Your Children

Warm weather means kids on the move. Children on bicycles, skates and
skateboards explore new places and come into contact with different
sights, sounds, people and yes, animals...

To prevent upsetting or even tragic situations resulting from active
children encountering stange dogs, teach your children these rules about
how to behave around dogs.

Dogs do not like to be teased. Stay away from dogs that are chained or in
fenced yards. Do not shout, run around, or stick hands at dogs through
fences or open car windows. Never approach a strange dog.

Dogs are possessive about certain things. Do not grab things such as bones, balls, or other pet toys from a dog.

Never stick your hand into a dog fight. Find an adult to help.

Know what an angry dog looks like. Barking, growling, snarling with teeth
showing, ears laid flat, legs stiff, tail up and hair standing up on dog's
back are warning signs. If a dog looks this way, slowly walk away sideways.

Shout "No!" at the dog and act like the boss. Never stare a dog in the eyes, or turn around and run away. Curl up in a ball on the ground and protect your face if a dog attacks.

If bitten, tell an adult right away. Remember what the dog looked like, if it
had a collar and in what direction it went. Wash the wound with soap and water.

See a doctor, and report the bite to the local health department.

The rewards of teaching consideration and respect for animals are children who are both humane and safe.

When you teach your children how to be considerate and respectful towards animals you not only protect your children, but also the animals.

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