1970 Begins

The Pyramids of Rock Lake, By Leslie Young

The helicopter and the skin diver have recent years been responsible for interesting discoveries and has in particular proved a valuable aid to archaeological exploration. It was close conjunction of both that enabled some determined enthusiasts after an archaeological team had abandoned exploring Rock Lake in Wisconsin, U.S.A., in 1967 to locate the site of some pyramids that were reputed to be covered by the water of the lake. These had been spotted on previous occasions both from the surface when there had been a severe drought and from the air and though their precise location was a trifle uncertain, the foundations of the tradition that there were certain formations in the lake was instigated, which eventually, on exploration yield such substantial results. Though older descriptions do not altogether coincide with what actually divers have so far found, that is a low platform with a sloping sides of lose quartzite, it has been established that a man made structure or structures exists on the bed of the lake. History reveals that there was a pre-Columbian Indian city called Atzalan near the shores of the lake. But this circumstance does not necessarily solve the problem of the submerged pyramids. Rock Lake is glacial, that is one created by Wisconsin glacier, part of the last ice sheet, whose retreat is usually considered to have occurred at least 10,000 years ago. North America considered at one time to be virgin territory as far as archaeological remains are considered is beginning to pose as many problems as that of its southern portion. L.M.Y.

A New Deal in Geology, Geography and the Related Sciences, By Rene Malaise. 1970

The mode of evolution and progression of the continents and oceans of which the earth’s surface consists has been the subject of much speculation since the inception of geology as an established science in the mid-nineteenth century. This volume written by a distinguished Swedish zoologist strives to outline some aspects of the problems posed, largely those of natural science and offers a contribution towards their solution. Volcanism and earthquakes, the much debated question of the Ice Ages, particularly the Pleistocene cycle, are discussed and in addition other geologic activity including the fluctuations concerning the eustatic changes of se-level and the isostatic equilibrium of land. A good example of the foregoing is the postulated subsidence of Scandinavia under the heavy burden of the ice during the glacial period and its subsequent re-elevation when the ice-sheet eventually waned. Dr. Malaise does not however subscribe to this hypothesis, a popular one with geologists, and usually quoted in the textbooks. His objection arise from conclusions based on the constriction theory of Nils Odher, which depends for its mechanics on the incidence of internal and external heat that can fluctuate in accordance with climatic factors, some of which including the process itself, are described in detail The forgoing over a lengthy period of geological time either has the effect of depressing the crust, contended to consist of granite and highly tensile, this basaltic layer extending to a depth of 700 km. into a huge geosyncline (downward fold) or alternately a geo-anticline (upward fold) that if prolonged and on large enough scale could develop into a Orogenesis, a mountain building process. Furthermore Dr. Malaise challenges the current theories particularly those concerning the formation of ocean basins including the ones that at present hold the field, namely continental drift, seafloor spreading and paleomagnetism. On the basis of Nil’s Odher’s hypothesis hexplains all the manifestations that have affected the surface of the earth, including as mentioned mountain building, the last great orogenesis having occurred during the Tertiary, the geologic period preceding the Quaternary. Paleomagnetism combined with the hypothesis of sea floor spreading which requires all aseimic areas of the earth’s surface to move as rigid plates has instigated a revival though diversified, the theory of continental drift. The foregoing, the first propounded by Wegener postulating that the present continents including the Americas, were originally part of the great common continent which broke up during the middle Triassic approximately 170 million years ago. The continental blocks that resulted, floating a fluid substratum, then drifted apart. That traces of glacial cycles belonging to earlier geological periods can be distinguished in the Southern regions of Africa, South America and Australia suggested by Wegener that these regions were grouped around the South Pole. It was the similarity not only between the two opposite coasts of America and Africa which can be fitted together, but also affinities of a paleo-ecological nature particularly during the Mesozoic that initiated the theory, which South African geologist Du Toit further attempted to sustain by identical geological structures of the Atlantic coast of these two continents. Dr. malaise does not deny the similarities in the fossil assemblages but subscribes to the hypothesis that the two continents namely South America and Africa, were joined to form with the Afriasian platform and parts of India and Australia, a large continent called in geological parlance Gondwanaland. This land area divided in the north by a deep geosyncline known as Tethys was in its Atlantic region also split transversely under the precesses demanded by the Odher constriction hypothesis, during a prevailing warm climatic phase. A syncline was initiated which quickly flooded, most probably in the first instance as Dr. Malaise states by a chain of lakes as in the African Rift Valley and from depths after the remainder of the region faulted and was covered by the sea that became the Atlantic, emerged in the ensuing Miocene, a great mountain chain which stretched in a ‘S’ form from Iceland in the North, to Antarctica in the South. This Mountain-chain now again submerged by many fathoms of water, Dr. Malaise alludes was first made known by expeditions of the 19th Century, the Challenger voyage under the direction of Sir Wyville Thomas being one, has been the subject of much debate ad controversy. The se-floor spreading exponents and some other geologists regard this enormous Rise which as mentioned, follows the contour of the continents as a residual ridge though its morphological structure as far as it is present known is entirely against this premise. Dr. Malaise devotes a considerable amount of space to this Mid-Atlantic Ridge which as he indicates and this is substantiated by the large number of soundings that have been taken within the area widens extensively in the latitude of the Azores. He also draws attention to the differences in sedimentation on either side of the ridge as shown by the cores obtained from the sea bottom by one of the expeditions equipped for this purpose. To the West of the ridge the sediments were composed of dead shells (Forminfera) now living in the Gulf Stream: on the East side the sediments consisted mainly of coarse sand and mud identical with glacial moraine deposits. This indicates that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge must have separated a cold surface stream carrying icebergs from the warm Gulf Stream whose origin is still obscure. These conditions could have only been accomplished if the Ridge had reached above water. In the earlier stages of the Glacial period this cold current appears to have been prevented from reaching the south by an ancillary ridge that connected the Azores plateau with the African mainland. This it is contended affected the temperature of the Mediterranean, a remnant of Tethys, which again changed when the barrier was removed. The climatic and the transgressional fluctuations are reflected in the interglacial shorelines called the Sicilian, Milazzian, Tyrrhenian, Monasterian and Flandian. It is questionable that the Straits of Gibraltar were opened during the whole of the Glacial period and there are circumstances which suggest that the rupture was fairly recent. Dr. Malaise considers that not only was the Mid-Atlantic Ridge above sea-level during most if not all throughout the Pleistocene period reckoned in length as 500,000 years though American Oceanographers on the basis of coring evidence on different parts of the Atlantic have extended this period to thrice times this amount, but also it endured at least the part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the region of the Azores until early historic times. The foregoing without reservation is associated with Atlantis, which considered to have slowly sunk rather than in an abrupt flood as asserted by the Greek Philosopher Plato. The interest that Dr. Malaise envinces in Atlantis is shown by the circumstances that he reviews all the current theories on the subject. The whole work is extremely well written and the scientific sections which includes allusions to he Pacific area as well as the Atlantic are extremely well described and evaluated. L. M. Young 1970 ends

