Welcome to Blake's Poetry Corner

These are all original works of which i am author(unless noted). If you would like a poem of yours put here...email me!Click on the title of each to read. Have fun! After you get done...Check out My Poetry Links Page And My Viewers Survey!

Look For Frequent Updates!!

A Poem About Drunk Driving

Bed Of Roses

The dream that came true

The stars are hers

Missing You

The cold september sky


A Beautiful Flower

Your Beauty on Paper

True feelings

Rememberances of You

What You Left Behind

A Few Select Christian Poems

Visitor's Poetry

Here is your chance to shine! Selected poetry will be put here with name of it and authors name mentioned.Please read and feel free to critique and interact!

Poems of the Day

This is a NEW section for any of you frequent's here.I will be adding poems everyday possible to this page.(they'll be black on white....no fancy schmancy like the other ones) The Computer Lab here at Arkansas State is only open so long (especialy during Holidays) so I'll have to do what I can (but sometimes there may be multiple poems during a set day...depends). My goal is to give the world more pleasureable reading without taking away from the spirit, meaning, or feeling put into my poetry. Therefore, you may not get one everyday (if i dont feel the words that day)...Because I just dont sit down and write 'em. They come from the heart. They are about me, my life, love and love lost. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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Like This Site? Wanna Submit Your OWN Poem? Tell Your Thoughts or Submit A Poem HERE!

(If Chosen, your poem will be put Online! Please include a little about yourself at the beginning for our viewers!)

More always coming...que's and comments welcome. If you have one, Email me At:gumby72432@hotmail.com This page was last changed 1/6/98. All work is of Copyrighted and Personal Property of me. It is for your entertainment only. Have a nice day and God Bless!!!!

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