1956 cont.

The Date of the Submersion of Poseidonia, By Prof. M. Kamionski Prof. Of Astronomy, U. of Krakow

It is very interesting the book by Bellamy called 'The Atlantis Myth' about his collected data of how Atlantis catastrophe occurred. Other data does not differ much from Bellamy's by other authors, and Psychics. It is to Bellamy's benefit with the Computation by natural or mathematical environment of study without the result of revalations found in Akashasic Chronicles with the exception of the year given of 9,564 B.C. likened to Cayce's account. The present article of the author contains Bellamy's table, based on recent information in science it conforms to some of Bellamy's notions. Moreover, several of his data is better than that of Plato's account.

The table however does not directly contain the date of the loss of Poseidenia. It gives homwever the date of the terrible geological catastrophe, which happened about 9,500 B.C.. It is great interest, that several of Bellamy's methods, i.e. application of the radio activity of carbon c14 for the dating of organic remnants, was discussed in detail by Dr. F. Ashton in his interesting article on Atlantis, 'Dating of Ancient Timbers and Bones by Radio-Active Carbon', Atlantis Vol.2, No. 5, pg.70 sq.. Only a part of this research will be reviewed as it pertains to material from dates more than 11,500 years ago. The research shows that in the period between 11,000 B.C. and 15,000 B.C. there took place on our globe, at least on its northern hemishpere a sudden change in conditions of life. There was a variation of climate, the changes of the configuration of land areas and sea basins. Some of the land areas were submerged, others however arose up. It was e.g. stated that the bottom of Lake Michigan in U.S.A. contains a layer of peat fromed by remnants of fir, pine, oak. This peat was analyzied in the Laboratory with the result that it was found to have been formed by trees, which grew 11,200 years ago. On the spot of the present lake there grew of yore a large forest. At this time the Baltic Sea was an Islolated lake, with no connection with the North Sea. The age of a certain wood destroyed by the wave of glaciers was estimated on 11,400 years. On the other part, Penck and Bruckner, classics of Alpine Glaciology, fixed the Achen oscillation of climate at about 9,600 B.C. The first most important attainment of the geochronometric carbonic c14 method in its application to paleogeophysic was dating of the Allerod warm climate oscillation at about 9,050 B.C.. The mean of the five determinations of the Allerod's age-i.e. leeses of Two Creeks in U.S.A.-gave 9450 B.C. plus or minus 350, for Ireland however-9,360 B.C. plus or minus 720. The dating of the death of the mammoths in NE Siberia was fixed however by plaeolozoologists with lesser exactitude. This catastrophe was probably connected with the above-mentioned geological shock; it took place about 11,050 B.C. The mammoth found by the scientific expedition inTaymir perished about 10,050 B.C., as was fixed by c14 method. Lately, the Soviet expedtion on ice-breaker "Sadko", using disintegration of ionium, found that waters of the Gulf stream penetrated to the Artic Ocean about 10000-12000 years ago, consequently about 9,000 B.C. This relation was given by Prof. E. F. Hagemeister from Tallin (Estonia) in his article "Ice Age And Atlantis". He was of the opinion, that just the submersion of Atlantis about 9,000 B.C. provoked the change of direction of the Gulf Stream to the shores of Europe, which was followed by the warming of our climate. The author is considering several hypotheses on the submersion of Poseidonia, made his mind up on a strange relation which exists between Halley's comet and the two streams of shooting stars, Aquarides I and Orionides. They meet the Earth every year, moving along the orbit of Halley's Comet. At present its orbit, in its descending node is situated very close to the orbit of the Earth. Every year, in the Middle of May, the Earth takes the position C on its orbit. But in the distant past this distance could be much smaller. The nucleus of this Comet is a conglomerate of loose stone masses with a diameter of about 30-40 km weighing in at 30,000,000,000,000 tons. Consequently it is not a question, that of yore, when approaching to the Earth with mutual velocity of 72 kn/sec, a part of this nucleus, as a bulk of approximately 1km diameter, might fall on the Atlantic possibly there, where is palced a giant submarine crater, near the coasts of Mexico. This terrible shock could have provoked the submersion of Poseidonia.

Now, the 135 approach of this Comet to the Sun and to the Earth recording backwards from 837 A.D., took place in 9546 B.C. according to the authors researches. This date is amazing close to that given by Plato. But long and painful computations during some years should be preformed in order to find mutual exact positions of and earth and of the comet for that year. And one of the curious arguments in favour of the Author's view mentioned above is a chronlogical note quoted at Lubieniecki's-'Historia Cometarum a diluvio usque ad praesentem annum vulgaris epochae, a Christo nato 1655 decurrentem'-Amsterdam, 1669 pg.9 and by Pingre's, 'Cometographie ou Traite Historique et Theories des Cometes. T. I. Paris 1933, pg.255-256.

Both refer to the appearance of Halley's Comet at 466 B.C. and that a piece of the comet had fell to earth at that time. Prof. Boneff pointed out the possible destruction of Atlantis from comet debris but did not state what comet it could have been, and that it came very close to earth and made a tidal wave pass in influence.

The Table:

1. End of Poseidonia according to Plato 9570 B.C.

2. The oscillation of the climate of Achen 9,500 B.C.

3. The warm climate oscillation Allerod in Islands 9,360 B.C.

4. The great slaughter of Mammoths in N. Siberia 11,050 B.C.

5. The change of the direction of Gulf Stream 9,050 B.C.

(disintegration of od ionium)

6. Peat on the bottom of Lake Michigan 9,650 B.C.

7. The age of the forests annihilated by the Baltic glaciers (C14) 9,450 B.C.

8. End of Poseidonia according to Theosophists

9. The approach of Halley's Comet to Earth (M. Kamienski) 9,546 B.C.

One can see that the agreement of the above data is very good.

Morley on Eclipses and Floods, contributed by Paul Hoffman (based on Destruction of world by water, pg.74, Codex Dresdensis of Ancient Maya.), and a follow up on the Captain Robson reported find on same page.

The Island of Captain Robson, by L.D. Hills



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