Dr. N. Th Zhirov dies in December of 1970

"His painstaking work and objective scientific approach, set a standard for Russian Atlantology which the rest of the world will find it hard to attain."

1971 Begins

The Crystal Skull, By E. Sykes or L. Young

In the Sept/October number this object was briefly alluded to have been discovered in a cave. Our information however appears to have been at fault for Mss Anne Mitchell Hedges now domiciled in Ontario, Canada writes that it was in fact discovered by her father in a Maya temple in Lubaantun, British Honduras. The skull which is apparently cut from a block of rock crystal, is life size and has a movable jaw. Though recently in the possession to a group for parapsychology experimentation it has been now restored to Miss Mitchell Hedges and it is understood the skull is destined for the Heye Museum of the American Indian, New York.

Factoids from the Webmaster-

The pebbles of the Azillians were found at Mas Azil, and Azillian Lunar markers were found at a rock walls of Canchel de Mahoma, and Abri de las Vinas which some of the markings recall the pebbles and seem to indicate lunar significance. There region was from Northern Spain and along Coasts to Northern France.

The reasons Russians believe that an Asteroid hit 10,000 years ago is that the Mammoths on both the North American and Siberian sides were wiped out instantly around this time by some unknown flood of a size that Tsunami was ruled out as earthquake made or caused only.

Did you know that Serpent Mound, Ohio is on top of an asteroid, and that there are other locations outside of this in the Gulf Stream and Caribbean region. One is bordered by the Lesser Antilles and joining up with the Bermuda Islands. It is described as centered on the Bermudas and encompassing the chain of Islands from Florida to Haiti as its wall. One is on the Yucatan and Gulf of Campeche while the last and smallest is in the Mosquito Bay. The by-product of the strike where all the debris rose to the surface and formed a relatively coherent mass encircled by the Gulf Stream. In the April/July edition it was dedicated in 1971 to Meteor strikes and the list of them and the Hoerbiger theories.

Prehistoric Astronomers, By Leslie Young 1971 cont.



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