1953 cont.

Flood Myths and History, Hugh Soar (a over all summary)

Flood Heroes-Culture Heroes-Attributes


Before Osiris came the Egyptians were cannibals, no laws, and ignorant of the High Gods. Osiris came to Egypt in vessel with relatives, Isis and Set. Taught egyptians to cultivate ground, gathered fruit from trees, winnow grain, prune trees, trained vines to poles, taught grape wine, and brew barley beer. From this gained the name Un-nefer, the Good One. On death was placed as number one god. His death by suffocation, brought by brother Set. His body was dismembered and thrown in distant parts of Egypt.

Bogota, New Granada, Columbia

Bochic (or Memtereketeba, or Nemquetheba) came long ago from the East to Platau of Bogota. With his coming a great flood, which threatened the country, had stopped. He taught savages to till the soil, make cloths, to honor the gods, and to rule land.

Deluge and Culture Hero Myth- Chaldean/Babylonian

In first year of creation, the powerful being Oannes came out of the Sea. Though of a different race, he spoke in a tongue that the people could understand. He taught

Them who lived with beasts, how to build towns and temples, how to survey land, how to grow fruits and other things. He did not eat their food however. After his days work amoungst them he returned to his palace in the ocean. After him their appeared six other beings who gave revelations to men.

Culture Hero Myth-Icelandic Eddas

"Adburs sons uplifted, The soil in cultivation. They gave the Middle Garden Its glorious merry shape. (Mediterranean?) The sun then cast its shine Into the stoen cellars. The ground became green, With leeks and grain. (pyramids were built on leek and barley) The sun wrapped its shine Around men in fellowship, Whose hands grasp, right hand wise Around the heavenly Adar. " ( erman=right arm related to a river or a road as a right hand path of the sun rolling, or Ra-n-Reth on the nightly milky river Itor or Watery Nile.) (webmaster points)

Chaldean Flood was no earlier then 6,000-5,000 B.C. and not the same as the Atlantean one.

England the final flooding of the southern portion in the channel took place in its final stage in post-glacial times during the early years of the Mesolithic Age.

Southern province of Spain, Andulucia, famous for the Rio Tinto mines. Mrs. Elena Wishaw spent years in uncovering the Neolithic settlements of Niebla. Her thought was that the Cro-Magnon were the first to exploit the mine who were from Aurignacian Culture period. The location has diluvial clay pockets between Rio Tinto and the sea. The coastal plain, and the valley of the Guadalquivir, running north-eastwards, is generally below six hundred feet. The raised beaches, and shell beds at Lucena occur on ground between one thousand feet, and three thousand feet above sea-level. This indicates that Guadalquivir River Valley at least has been under water, and the islands of higher ground, rising from three thousand feet upwards, were probably the only lands above water in Andulucia during the short period of the universal flood. Neolithic Culture was early in comparison with England. Andalucia has its own flood myths, one that relates that the people of a certain town saved themselves from the great flood by climbing upon their city walls.

The salt marshes of Tunisia extend westwards into Algeria. They were formed it is thought by extensive flooding, and since the land is generally very low, and in some case below sea level, a rise of the Mediterranean Sea, of only a few feet would completely submerge the land below 600 feet. The sweeping up of the water by a lunar or asteroid tidal grid would put to much sea water at the equator, and the polar regions the loss of sea water.

South America culture center unknown but the culture called Tiahuanaco was possibly near a Inter-Andean Sea due to Calcareous deposits, indicating the presence of water, and littorals. The remaining traces of this sea, are Lake Titicaca and Lake Poopo, with a stream connecting them presently. The average height of the Mountain Sea was 12,300 feet, and two theories are Andes pushed out of the sea in Tertiary times, or the melting glaciers due to climate change melted into these lakes or were a sea. But, the tidal grid being lifted by a close encounter of a celestial object onto the equator and dumping vast amounts of water at the earth's middle would also account for this possibility? Calcareous deposits occur in fast inundation conditions generally. The nature of the water at Titicaca and Poopo are brackish or salty with a salt marsh. The glaciers are non-saline by nature. The type of stoen in the area are not Triassic formations and not suitable for salt extraction by water going over them. Inter-Andean Sea therefore can only be continent breakup formed and or by a sudden event such as a tidal grid uplifting.

