Welcome to the Karmen Ghia Guestbook.

scarlet - 09/09/99 07:22:03
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Gallery/3114
My Email:scarlet@mbox301.swipnet.se
Karmen, you know it already, but I have to shout it out from the rooftops: I love your stories. I love your directness and the hard-boiled quality of your language. You are the Raymond Chandler of Treksmut, the Dashiell Hammett of slash. And "After The Rescue" beats several SF novels I've read in paperback. I can't wait for the movie, the action figures (especially Maja) and the breakfast cereal!

Judith Gran - 08/15/99 16:56:01
My Email:Judygran@aol.com
Neat page! I'm glad you posted that 73-part story here, since it's going to be hard to keep up with the segments posted on the listserv.

Qriley - 08/08/99 17:28:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Stargate/7952
My Email:miriley@starfleetsupply.com
hi, your web site is really cool..you have done a super job here...keep up the great job your doing.. when you get some free time, come by and check out my site..see ya--mike

raku - 08/08/99 00:32:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/raku2u
Coco_Channel! I love it! Must go check out the stories.

raku - 06/12/99 02:36:01
My Email:raku2u@aol.com
Howdy, Karmen; I'm here to check out the URL you sent but I"m getting a 404 Not Found. Mebbe you changed something after sending me the URL? Looking forward to reading it. regards, raku PS nice decorative margin on the main page. Mmmmmm.

P.B.Wrapper - 03/05/99 22:28:46
My Email:c/o skazki@globalnet.co.uk
Karmen, as one trudges through the endlessly barren deserts of Trek on the net, a new page with a little Chekov fiction is a verdant oasis. And this one is blessed with particularly rewarding springs for the parched and bedraggled reader my gratitude P.B. (that is a 'B', btw.)

Skazitelnitsky - 02/27/99 23:19:37
Hey! The website is looking good!

Glenice Dewar - 02/20/99 03:25:34
My Email:leoprdlver@aol.com
Loved it loved it! keep it coming. I loved the story with Chekov and Scotty. Although I find the ensign adorable I find stories of him with the other officers of the Enterprise very exciting:-)Who could resist those eyes:-)

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