Let Him Die

On Feb.27,1998, my daughter and I were traveling on the highway, when a large dog darted out from 3 lanes away from us and slammed into the side of my car.

I know what you're thinking, "no way".

It's true.

We were in the far right lane and this large brown dog on the far left side of the road looked as if it had been shot out of a cannon.

He shot across the highway like I have never seen.

I slammed on my brakes thinking I was going to run over him. I have never run over a dog or even been in the car that had run over a dog.

I was terrified.

This dog slammed head first into the back side of my car.

As we passed the dog I saw him on the far right side of the road thrashing around. As soon as he was down he was up again and running off.

I turned the car around (after ages it seemed) and went back to the house I thought the dog had run to.

A nice woman came out and said the dog wasn't hers.

She said she heard the loud bang (it sounded like a sonic boom to me and Bran)of the dog colliding with my car.

She also said she heard the dog run off screaming in pain.

I got her permission to search behind her house and when that didn't locate the poor thing, I went to the next house.

There were two ladies in this house.

They came out on the porch and said they knew the dog and that it's owner lived down the dirt road across the street.

They said they didn't know why I cared.

They said the dog crossed there all the time and they were sick of it.

They said "LET IT DIE, WE DON'T CARE".

I was too worried about this dog to argue and I needed their permission to search behind their house, which they politely granted.

I searched behind their house and in a nearby field.

No Dog!

So, I got back in my car and I drove down that little dirt road across the street.

The people weren't home.

I stared at another of their dogs as I wrote them a letter.

I explained to them that their dog may be dying somewhere.

I begged them to please love their dogs more and take better care of them.

I told them their dogs depend on them for their safety and well being and that they had failed them.

I signed my name and put my phone number.

They didn't call.

I've been back by this location and I noticed a black dog had been run over and was dead to the side of one the ladies's driveways.

This dog lay dead in that spot for 3 weeks.

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