic Columns fits in with the various Arab Legends about the pyramids, which were set up by the wise men before the flood. The tale is told by Abou Balkh who says that two pyramids were 400 cubits in height and that on the casing charms and wonders were inscribed. (We know the casing of the Great Pyramid built Cairo, or White Wall City, therefore some are still under Cairo's foundations!) Masudi also says: "Surid one of the pre-diluvian kings ordered two pyramids to be built in which were deposited records of the past." The battles between Set and Horus and Set and Osiris may well have been ritual combats renewed annually like those between Mot and Leviathan mentioned in the Ras el Shamara ('Southland of Ra') scripts. The death of Osiris is the annual ritual sacrifice of a barley king and the pilgrimage of Isis should perhaps be considered in the reverse sense, i.e. that she was planting the dismembered portions of his body to bring about fertility in the barley fields. That barley beer was the national drink of Egypt is shown by many references in the texts, one pleasant one is of Nefer Ka-Ptah (Beautiful Soul of Ptah) writing a magical spell on a papyrus and washing the ink off with beer which he drank in order to have full knowledge in his mind. Budge mentions annual combats at which the place of Set was taken by a prisoner who was killed by the noble representing Osiris or Horus. Perhaps the most important Egyptian legend is that of the Shipwrecked Traveler left Egypt in a ship 150 cubits (225 feet) in length and 40 cubits (60 feet wide), and was wrecked on an island where he found a huge serpent, the King of all the Serpents. Here is the link to that story: The Island of the Serpent, 1950-54 in List

The story is in the Arabian Nights and is entitled Yamilka, the papyrus from which the original was taken is in the Leningrad Museum. Another link with Egypt and the past is given by the fabulous city fo Brass and the City of many Columned Iram, both of which are mentioned in the Arabian Nights. These tales show that before the first Egyptian dynasties arose there was a tradition of ancient culture in the deserts to the west and the east of Egypt, which seems to be linked with the first Atlantean refugees. Hoffman has suggexted that Egypt was first colonized about 13,000 B.C. and that Surid reigned about 13,500, the pyramids being built about 12,000 B.C. He also suggests that the Atlantean Dynasties, including Osiris and Horus reigned at this time.

Webmasters Notes: in regards to the two black bulls Isis had to ward off, or referee we find that in Ireland the prolific battle of two bulls in place names of Tech Donn, and Michael which relate to lands beyond the Atlantic Sea off Brittany and United Kingdom. These names face the Atlantic towrds the Kingdoms of Poseidon, and Llyonesse. The use of Bull-Roarers in ancient festivals, and Bull fights are as old as the Dragon fights. The other connection found in a book by Naomi Mitchinson, 'The Corn King and the Spring Queen' which deals with prehistoric times, and is mostly north of the Black Sea. Here the future king had to fight for his supremacy against the old king in a bullfight. If we take the irish island names of Tech Donn and An Tarbh we come up with 'House of Donn, the Bull'. Regardless of the Crete connection and the Minotaur these traditions are in fact older mother goddess religion and can not be resolved by Cornish-Phoenician tin trade, or Amber as the solution.


Dr. Malaise comment from 'Oceanic Bottom Investigations and their Bearings on Geology', 1957-

Dr. Malaise thinks that the peoples who introduced the Sandia Cave Flints (New Mexico) were contemporary with those who produced the Solutrean points in France and Morocco, and, more that they both came from Atlantis some 25,000 years ago via Iceland over the then existing Land Bridge.

Note of mention- there are 149 classical sources of writers about Atlantis known from periods before 400 A.D..

More About St. Michael's Island, contributed by Dr. Kate Muller Lispwski and

A Letter from Dr. Zhirov, Moscow, 2.XI.57. to E. Sykes end of 1957



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