OBD: The Draconian Sins
Order of The Black Dragon

Hail Satan!DracometHail Satan!





o not take parables or mythologies immediately literal. There are many meanings behind the meanings, much to be studied, much to be contemplated. Too many wannabe religionists take mythical stories at face value, thus handicapping the true intended morales to be learned. The fruits of this sin have cultivated nothing but foolosophical & Magical limitations.

Hypochrists, those twisted who selfishly seek to dominate their congregations from whatever religious denomination, would love to have you believe in the threats of damnation, only avoidable if you follow their particular rules. And of course, they always "teach" {brainwash} about how every other faith is wrong. And as we see in many countries, they violently lash out at others who do not share their idiotologies.

Destructive Literalism encases profound illuminations in mental simplicity, & definitely disrupts the balance of the Infernal Alignment {to be expounded upon in Dracomeroth}.



s it has been explained elsewhere, never set yourself up to be subject to ridiculous, self-destructive rituals of Parasitic Forces. Break all those ludicrous little habits that only serve to constrain & imprison the almighty mind.



o close one's mind off to strictly one belief-system, or chosen mythology is extremely limiting. To walk through life with blinders on is a terrible waste of a potentially eclectic mind. If only one probes long enough, one will find that other cultures contain wonderful histories that may suppliment those of your own. How fantastic it is to discover a whole new world of perspectives that enlighten, fulfill, & entertain unto no end. This sharing of different perceptions will undoubtably multiply one's being, manifold. Sort of an advanced version of "show & tell." The Satanist will much the better for it. Unlike the blindlighter, who will remain in ignorance, thinking that they, & their particular "bible", have all the answers.

Expanding one's conciousness is what knowledge is all about! After evaluating other pagan cultures' magical practices & beliefs, one's visions will expand, & much wisdom is attained. Therefore, having a leg-up on the blindlighters at all times.

Shun stubborn narrow-minded people at all costs, for they are instruments of The Parasitic Forces of the blindlight, & will sap your mind dry with their limitations. Remember, you can't soar with the birds of prey if you're milling around with a flock of sheep!



mistake that is committed way too often. Never give out more information that is needed for your own purposes. Never "give yourself away". Many easily intimidated people babble their lives away because they happen to be talking to an attractive individual, or an intimidating one, just upon request. Whatever you do, make them give you all the information you need, & more, if you so desire. You will encounter those who will give you a useful earful about their lives, when you begin to employ the techniques of Occult Science {will also be available in Dracomeroth}.

But also, whatever you do, never spill your guts to anyone to whom it is not concerned. Always remember to keep yourself shrouded in mystery.

Authorities sometimes use such techniques of semi-threats, & aptly named "white-lies", to those ignorant of the judicial & arresting procedures, so they may extract any additional information they may desire, for arrest or prosecution, making the subject look like a real fool.



hose who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it." A valuable gem to consider. How many mighty have fallen because they thought they could just stomp all over someone else's environment. Never be so arrogant or presumptuous to think that someone else is completely harmless. There have been several more mentionable occurances throughout history when the underdog surprised the stasis-quo, the prevailing influence into submission. One must be meticulous & intricate in order to abtain guarenteed victory. Always keep a wary eye peeled, for remember, a thorne can quickly become a stake!


ever obsess over the competitionto the point where one is rendered paranoid, & when monitoring them can become a fault. Keep a balanced surveyal, & do not lose any sleep over something you know not much about. Over-Estimating something of someone only brings you fear, making accomplishments unlikely. Over-Estimation is the coward's & loser's sin. Familiarize yourself with a goal, a person, an object, so that you may preserve reality in tact. Then take practical, logical steps to control it, so that it may be contained, &/or come to you in due time.



f you make a promise, keep it. When employing The Art of Deception, remember it for future reference, & back it up. Don't be an inferior representative of your religion! Always keep face. To be dihonourable is to be disrespected. Without honour, there is little left, but just merely existing.



lways be the optimist, without being annoying. It IS possible to be overtly "sunshiney". Then you will only inspire pessimism. The optimist is a dynamically-charged individualist who attracts positive circumstances to him/her, by activating the psychic atmosphere with limitless possibilities. Pessimism engenders self-destructive negetive energy by self-doubt, & uncalled-for depression. It usually brings everyone else down too.

There is such a thing as doubting TOO much. One can never hope to become godflesh if one's attitude denotes failure & excessive disbelief. Pessimism is the chief medium of the Parasitic Forces. Pessimists criticize everything. It seems that they live for nothing more than to see how many draining messages they can pump into the air. They are pathetic souls, subhuman blackholes. Drawing in your vitality when anyone begins to agree with their over-consuming "doom & gloom" outlook on life. These too must be avoided at all costs.



irtually any subject brought up in a conversation can be specifically qualified, as having more complexities than are readily apparent.

Next time someone who is different from you in either appearance, preference, religion, race, or culture does something that you disagree with, act justifiably, according to their own personal, individual deed, but do not generalize the whole group.

The only exception is in the case of the blindlight foolosophies, whose influence has brought devistation & corruption to wheresoever they have touched. xianity, & all the rest of it, is INHERANTLY unnatural & self-destructive. Just like poison.



ehind the shadows ebbs the pulsating lumanescence of Lucifer. The light of Truth & Undefiled Wisdom. The inept masses are blinded by their own stupidities, by their created delusions. To glimpse the INFERNAL Light would surely drive them insane. Hence, they would be rendered useless to Us. For they attempt to assimilate, in the case of blacksheep, &/or curl up & die. Such already been ocurring with only a crack letting forth minute beams of True Enlightenment, how much MORE, were they exposed to the FULL flames of Hell!

Demystification is closely connected to Solipsism. To attempt to demystify Satanism would be a Cardinal Sin. Keep what is meant to be UNSEEN in The Darkness. To let it forth would only cause chaos, as evidenced in much of the world today. We are the Guardians of the Dark Gates. The Keepers of Secrets & Abominations. These are nourishing, empowering. But only because the Daemons lurk in the darkest shadows of the Mind. It must, for all time, remain as such.

In Satan's Name,
Draconis Blackthorne
XXXII Anno Satanas

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXII Anno Satanas / 1997 {c.e.} All Rights Reserved.

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