
Eligibility: Full Member-To have served in United States Submarines or Relief Crews betweem December 7, 1941 and December 31, 1946.

Associate Member-Anyone interested in United States Submarine Veterans of World War II who does not meet the full membership requirement stated above. Associate members may hold local office but do not have voting priviliges. All other priviliges are the same as full members.
Purpose: To Perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in submarine warfare; to further promote and keep alive the spirit and unity that existed among submarine crews during World War II; to promote sociability; general welfare and good fellowship among it's members, and pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government.
National Project: Establishment of college scholarships for the children of World War II United States submariners.
Meetings: Once a month, usually on Saturday, depending on the state.
Dues: $5.00 National - plus Chapter (includes Polaris).

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