The Biblical account is not the original and not borrowed from Chaldea or Peru as to what or who would really be the first culture to mention it. It may have been simultaneous event, and so culture wise recorded in folklore and myths.

Quetzalcoatl, was a deluge survivor and head of the Toltec pantheon of gods and a wind patron. In some cases he was a great priest of the rain maker or stopper cult.

He was a teacher, inventor of handicrafts, growing of grain and pumpkin. He left with different myths of his death, or reason of leaving into the east.

Osiris, in remote pre-dynastic antiquity Osiris was a King and had his governing in the Ninth Nome. Horus, Isis, and Osiris are mostly linked together in ruling the kingdom. Agriculture and the Moon are his links, and his afterlife for him and the believers lie in the 'Field of Reeds', or (Sekhet Ari-t or Greeks Elysian Fields) in the Western Horizon i.e. towards the Atlantic. At first his center of worship was at Busiris, and then Abydos. Yet, this shows Osiris is connected with the marshy inundated reeds of Atlantis. The shrines like pyramids are usually dedicated to culture heroes like Osiris who have altars at the top of them indicating man's sacrificial thanking for surviving from the floods by mounds or mountains that god made for men to be closer to heaven and god? Even Adam and Eve or their fall out of paradise, or from its loss to a flood has its connection to pagan baptism practices.

The immersion of a child in water is due to the legacy of his surviving ancestors (survivor syndrome-guilt) who believed that their supposed cleansing meant that for them as being part sinless for not being picked to die. This as opposed to some of them who were destroyed by water due to their own sins offending god is continued to this day. The Cross-has even descended to us from the same ancient pagan sources.

Lord Raglan book, "The Hero" is the basis of certain myths that repeat the story:

Pagan outline culture hero myth stratum-

1. Heroes Mother is a royal virgin.

2. His father is a lineal descendant of a King, and 3. A relative cousin of his mother.

4. The conception is unusual and immaculate.

5. he is reputed to be a son of God.

6.At birth an attempt is made by his father or maternal grandfather to kill him, but

7. He is taken away in exile, 8. Reared by his foster parents in a far country.

9. We are told nothing of his childhood, but 10. On reaching manhood he returns for his kingdom. 11. After a victory over a king, a giant, devil, or beast, 12. He marries a princess, often a daughter of the predecessor. 13. Becoming King.

14. Reigns for a long time uneventfully, and prescribes laws, but 16. Later he losses favor with the gods, and or his subjects, and 17. Is driven from the throne and city, after which he meets a mysterious death, 19. Often at the top of a hill. 20. His children, if any, do not succeed him. 21. His body is not buried but nevertheless 22. He has one or more holy sepulchres.

Christian cult-hero stratum:

1.His mother is a virgin

2. His father is a lineal descendant of a king (Joseph of David's line) and

3. a relative (cousin) of his mother. 4. He is concieved by the Holy Ghost, and

5. is the Son of God. 6. After his birth an attempt by Herod to kill him, but 7. He is taken to Egypt and 8. Reared there. 9. We know little of his childhood, but 10 on reaching manhood he goes to Israel. 11. After a victory over the Devil (in the wilderness) he is 13. Feted as a great leader. 14. For a time all goes well, he 15 preaches doctrines, but 16 he losses favor with his people, and 17. Is imprisoned. 18. His actual death is mysterious, (the voice of God), 19 on top of a hill. 21 His body is not buried but nevertheless 22. He has many sepulchres.

It is true of Jesus existence so why not of the former Heroes, and the pattern of conversion to a religion or a kingdoms lineage justified is used when spreading the mythology and philosophy of a famous figure. In a sense gossip has its cost and toll on the actual truths. For the spread of Christianity was based on the success of incorporating a internal pattern or meter so that Jesus would stand out as Spiritual and at least a Cult Hero. So, ritual drama like Robin Hood, Dionysus, and even Bhudda have certain affinities in the drama building rules. Even Shakespeare could no more over look ritual drama in his play 'King Lear' with the life of Celtic Sea God Llyr, and his son Mannawyddan included, a myth of ancient antiquity.

