Halloween Safety For Your Pet

Witch's Hat                                                  Witch's Hat

Halloween can be a frightening experience for your pets. Be aware that black cats and kittens are at serious risk in the last half of October. Keep them inside. Most shelters will not allow black cats to be adopted during this time.

Keep your pets away from the door and out of hearing of the doorbell during the high traffic of Halloween night. Don't make it easy for your pet to slip out and become disoriented with those unfamiliar creatures in the neighborhood. Your normally placid pet may be frightened enough to bite an unsuspecting ghost or goblin who is trying to be friendly.

If you plan to enjoy trick-or-treating fun while the dog stays in the car, plan again. Imagine sitting in a dark car with witches, goblins and the like passing you by -- and you have no idea what is Halloween. Don't take the dog out to trick-or-treat with your children.

Even if you know your pet will be confined, his or her tags or other identification are essential Halloween wear.

Lock your gates if your dog must stay outside. Dogs left outside can become prey for pranksters who have teased, injured and even stolen pets.

And don't leave the dog chained outside your home on Halloween night (or any night). A frightened dog can quickly become entangled in a chain -- and if your gone or don't notice quickly enough, your dog could choke or the dog could break the chain and flee.

Candy is not healthy for pets. Keep all sweets out of your pet's way. Chocolate can be fatal to your dog so, if your pet does eat chocolate, watch for vomiting or restlessness, and call your veterinarian for advice.

A wrapper around the candy won't deter your pet, and might get stuck ing the animal's throat, or cause stomach upset.

Sticks on candy apples or lollipops may be swallowed and cause an obstruction or perforation of your pet's stomach or bowels.

If you dispose of left-over candy, make sure it is pet proof.

If your dog wears a costume, be sure it does not constrict movement, hearing or the ability to breathe, bark or see.

Be aware of the elements. If it is hot, dress your dog in a lightweight costume, if it is cold dress your dog occordingly and maybe think of some little boots for it's paws if there is snow or ice on the ground.

Dress your dog up a few times before Halloween to get it used to the costume.

Don't force your dog to wear a costume, it will only cause unnecessary stress.

Keep your dog away from lighted pumpkins, which may cause a fire if tripped over.

Let's make sure EVERYBODY has a safe Halloween!

Other Links Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs
Surviving Halloween
Halloween Paper Dolls - Schlomo the Dog!

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