Mutt Named as Millennium Dog


Dixie Wins Santana's Millennium Dog 2000
January 1-Dixie has been named as
Santana's Millennium Dog 2000

Dixie is Santana's Millennium Dog 2000
(c) Dog-gone Graphics

A Gift For Dixie's Supporters

There are so many people to thank for voting Dixie as Santana's Millennium Dog 2000. I have thanked each of you personally and I would like to add mention to my wonderful family, friends, the Petangels list, my sisters at Ladies of the Heart, Chow Chow lists, Jack Russell Terrier List, Companion Dog List, the wonderful people that have dogs displayed on Rufruf.com, the site fights, cryptwars, fantasy fights, webcompetition and webbrawls. I would also like to thank those that received awards from me or signed my guestbook and those of you I know through my graphics webpages. You all pulled together and helped to make Dixie.....Santana's Millennium Dog 2000 and I thank you.


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