Webmaster in conclusion-

It would seem a internal code of ritual drama was one of the reasons the Atlantis Myth was continued because the ancestors did not want us to forget that this was not a story or a myth but something dreadful that happened. Atlantis tale is the most powerful kind for many will come for a tragedy, then a happy ending even in going to the movies. They had to figure out away to show the impact of it, that would still entail some elements of hope especially for the hereafter. They formed a canon, or a numerical outline within the story, which we may want to now see why Plato felt it pretty important to lay down numbers of the Atlantis mathematical citadel? It was such a powerful canon that not even Noah's Ark could be excluded from the Old Testament due to the importance of the historical drama before even Homer. The cult hero in a sense is another canon that extended from the original story, but since it was more human oriented story it could more so be overlaid.

What the pattern does show is the difficulty for the Atlanteans to adjust to new lands and new kingdoms after the destruction and due to social rejections towards their wanting to control over those kingdoms when they moved in. The story glorifies their passage from wickedness, and the ingenious way that they got the cultures to follow them. They did not bribe, nor enslave at that point but taught them about the things they knew and the world they built and treasured and were willing to teach. The myth also reveals a fall out of the culture who was learning from them in resenting Atlantean's eventual control i.e. Set takes over and some havoc begins to spread. The myth also reveals come back with Isis installing Horus and so the prehistoric lineage was to continue on the merciful son's avenging of his enemies. Thoth lurks in the background so the teacher somehow always remained and was revered i.e. the Priests for a long period of time in pre-dynastic Egypt had great power over the people often aligned with the Queens. The taboo has also appeared as to not entering information about a cult hero's childhood very much like why Greeks would not finish out a play's high point and only imply what happened. They do not want the listener to focus on the child turned into a man-god's rights of passage. As if to reveal it either takes away from the story, lessens the mystery, or steals his mystical essence. This may have been a fear taboo socially that if you speak of his childhood you may rob, or put at risk his central character i.e. soul. It is also interesting that from the cult hero getting isolated or exiled from others with his rights of passage, and his eventual ritual battle leading to a marriage he is performing one of the oldest human life dramas related to social, city, and kingdom building. This old process where the child then turns into a man and then into a king through rights of passage was known back in Atlantean and Cave Man days as a drama. But, the confusion of the word trauma shows its older metaphor association and is implied even mythological. For after the right of passage, the cult hero gets replaced, or dies on a hill. This is about a king's right of passage i.e. one Chronos Hock-Bock Goat King getting replaced by a more vigorous younger suitor to the thrown. It was often fought, as a dual on a hill, like our child's game king of the mountain, and king of the hill, or even Jack and Jill. It means that Atlantean's had in some circumstances duels between King and son, some other suitor, or the King was sacrificed on a hill then to face a battle with his flesh and blood. The origin of this king passage cult may have later become well established in the Age of Gemini, when twins fought over the right to a thrown and became a literal religion, note Egypt's Twin Kingdoms? The story is almost like a reverse Zodiac in the sense our Virgo-Virgin starts the Age story and Taurus the Bull ends it for our cult hero. This is why the Jesus story is the same but altered in exception. In the middle of the story

After rights of passage he preaches, and is imprisoned? This refers to Pisces Age-Aquarius Age, and he being imprisoned involves a very esoteric alteration which

Refers to what is across from the Virgin i.e. Andromeda who was chained and imprisoned. The clue of the New Testament Jesus Cult Hero is this….Virgo and Andromeda only have one thing between them, and that is the North Pole. This North Pole in a sense is Jesus Hill Top that he preached and then was to die on.

Yet, he was not buried on the hill, he was taken to the valley. The implication is that

A pole shift is coming, and Vega is coming back as the new pole star. This is why Jesus uses the line on the cross that only Atlas could make when he held up the world in a gossip sense, 'father why have you forsaken me', and still in a unknown language?

There is a second part to the fable, which ties Osiris's Life, and having the same parallels as Jesus which I now call the 'Lost Doctrine On the Passion Passage (Play)'.

There is also the even more elusive, 'Lost Doctrine of The Child's Training Passage'.

Here is what I have laid out for the first time to the viewer.

I. Escape and Training

II. Exile and Rights of Manhood

III. Capture and Passionate

These are ritual works that are supposed to be combined and go back to an Atlantean Tale.

As we find in 'The Albigenses and the Holy Grail', by Lewis Edwards, D. Litt.

The Grail being in Wales addressed to Hopkin op Thomas by Davydd y Coed

"There are in his court

The golden oak Eluecdarius

And the Grail and Triales"


The Amazons, by P. Hoffman

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