Mange and Motor Oil

If you ever wondered if covering your dog with motor oil to treat mange is effective, here is the answer.

This sort of treatment is not only ineffective, but is cruel and dangerous. Even if the oil drowned some skin mites, it won't cure any skin disease, and it will simply result in a dog being sick and covered with oil. Because of skin damage, the oil can be absorbed and prove fatal in some instances. Also, the pet may ingest a fatal dose trying to like the stuff off. I suppose pople who recommend this treatment have used it on a dog before who did not die and maybe got better. I guarantee the dog was getting better on it's own and recovered despite having motor oil dumped all over it, not because of it. There are two common types of mange in dogs, both caused by skin mites. Sarcoptic mange can be transmitted to people and other pets but is fairly easy to control with proper medications. Demodectic mange is not contagious but can be difficult to treat. However, there are many other causes of hair loss besides mange, including allergies, fleas, hormone imbalances, and skin infections. Your veterinarian should check out any hair loss so that the correct treatment can be given.

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