Dog Words in the Dictionary

1dog \'dog, 'däg\n,often attrib
a : CANID; esp : a highly variable domestic mammal (Canis familiaris) closely related to the common wolf (Canis lupus) b : a male dog; also : a male usu. carnivorous mammal
a : a worthless person b : FELLOW, CHAP
a : any of various usu. simple mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or fastening that consist of a spike, bar, or hook b : ANDIRON
4 : uncharacteristic or affected stylishness or dignity
5 cap : either of the constellations Canis Major or Canis Minor
6 pl : FEET
7 pl : RUIN
8 : one inferior of its kind: as a : an investment not worth its price b : an undesirable piece of merchandise
9 : an unattractive person and esp. a girl or woman
10 : HOT DOG 1 _ dog·like \'dog-,lik\ adj
2dog adj(14c)
2 : SPURIOUS; esp : unlike that used by native speakers or writers<~ Latin> <~ French>
3dog vt dogged\'dogd, 'dägd\ dog·ging
1 a : to hunt or track like a hound b : to worry as if by pursuit with dogs : PLAGUE
2 : to fasten with a dog _ dog it : to fail to do one's best : GOLDBRICK

dog and pony shown : an often elaborate public relations or sales presentation

dog biscuit n : a hard dry cracker for dogs

dog collar n
1 : a collar for a dog
3 : a wide flexible snug-fitting necklace

dog days n pl [fr. their being reckoned from the heliacal rising of the Dog Star (Sirius)]
1 : the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usu. occurs in the northern hemisphere
2 : a period of stagnation or inactivity

dog fennel n : a strong-scented chamomile (Anthemis cotula) of Europe and Asia naturalized along roadsides in the U.S.

dog in the manger [fr. the fable of the dog who prevented an ox from eating hay which he did not want himself] : a person who selfishly withholds from others something useless to himself.

dog paddle n : an elementary swimming stroke in which the arms paddle in the water and the legs maintain a kicking motion _ dog-pad·dle vi

dog rose n : a common European wild rose (Rosa canina)

DOG STAR. Ca·nis Ma·jor\,ka-nes-'ma-jer, ,ka-\ n [L (gen. Canis Majoris), lit., greater dog] : a constellation to the southeast of Orion containing Sirius
Canis Mi·nor\-'mi-ner\ n [L (gen. Canis Minoris), lit., lesser dog] : a constellation to the east of Orion containing Procyon

dog tag n : an identification tag (as for military personnel or pets)

dog tick n : AMERICAN DOG TICK

dog's chance n : a bare chance in one's favor

dog-ear \'do-,gir\ n : the turned-down corner of a page esp. of a book _ dog-ear vt

dog-eared \'do-,gird\ adj
1 : having dog-ears

<~ myths>

dog-eat-dog \,do-,get-'dog\ adj : marked by ruthless self-interest<~ competition>

dog·bane \'dog-,ban \n : any of a genus (Apocynum of the family Apocynaceae, the dogbane family) comprising chiefly tropical and often poisonous plants with milky juice and usu. showy flowers

dog·cart \'dog-,kärt\ n
1 : a cart drawn by a dog
2 : a light two-wheeled carriage with two transverse seats set back to back

dog·catch·er \-,ka-cher, -,ke-\ n : a community official assigned to catch and dispose of stray dogs

dog·dom \'dog-dem\ n : the world of dogs or of dog fanciers

dog·face \'dog-,fas \n : SOLDIER; esp : INFANTRYMAN

dog·fight \'dog-,fit\ n
1 : a fight between dogs; broadly : a fiercely disputed contest
2 : a fight between two or more fighter planes usu. at close quarters _ dogfight vi

dog·fish \-,fish\ n : any of various usu. small bottom-dwelling sharks (as of the families Squalidae, Carcharhinidae, and Scyliorhinidae) that often appear in schools near shore, prey chiefly on fish and invertebrates, and are a valuable food source

dog·ged \'do-ged\ adj : marked by stubborn determination syn see OBSTINATE _ dog·ged·ly adv _ dog·ged·ness n

Dog·ger Bank \'do-ger, 'dä-\ submerged sandbank ab 150 mi (241 km) long in North Sea E of N England

1dog·ger·el \'do-g(e-)rel, 'dä-\ adj [ME dogerel, prob. dim. of dogge dog] : loosely styled and irregular in measure esp. for burlesque or comic effect; also : marked by triviality or inferiority
2doggerel n : doggerel verse

dog·gery \'do-ge-re\ n, pl-ger·ies: a cheap saloon : DIVE

dog·gie bag or doggy bag \'do-ge-\ n [1doggy; fr. the presumption that such leftovers are intended for a pet dog] : a container for carrying home leftover food and esp. meat from a restaurant meal

dog·gish \'do-gish\ adj
2 : stylish in a showy way _ dog·gish·ly adv _ dog·gish·ness n

dog·go \'do-(,)go\ adv [prob. fr. 1dog] : in hiding _ used chiefly in the phrase to lie doggo

dog·house \'dog-,haus\ n : a shelter for a dog _ in the doghouse : in a state of disfavor

do·gie \'do-ge\ n [origin unknown] chiefly West : a motherless calf in a range herd

1dog·leg \'dog-,leg, -,lag\ adj : crooked or bent like a dog's hind leg2doglegn(ca. 1909)
1 a : something having an abrupt angle b : a sharp bend (as in a road)
2 : a golf hole having an angled fairway3doglegvi(1947) : to proceed along a dogleg course

dog·ma \'dog-me, 'däg-\ n, pldogmasalsodog·ma·ta\-me-te\[L dogmat-, dogma, fr. Gk, fr. dokein to seem _ more at DECENT]
1 a : something held as an established opinion; esp : a definite authoritative tenet b : a code of such tenets c : a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds
2 : a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church

dog·nap \'dog-,nap\ vt-nappe dor-naped [1dog + -nap (as in kidnap)] : to steal (a dog) esp. to obtain a reward for its return or to sell to a scientific laboratory _ dog·nap·per or dog·nap·er n

dogs·body \'dogz-,bä-de\ n [Brit naval slang dogsbody pudding made of peas, junior officer] chiefly Brit : DRUDGE

dog·sled \'dog-,sled\ n : a sled drawn by dogs _ dogsled vi _ dog·sled·der \-,sle-der\ n

dog·tooth \'dog-,tüth\ n
2 : an architectural ornament common in early English Gothic consisting usu. of four leaves radiating from a raised point at the center
3 chiefly Brit : HOUNDSTOOTH CHECK

dogtooth violet n: any of a genus (Erythronium) of small spring-flowering bulbous herbs of the lily family

1dog·trot \'dog-,trät\ n
1 : a quick easy gait suggesting that of a dog
2 chiefly Southern & Midland : a roofed passage similar to a breezeway; esp : one connecting two parts of a cabin
2dogtrot vi : to move or progress at a dogtrot

dog·watch \'dog-,wäch \n
1 : either of two watches of two hours on shipboard that extend from 4 to 6 and 6 to 8 p.m.
2 : any of various night shifts; esp : the last shift

dog·wood \'dog-,wud\ n : any of various trees and shrubs (genus Cornus of the family Cornaceae, the dogwood family) with clusters of small flowers and often large white, pink, or red involucral bracts

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